Jean Paul Najm

참여 작품

The Lakehouse Murders
Lee Fellers
Elise and her husband Allan have finally found the perfect home: it's secluded, on a lake, and the two can finally enjoy a little quiet while Elise works on her novel. A few weeks later, a couple moves into the vacant cabin next door, and Elise goes to greet them, only to realize - she knows them. The new neighbors are Elise's former best friend, Geena, and Lee, the man Geena stole from Elise years ago. The couple feels guilty for how their relationship ended and want to make things right - but unbeknownst to Elise, Lee will do anything to get Elise back.
Miriam, Derek, Ian, and Jenny are overachieving high school students doing everything by the book. Straight A's, sports, yearbook, band, and - when coursework allows - planning and executing elaborate murders.
Constable Hamilton
심각한 지구 온난화로 인해 세계 곳곳에 자연 재해와 사람들의 공격성이 날로 늘어남에 따라 벤쿠버에서는 도시를 지키기 위한 제방을 세워 구역을 나눈다. 안전지대인 섹터 1 사람들은 타 섹터 사람들을 무시하며 섹터 밖의 상황에 대해서 관심을 두지 않는다. 섹터 2 소속의 경찰관 에이든 맥너슨은 우연히 경계벽 근처에서 범죄자를 잡게 되고 그 일로 섹터 1의 경찰서에서 근무하게 되는 영광을 누린다. 하지만 기쁨도 잠시, 손목의 헬릭스를 통해 신원 정보가 들어있는 데이터베이스를 토대로 섹터의 안전을 책임지는 보안 시스템에 심각한 오류가 있다는 점을 발견하고 사람들에게 알리려 하지만 모두가 그의 말을 듣지 않았고, 그는 누군가의 함정에 빠져 섹터 밖으로 쫓겨나 도망자 신세가 된다. 섹터 2에서 우연히 만나 친구가 된 수잔과 그녀의 친구들의 도움으로 진범을 찾아내 섹터 1으로 돌아가 스스로 결백을 밝히고 서장의 오해를 풀지만 결국 섹터 2에 남기로 결심한다.
Detective Ramirez
John Rancour - an aging, corrupt detective on the run for murdering a fellow police officer in cold blood. With enemies on both sides of the law wanting him dead - Rancour has no choice but to seek help from the very man that exposed his crimes and sent him into exile - journalist Tyler Chase. Rancour takes Tyler captive, forcing him to tag-along on a one-night race against time to expose and eradicate the system of corruption that he helped create in his years on the force. Complicating matters further is Rancour's former partner and best-friend, Detective Frank Hanaway, who wants nothing more than to stop the pair from making it through the night alive. As the night wears on and the bodies begin to pile up in their wake, Tyler starts to believe that there is more to John Rancour and his motives than he originally accused; and that the people and places he witnesses could lead to a bigger story than he ever thought possible. Written by Jordan Brown