Itay Marom

참여 작품

Cinema Sabaya
Director of Photography
Eight women, Arab and Jewish, take part in a video workshop hosted by Rona, young filmmaker. With each camera take, the group dynamic forces the women to challenge their beliefs as they get to know one other.
On This Happy Note
Director of Photography
Anat Gov, one of the most influential playwrights in Israeli theatre, is preparing for her death. She asks Arik Kneller, an artists' agent, to be the executor of her will. Arik struggles to accept the humor and serenity with which she faces her upcoming end. Anat, consciously accepting her nearing end, wishes to leave a spiritual legacy: there can be a happy ending. Almost a decade after her death, her loved ones try to fill the void left by her words with their own. Through excerpts from her plays and footage of her family and political world, a new script is written: one in which the line between the play and reality is blurred.
The Pageant
Director of Photography
Every year since 2011, a unique beauty contest has been taking place in Haifa. The contestants are female survivors of the Holocaust. In the midst of this flashy spectacle, their personal traumas remain as deep as ever. There are many things about this contest that are controversial: it is organized by the right Zionist organization, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, and the dubious contest itself rises the public indignation of various speakers, including other survivors.
내가 떠난다면
Director of Photography
텔 아비브에 살고 있는 50세 수의사 요람은 사춘기 딸 로니의 자살 시도 후, 딸과의 관계를 다시 점검해 보아야 하는 상황에 놓였다. 요람은 딸과 함께, 사해를 둘러싸고 있는 사막 지역에 사는 아내의 가족을 방문하기로 결심한다. 이 여행은 그에게 있어 자신을, 그리고 서로를 발견하는 여정이 된다. (2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제) “내가 떠났다면 어떻게 하셨을 거 같아요?” 사춘기를 겪는 소녀와 이를 바라보는 아버지, 이 불편한 사이에서 응어리진 상처들은 여행의 형식을 통해 응시의 대상이 되고 해결의 실마리를 찾아간다. 롱테이크로 지긋이 응시하는 엔딩의 대관람차 씬은 인상적이다. 이스라엘 로드무비 버전의 . (2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제/ 변혜경)
Director of Photography
The film follows three renowned vocal coaches and their students during private lessons. As the pupils prepare for their upcoming final evaluations, perfect technique is expected to produce impeccable results. Listening primarily to their voices, we feel intensity and intimacy arise between teachers and students – an atmosphere in which transcendence is being built.
The film follows three renowned vocal coaches and their students during private lessons. As the pupils prepare for their upcoming final evaluations, perfect technique is expected to produce impeccable results. Listening primarily to their voices, we feel intensity and intimacy arise between teachers and students – an atmosphere in which transcendence is being built.
The film follows three renowned vocal coaches and their students during private lessons. As the pupils prepare for their upcoming final evaluations, perfect technique is expected to produce impeccable results. Listening primarily to their voices, we feel intensity and intimacy arise between teachers and students – an atmosphere in which transcendence is being built.
The film follows three renowned vocal coaches and their students during private lessons. As the pupils prepare for their upcoming final evaluations, perfect technique is expected to produce impeccable results. Listening primarily to their voices, we feel intensity and intimacy arise between teachers and students – an atmosphere in which transcendence is being built.
A pink swan floats across a turquoise pool, against the desert. It’s Dana’s bachelorette party. A chance encounter with Hamis, an African asylum seeker, will bring the girls face to face with an uncomfortable truth.
Director of Photography
The film Announcements paints the portraits of seven women reflecting on the same theme. Their starting point is the announcement to Hagar, Sarah and Mary as in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. Their thoughts spread out and weave a new web, drawing strands from their associations and interpretations of these texts. And by talking about their own history, their personal myths, they work up to subjects such as the birth of image in the Christian world or that of poetry in ancient Greece. Announcements is a film about the movement of thought, the power of words, the secret of the voice, and the seduction of the image.
Orange People
Camera Operator
Grandma Zohara occupies a special role within the Moroccan community within Israel. By cradling an object brought to her by her clients, Grandma Zohara gains access to the family's past through her dreams. This allows her to advise families on future decisions. Lately, however, Grandma Zohara is tiring and begins searching for someone to take over this role. She discovers that the only other person endowed with the power of dreaming is her daughter, Simone, who has different plans for her future. With support of Simone's sister, Fanny, who arrives unexpectedly from Paris, Simon gathers the strength to resist her mother's pressure and to pursue her own desire. Together the sisters wage battle for Simone's independence and creativity.
Never Too Late
Director of Photography
A young man by the name of Hertzel comes back to Israel broke after years abroad and finds work hanging advertising posters. He drives across the country from north to south in his deceased father’s old Volvo, meeting stranded people, lost people, people on quests – until his journey brings him face to face with himself and with open questions about the past.
I Will Drink My Tears
Yonatan, a young rascal, needs fifteen Shekels. Everything else is not important right now.