An eight-minute Russian animation directed by Andrey Svislotskiy of Pilot Animation Studio LOOSELY based on the novel Poliphilo's Strife of Love in a Dream or The Dream of Poliphilus.
This animated short focuses on the lives of three eccentric people living on a farm in the Russian countryside. Told in a non-linear, stream of consciousness style, the film depicts the deceitful relationship between a master and his two servants.
This film is about the cow living in an polluted enviroment.
Once a second-grader Dima Kruglikov learned that all the great people became so because they did not waste time on trifles, they had a clear regime of the day. Wishing to become great, Dima decided to live on schedule: to walk, help his grandmother, and even make friends. Getting into ridiculous and absurd situations, the main character of the film realized that the regime of the day is important, but everything must be done wisely.