Kek-huat Lau

Kek-huat Lau

프로필 사진

Kek-huat Lau

참여 작품

Following Karen, a Malaysian teenage boy of Indian origin, this film documents his youth in a period of six years. Through Karen, we explore the hardship his people have endured and the eventual breakdown of his family both caused by the racial discrimination and education inequality in Malaysia.
Between the Stars and Waves
One million people in Malaysia's Sabah are stateless. Fifty thousand of them are children who have been denied their rights to public education and healthcare. This is a story of those who learn to speak up for themselves.
야생 토마토의 맛
Taste of Wild Tomato begins with the history of Kaohsiung, which was an important military base for the Japanese army during the Japanese occupation, and tends to the deep scars of the survivors, their descendants, and their descendants’ descendants.
야생 토마토의 맛
Director of Photography
Taste of Wild Tomato begins with the history of Kaohsiung, which was an important military base for the Japanese army during the Japanese occupation, and tends to the deep scars of the survivors, their descendants, and their descendants’ descendants.
야생 토마토의 맛
Taste of Wild Tomato begins with the history of Kaohsiung, which was an important military base for the Japanese army during the Japanese occupation, and tends to the deep scars of the survivors, their descendants, and their descendants’ descendants.
Dr. Sun
Revolving around the First Guangzhou Uprising, Sun Yat-sen's detainment in London, the Second Guangzhou Uprising and the Wuchang Uprising, this work interweaves one man's regret of causing a friend's death with the rivalries and cooperation between different revolutionary camps. These brave young people fight for the common good unto their last breath, paving this saga of toppling the millennia-old empire with their courage and blood.
말레이시아 공산당은 독립을 위해 수십 년에 걸쳐 정글에서 게릴라전을 벌였다. 전쟁 중에 태어난 아기들은 생존을 위해 정글 밖으로 보내졌고 보뤄미는 그런 아기들 중 한 명이자, 주인공 이판의 아버지이다. 대만계 말레이시안으로서 시대의 아픔과 비밀을 안은 채 살아가고 있는 부자는 서로를 증오한다. 이판은 이런 아버지와 말레이시아에서 인종 차별과 불평등에 분노하여 조부모의 나라인 대만으로 떠난다. 까오슝에 도착한 이판은 그곳에서조차 이방인 취급을 당하고 우연히 필리핀 노동자인 라일라를 만나게 되면서 그녀에게 연민을 느끼게 된다.
말레이시아 공산당은 독립을 위해 수십 년에 걸쳐 정글에서 게릴라전을 벌였다. 전쟁 중에 태어난 아기들은 생존을 위해 정글 밖으로 보내졌고 보뤄미는 그런 아기들 중 한 명이자, 주인공 이판의 아버지이다. 대만계 말레이시안으로서 시대의 아픔과 비밀을 안은 채 살아가고 있는 부자는 서로를 증오한다. 이판은 이런 아버지와 말레이시아에서 인종 차별과 불평등에 분노하여 조부모의 나라인 대만으로 떠난다. 까오슝에 도착한 이판은 그곳에서조차 이방인 취급을 당하고 우연히 필리핀 노동자인 라일라를 만나게 되면서 그녀에게 연민을 느끼게 된다.
도끼는 잊어도 나무는 기억한다
"나무가 기억하는 것을 도끼는 잊는다"는 속담에서 유래한 제목처럼, 말레이시아에 지금도 남아 있는 인종차별과 침묵을 강요당하는 희생자들의 현재와 그 기원을 보여준다. 여전히 금기시되는 1969년 일어난 말레이-중국계 인종간 폭동과 학살을 정면으로 다룬 작품.
도끼는 잊어도 나무는 기억한다
"나무가 기억하는 것을 도끼는 잊는다"는 속담에서 유래한 제목처럼, 말레이시아에 지금도 남아 있는 인종차별과 침묵을 강요당하는 희생자들의 현재와 그 기원을 보여준다. 여전히 금기시되는 1969년 일어난 말레이-중국계 인종간 폭동과 학살을 정면으로 다룬 작품.
10년: 대만
2028년의 대만은 방사능 폐기물(‘악령의 깡통’), 이주 노동자(‘942’), 산업의 붕괴 (‘도중’), 저출산과 다양성 가족 (‘새우만두’), 불면증 (‘불면’) 이라는 문제에 시달리는 중이다. 개인과 사회를 파괴하는 이런 문제들의 기원은 바로 오늘로 거슬러 올라간다. 한 인간을 할퀴고 간 상처는 환경오염이 되어 돌아오고, 사회관계를 요동하게 만들고, 결국엔 다시 인간을 향해 모진 공격을 가해 온다. 영화는 묻는다. 우리의 삶은 어쩌다 이 지경까지 오게 됐을까? 영화는 되묻는다. 이게 꼭 10년 뒤 대만의 문제일 뿐일까? 그나마 행복한 결말을 보여주는 건 ‘새우만두’뿐.
The Sleep
In the future, people can choose their own dreams and enter the customized system of The Sleep. Instead of facing this disturbing society, Irene would rather seek her private tranquilly in The Sleep. However, is everything going to keep blocking out and staying in peace.
A story about ethnic Chinese Malaysians in the late 18th and early 19th centuries: as they traverse the lands in the South China Sea, they become like fireflies quivering upon the dark waters.
Feathered Dream
A Taiwanese husband and a Vietnamese wife, a dream about three goose eggs. According to a Vietnamese tradition, a pregnant woman has to eat three goose eggs before she gives birth, to ensure that her baby will grow healthy and smart. A husband wanders around Taiwan, for his wife and their baby, in search of three rare goose eggs.
Absent without Leave
Director of Photography
They sacrificed their lives fighting for the independence of their country, but their stories remain untold for 60 years. The story begins with a man’s portrait, which has been hanging for more than 30 years in an old wooden house where I was born and grew up in Perak, Malaysia. It’s long become a taboo that my families do not talk about this man, not even to bring up his name or his past. Eventually I found out he is my grandfather, who sacrificed his life fighting for Malaysia’s independence and decolonisation, but his and his comrades’ stories are excluded from history. This documentary set out to unveil the mysteries.
Absent without Leave
They sacrificed their lives fighting for the independence of their country, but their stories remain untold for 60 years. The story begins with a man’s portrait, which has been hanging for more than 30 years in an old wooden house where I was born and grew up in Perak, Malaysia. It’s long become a taboo that my families do not talk about this man, not even to bring up his name or his past. Eventually I found out he is my grandfather, who sacrificed his life fighting for Malaysia’s independence and decolonisation, but his and his comrades’ stories are excluded from history. This documentary set out to unveil the mysteries.
Absent without Leave
They sacrificed their lives fighting for the independence of their country, but their stories remain untold for 60 years. The story begins with a man’s portrait, which has been hanging for more than 30 years in an old wooden house where I was born and grew up in Perak, Malaysia. It’s long become a taboo that my families do not talk about this man, not even to bring up his name or his past. Eventually I found out he is my grandfather, who sacrificed his life fighting for Malaysia’s independence and decolonisation, but his and his comrades’ stories are excluded from history. This documentary set out to unveil the mysteries.
Nia’s door
Nia from the Philippines works as a family maid in Taiwan. She prefers to stay in her private room, where a door separates her from her employers, but this upsets her employers.This is a story about being away from home.