Cornelius Meister

참여 작품

Richard Wagner: Lohengrin
Music Director
What are heroes made of and why do our societies need them so badly? At the Staatsoper Stuttgart, stage director Árpád Schilling tries to answer this mythological, political and existential question, lying at the core of Richard Wagners Lohengrin. A wonder! A miracle!, the men and women of Brabant agreed when, against all expectations, someone stood up for Elsa and invalidated the allegations made by the plaintiff Telramund. And yet he does the most normal thing in the world: to help a person in distress. So why is there a need for this savior, surrounded by the aura of mystery, whose name and origin even his new wife Elsa cannot ask? Why does the collective body abdicates its moral and political responsibilities and surrenders them to a single individual? And when does the providential man stops being a savior and becomes a threat?
닥치고 피아노!
다프트 펑크, 자비스 코커, 파이스트, 드레이크 등 세계 아티스트들이 사랑한 천재 엔터테이너! 2014 그래미상 올해의 앨범 수상 그리고 당신이 알고 있는 애플 광고 음악의 주인공! 래퍼이자 피아니스트, 엔터테이너이자 예술가인 칠리 곤잘레스의 모든 것!
Production from Antwerp. The knight Titurel has built a fortress for two sacred objects he has miraculously obtained: thechalice from the Last Supper in which Christ's blood was later collected, and the spear thatwounded Christ on the cross. The chalice is believed to be the Holy Grail that gives life and has apurifying effect on the human race. The Grail has become the focus for a community of knightswho, strengthened by the holy chalice, are willing to fight for the faith. All the knights have takena vow of chastity. However, the Grail King Amfortas, their leader and Titurel’s son, fails to resistseduction by Kundry, a woman with a double life: she is both a Grail messenger and temptressin the service of Klingsor.
Don Giovanni
Music Director
"This is Vienna State Opera live at home". June 2015.