Oulaya Amamra
출생 : 1996-11-12, Viry-Châtillon, France
Oulaya Amamra (born 12 November 1995) is a French actress known for starring in the 2016 films Divines and Tamara. She won the César Award for Most Promising Actress in 2017 for Divines. Amamra is the younger sister of director Houda Benyamina. Amamra attended Catholic school and studied classical dance for 15 years.
Zahia Ziouani
95-96, year of high school. Only 17 years old, Zahia Ziouni becomes aware that her dream of becoming a conductor and her ambition to make symphonic music accessible to all and in all territories, will go through the creation of an orchestra unique in its diversitý and composition. Helped by her twin sister Fettouma, a cellist, and while she was about to conduct her very first concert, she created the Divertimento orchestra. The latter still exists and, at 44 years old, Zahia is now a conductor recognized worldwide.
After a devastating battle against a diabolical turtle, a team of five avengers – known as the "Tobacco Force" - is sent on a mandatory retreat to strengthen their decaying group cohesion. Their sojourn goes wonderfully well until Lézardin, Emperor of Evil, decides to annihilate planet Earth.
Samir Amin is a fulfilled writer, Nobel Prize for Literature, who lives in Paris, far from his native country, Algeria.He systematically refuses all the invitations made to him. Until the day when he decides to accept to be made "Honorary Citizen" of Sidi Mimoun, the small town where he was born.But should he again meet with the inhabitants of this city, who year after year became the heroes of his various novels?
Nora is a striking young girl in new love. We see her dancing around her bedroom, lip-synching, testing outfits, in between sending heart emojis, and more, to the special boy. All dressed up, she takes a short cut through an abandoned building, on the way for her hot date. Kevin pulls up in the background on his scooter. He's Nora's recent ex, jilted and jealous. Kevin grabs Nora's phone, and what ensues is a now universal 21st century story of male-female power, sexuality and shame with a biting, feminist twist.
Az works for an oyster farmer in Sète. He knows oysters by heart, he opens them by the hundreds. In one of them, Az decides to hide a ring, to ask his girlfriend Jess to marry him. She doesn't say yes. Fortunately, his band of friends are ready to do anything to help him get his head out of the water.
Mr. Replay hosts a TV special where more than 30 French comedians "replay" iconic Canal+ original programmings.
목공 세공 학교의 입학시험을 치르기 위해 파리에 온 시골 청년 뤽의 여정을 좇는다. 뤽은 존경하는 목공 기사인 아버지의 시골집에서 합격 발표를 기다리면서, 파리에서 알게 된 한 소녀와 옛 여자친구 사이에서 망설인다. 누벨바그 로맨티즘 스타일을 고수하며, 가렐은 사랑에 빠진 소녀들의 초상을 섬세하게 그린다. 가렐의 걸작들에서 자주 다뤘던 젊은 남자의 ‘감정 교육’이라는 주제가 시대를 가늠할 수 없는 파리에서 다시 한번 전개된다.
Feeling smothered by both stifling heat and their parents, these young women long for a dip in the enticing pool of adulthood. An anthology of award-winning French Shorts.
뮈리엘은 말을 사육하면서 대형 아몬드 농장을 운영한다. 그녀가 사랑으로 키운 손자 알렉스는 캐나다로 여행을 떠나기 전 그녀의 집을 방문한다. 이때 뮈리엘은 알렉스가 여행보다도 훨씬 더 위험한 계획을 세우고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다.
파리에서 삼류 인생을 살던 주인공이 크게 한 탕하여 폼 나게 살기 위해 마약 운반을 시도하면서 벌어지는 이야기
La fille d'Idir
Following a long prison term, 30 year-old Céline must find a place in society. Hiding her past, she introduces herself with a new identity to get work for a trial period in a hotel. Céline finds herself endlessly walking a tightrope between truth and fiction. When she meets Idir, despite the threat of being unmasked, Céline falls in love and finds herself a prisoner to her own lies. But how can one live without taking risks?
똑똑하고 유쾌하지만 남들보다 통통한 몸매가 콤플렉스인 10대 소녀 '타마라'. 고등학교 첫 등교일, '타마라'는 재미난 고교 생활을 위해 그녀의 가장 친한 친구 '젤리아'와 교실 문을 들어오는 두 번째 남학생과 반드시 키스하기로 내기를 한다. 바로 그때 수영으로 다져진 탄탄한 몸매의 '디에고'가 교실 문을 들어와 '타마라'의 옆자리에 앉게 되고, '타마라'는 '디에고' 꼬시기 작전에 돌입한다. 하지만 목표 달성을 위해서는 예쁘고 날씬한 여학생들을 제치고 자신만의 필살기를 찾아야 하는 험난한 과정들이 기다리고 있는데...
빈민가에 살고 있는 두니아(울라야 아마라)의 꿈은 하루 빨리 이곳을 벗어나는 것. 하지만 매일 반복되는 현실에 두니아의 내일은 암울하기만 하다. 그러던 어느 날 레베카(지스카 칼반다)의 마약을 발견한 두니아는 그것을 빌미로 마이무나(데보라 루쿠무에나)와 함께 그들의 조직에 들어가게 된다. 목적은 오로지 돈을 벌어 지긋지긋한 빈민가를 탈출하려는 것. 그렇게 차근차근 돈을 모아가던 어느 날. 레베카는 두니아로 하여금, 상대 조직이 숨겨놓은 10만 유로를 훔쳐오라는 지시를 내린다. 그리고 자신의 미모를 바탕으로 상대방 조직의 보스에게 접촉하는 두니아는 자신의 원대로 이곳을 탈출 할 수 있을 것인가?
The end of the school year is approaching and Méline, an introverted teenager, has only one week left to get close to the boy she loves. Assisted by her loyal advisor Mr Gaspacho, and her best friend, Méline will attempt what would normally be impossible for her.
The year is 2004. France has passed a law banning religious symbols in public schools. Mariam, born in France to Arab parents, recently began to wear the hijab after performing the hajj with her grandmother. At the start of the academic year, she pretends the new law does not exist, as she does not want to acknowledge it and so be forced to make a decision. To complicate matters, Karim, a popular young Arab boy in school, starts paying attention to her and she develops a powerful crush on him. While her fellow veiled classmates argue with teachers about their desire to keep wearing the hijab, and her parents argue about her wearing hers, Mariam dreams of Karim, despite her best friend Sophia’s warning that he is not serious. Things come to a head when the deadline for removing the hijab or facing expulsion falls the same week Mariam sees Karim with another girl.
In the early years of the reign of Hassan II, Houcine, a fan of the new king, is the director of a popular orchestra and the proud father of Mimou. This is a very particular troupe, male musicians who are sometimes forced to pretend that they are blind in order to play at parties reserved for women in conservative Moroccan families. But then young Minou runs into Chama, the neighbor’s new maid
It is summer, in the South. Everyday, Sarah, aged sixteen, sells doughnuts with her father on the beach. One evening she meets Baptiste.