Corinne Conley
출생 : 1929-05-23, Le Roy, New York, USA
멋진 커리어우먼, 매력적인 아내, 아름다운 엄마… 모든 걸 다 갖춘 완벽한 여자 에밀리가 사라졌다. 그리고 발견된 시체… 모든 것이 내 것이 됐다고 생각한 순간. 에밀리가 돌아왔다!
Aunt Edda
크리스마스를 배경으로 전개되는 옴니버스 호러물입니다!! '테일즈 오브 할로윈'처럼 라디오 DJ가 이야기를 들려주는 방식으로 각각의 에피소드가 소개되는 데요. 크리스마스 트리를 만들기 위해 숲에서 벌목해 온 나무에 저주가 붙는다든가.. 산타클로스와 악마와의 대결을 다룬 에피소드 등이 있습니다.
Mayor Bradley
전직 경찰이었던 아버지가 의문의 사고로 죽은 후, 아버지와 같은 경찰 이 된 루. 하지만 경찰이라고 믿겨 지지 않을 정도로 음주가무와 폐인생활을 하며 살아간다. 어느 날 오컬트 의식 이 일어나고 있다는 신고를 받은 루는 출동을 하게 된다.하지만 악당들에게 기습을 당한 후 가슴에 별 모양의 흉터가 생긴다. 그 이후 보름달이 뜰 때마다 사람의 허물을 벗어버리고 늑대인간으로 변신을 하게 된다. 자신의 변화된 모습에 루는 오컬트 의식에 대한 비밀을 풀기 위해 사건을 파헤치고 그 사건에 자신의 아버지 사고가 연관 되어있다는 걸 알게 된다. 늑대인간으로 변신한 경찰관 루는 아버지 복수를 하고 예전의 사람으로 돌아 올수 있을까?
A dying Doctor, who plans to check out on his own terms, takes a reluctant detour when he inadvertently winds up on the lam with an 'anything-but-normal' 22-year-old girl.
After two years hiding out in his Grandfather's retirement residence, Stock Burton is forced back into his small town where he must come to terms with the troubled past that led to his early retirement.
Nona Allanson
Based on the Ann Rule novel, about a woman who for decades killed family members who dared to cross her.
The furry clan returns with jack-o'-lantern adventures that will make your bones tingle with fright and delight! The bear cubs are called upon to use their best scouting skills to solve the great pumpkin disappearance, brave a spooky old mansion, ward off ghosts and save their much-loved Bat Cave. In the end, the cubs learn that spooky things always come with a simple explanation and that's a Halloween treat for them!
Mimi Wickersham
A police detective catches wind of a brutal serial killer - the same serial killer who is responsible for the deaths of her parents, 30 years earlier.
Grandma Wilton
After learning that their young daughter, Emily, is suffering from leukemia, Cheryl and Greg have no choice but to seek out Cheryl's violent ex-husband, Kurt, to have him tested as a possible bone marrow donor. Cheryl is particularly disturbed about seeing Kurt again, since her testimony sent him to prison ten years earlier.
Grandma Betty
When Kelly and Michael decide to get married, they want to have an off-beat wedding without all the traditional glitz. But when their friends and Kelly's mother introduce them to the rules of engagement, a simple, intimate wedding becomes a huge production.
Mrs. Thornton
뉴욕 플라자 호텔, 맨 위층의 스위트룸에 사는 엘로이즈는 금발의 여섯 살짜리 장난꾸러기다. 엘로이즈는 보모 내니의 따뜻한 보살핌을 받으며 호텔 안을 놀이터처럼 휘젓고 다니면서 말썽을 피우지만, 호텔 사람들은 성가셔하면서도 모두 이 꼬마를 사랑하고 아낀다. 특히 웨이터인 빌은 엘로이즈의 제일 친한 친구다. 배우지망생인 빌은 바쁜 와중에도 시간이 날 때마다 피아노를 치며 노래도 불러주고 함께 놀아준다. 크리스마스를 앞둔 어느 날, 호텔 사장의 딸인 레이첼이 유럽에서 약혼자인 브룩스와 함께 돌아온다. 엘로이즈는 레이첼의 결혼식이 크리스마스이브에 열린다는 소식에 열광하지만, 곧 빌과 레이첼이 과거에 연인 사이였음을 알고, 둘을 다시 엮어줄 궁리에 몰두하게 된다. 우연을 가장한 만남이 계속되도록 하기 위해 엘로이즈는 끊임없이 작전을 짜고, 이 덕분에 빌과 레이첼은 서로를 향한 마음을 다시 확인하게 된다. 한편 브룩스의 행동이 수상하다고 여긴 엘로이즈는 결정적인 단서를 잡지만 내니조차도 엘로이즈의 말을 믿어주지 않는다. 드디어 크리스마스이브, 레이첼과 브룩스의 결혼식이 예정대로 거행되는데...
Mrs. Thornton
Eloise is a precocious but loveable six-year-old girl who lives in New York's Plaza hotel. Eloise's long-suffering nanny has her hands full trying to keep her charge out of mischief, but when a young prince arrives, Eloise takes him on all kinds of adventures- and can't resist matchmaking at a debutante ball.
Mae Moran
Quiet and unassuming church organist Jenny Moran is depressed with her marriage to working-class Matt and leaves him. Jenny begins an affair with the manipulative and charming Dr. Stephen Carrow, who is also deacon of her church and a married man. Someone kills Carrow's wife after she learns of the affair between Jenny and her husband. The murderer is caught and confesses, but that confession leads to new lies which tear apart Jenny Moran's life.
Aunt Katherine
Evan's visit to his great aunt Katherine's house turns eventful when he finds a jar marked "Monster Blood". He and his new friend, Andy, decide to try it out, but are horrified to find that it is growing.
When Bobby and his Mom move from Toronto, away from his dad and his baseball team, to a small town in Nova Scotia, he's picked on by all the local kids, except for Jo. And Jo has also befriended a lonely male moose who lives on an island, and she has a wild plan to capture and relocate a female moose to be company for him. Together, Bobby and Jo, with the help of their single parents, Eva and Lester, attempt to put Jo's plan into operation.
Mrs. Chadway
A couple operates a shady maternity home in 1930s/1940s Nova Scotia. Based on a true story.
Geneviere Capstaff
Alan Masters is a despicable businessman with his hands in organized crime. He marries Diane, a kind and gentle woman, and abuses and batters her viciously. Sergeant John Reed has had enough of his city's organized crime and, against the wishes of his dirty-cop superiors, tries to get evidence against Alan Masters. After Alan finds out that Diane has been helping Reed, he beats her to death...and its up to John Reed to put him away for it, and clean up the dirty cops that want to stop him. Part I starts with Diane's death and then, in a flashback, details her struggles against abuse and Reed's struggles as he coaches her to gather evidence against Alan. Part II deals with Reed's struggles with intimidating cops.
During the final years of his life, the famous writer Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens is befriended by a young girl named Dorothy Quick.
Lynette Beardsly
A cop tries to prevent a gang of extortionists from blowing up New York City with nitroglycerin.
Fairy Godmother
While traveling to meet with the Hessian King, the famed Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, travel through an enchanted forest where they find themselves trapped in the world of their fairy tales.
Betty Coogan
A woman is persecuted by Jesus freaks after they've crucified her preacher husband.
Little Willy McBean joins up with a Mexican monkey named Pablo to travel back in time and stop the evil Prof. von Rotten from changing history.
Doll / Others (voice)
말하는 눈사람 샘이 빨간 코를 가진 어린 순록에 대한 얘기를 해준다. 빨간 코 때문에 소외를 느끼는 루돌프는 치과의사가 되고 싶어하는 요정 허미, 북극 탐험가 유콘 코르넬리우스와 무시무시한 설인의 소굴로 들어가 소외당한 장난감들을 만나게 되고, 그들을 도울 수 있도록 산타에게 전하기 위해 위험을 무릅쓰고 홀로 크리스마스이브 전에 북극으로 돌아오게 되는데...
After returning home from war, an ill-tempered young soldier must deal with his sweetheart having married another man.