Melvin Ang

Melvin Ang

프로필 사진

Melvin Ang

참여 작품

Circle Line
Executive Producer
Trapped in the underground train tunnel system, a single mother’s resolve to protect her son is tested to the extreme as both of them are the few remaining survivors of an attack by a monster. Meanwhile in the control room, duty engineers fight desperately to rescue the trapped survivors.
Miss Andy
Executive Producer
Struggling for years, 55 year old Andy finally claim herself as woman, despite it was just partially completed. Andy’s dream come true, but she has to pay for the price. Wearing dresses had make her losing her job and her family. It never rains but it pours. The closest friend of her passed away out of sudden, Andy suddenly feel empty!A long day with a little surprise, a mother and a son turn up in Andy’s life, seeing them leaving no where with no identity, Andy decided to keep them with her, without knowing this sympathy has change the story of Andy.
더 비질
Executive Producer
비질은 '철야 기도'를 뜻하기도 하는데, 주인공 야코브는 예전에 유대인 종교모임을 일컫는 하시딤의 일원이었으나, 지금은 신앙이 사라진 사람. 그러다가 어쩔 수 없이 쇼머(유대인 전통으로 어느 한 사람이 죽는 순간에서 매장될 때까지 지키는 것)를 하게 되면서 겪게 되는 공포를 그리고 있다
Love is Blind
Executive Producer
After a peculiar incident, a jaded tour guide meets an offbeat traveler who wants her to view love with a new set of eyes.
Executive Producer
Even though it upsets her mother-in-law, Diana decides to postpone having children so she can focus on her career. Her husband Zack agrees but she is unaware that he is hiding a secret about his architecture company. Meanwhile, repressed housewife Aishah feels estranged from her doctor husband and their teenage daughter, as both are seldom home. Then there's Norimah, a 40-year-old who finally gets pregnant after years of trying. She is also very supportive of her husband's dream to become a novelist after getting fired from his job as a chef. One day, the lives of all three women collide when Zack, while chasing after Diana, accidentally hits Aishah with his car. Norimah's baby is also at risk when the speeding car almost hits her.
Wonderful! Liang Xi Mei
Liang Xi Mei (Jack Neo) is finally back! Having retired, Liang Xi Mei spends her time looking after her two obedient grandsons. However, Liang Xi Mei still leads a colorful life thanks to her absent-minded BFF Guang Dong Po (Wang Lei), who frequently muddles things up, leaving Liang Xi Mei to resolve the mess; and Lion King (Henry Thia) who is now diagnosed with mild Alzheimer’s, causing confusion and frustrations for everyone. Robert (Mark Lee), Liang Xi Mei’s eldest son also adds to her woes. Robert is a dreamer who often schemes to get rich quick. This causes Liang Xi Mei to find him unreliable and puts all her hopes on her youngest son Albert (Benjamin Josiah Tan). Her favoritism stirs up jealousy within Robert, who vows to strike it rich to win back Liang Xi Mei’s approval.
Ah Boys to Men 4
Executive Producer
The fourth addition to the franchise sees the return of the army boys including Sergeant Ong, Lobang, Ken Chow and Aloysius, joined by a new female officer, as they are called back for in-camp training under the Armoured Formation of the Singapore Armed Forces. Hilarious situations happen when they are back training together and their military roles reversed. Their brotherhood is also put to the test when new enemy threats arise.
Lucky Boy
LUCKY BOY chronicles several decades of the lives of Lin Yu, his family, friends and Qingqing – the girl whom he falls in love with in primary school and continues pinning for throughout his tumultuous and eventful life. Lin Yu is always one step behind others and surrounded by misfortune... Will Lin Yu, the destined "unlucky" boy, be able to change his fate?
Long Long Time Ago 2
Zhao Di takes over her family farm with the help of Ah Long after the 1969 floods. After the government started reclaiming land for development in 1977, licensed owners like Zhao Di are compensated but her brother accuses her of having an affair with Ah Long to get the money for himself. Meanwhile, Osman does not approve of his son playing in a rock band as he fears the negative influence, causing his son to run away from home. As for Ah Hee and Rani, they decide to get married but their traditional parents are against it.
Mr. Unbelievable
Mr Unbelievable tells the story of Eric Kwek Hock Seng, who takes it upon himself to the symbol of national pride. As his Shifu’s Getai business declines in popularity, Eric wants to spark new ideas by adding English lyrics into Chinese songs albeit to strong objection from his Shifu & friends. Undeterred, Eric Kwek sets on an unbelievable musical journey that sees him through mostly lows and finally hits a high when he is at the ripe old age of 50. The film aims to highlight that one must believe and persist in his aspirations regardless of age!
The Cage
Executive Producer
Six actors are about to present their one of its kind thriller theater, where they will perform in a gigantic locked cage on stage. On its premiere, the first character to be killed in the story unexpectedly died for real on stage. Desperate to escape from the cage, the remaining actors cried for help from the crew and audience, only to be responded by a thunderous applause. They now realize that they have fallen into a secretly well planned trap by organizational psychopath murderers. In order to survive, they must continue to perform according to the plot until they find the murderer hidden among them.
Executive Producer
라디오 방송 진행자의 평화로운 삶을 파국으로 치닫게 만든 전화 한 통. 수화기 너머의 살인마는 두 희생자 중 하나를 고르라고 강요한다. 선택하지 않으면 두 사람 모두 죽는 상황. 진행자의 결정은 어떤 결과를 불러올 것인가.
A dentist in mid-life-crisis who hates his job, finally decides to break away from his kiasu environment and pursue his long repressed childhood dream... Acting.