David Maloney

참여 작품

백인 우월주의에 빠져있는 한 무리의 사람들이 있다. 마을의 작은 슈퍼마켓에서 우연히 마주친 흑인 남성이 자신의 아이에게 미소를 짓자 백인 남자는 폭발하고, 그 흑인 남성은 가족 앞에서 무차별 폭행을 당하게 된다. 그렇게 끝날 줄 알았던 사건은 폭력을 행사한 백인 남자가 납치를 당하면서 또 다른 국면을 맞게 된다. 이 단편은 아직까지도 인종 차별이 만연한 미국을 배경으로 충격적인 엔딩을 선사하는데, 폭력에 폭력으로 맞서는 현 사회에 대한 씁쓸함을 다시 한번 느끼게 만든다.
Dear Renzo
Two young Argentines, brought together by chance, wander the streets of New York City, increasingly lost in a maze of currency exchange, translation problems, religious vocation and nocturnal flirtation.
Men Go to Battle
Francis Mellon
Kentucky, 1861. Francis and Henry Mellon depend on each other to keep their unkempt estate afloat as winter encroaches. After Francis takes a casual fight too far, Henry ventures off in the night, leaving each of them to struggle through the wartime on their own.
New Cops
Detective Flaherty
An ordinary man (played by Tim Morton) lives a dull life till his friend Chet (played by Jimmy Kustes) comes over to stay for a few days. His friend ropes him to various schemes and generally makes a bunch of faux pas. His girlfriend (played by Johanna Sims) mostly runs around without alerting him of her whereabouts. He escapes his dull day-to-day existence by watching the TV show New Cops and dreaming various scenarios involving him being the President of the United States and Chet serving as his adviser. Chet recommends they hire detective Flaherty (played by David Maloney) to investigate a book heist at the local library.
We're Leaving
Rusty and Veronica have to move out their home and try to find a new place to live with their teenage alligator, Chopper. We’re Leaving is a tender glimpse at one couple’s quest for small triumphs in an uncaring world.
Holy Land
Cole goes on a trip to work on a novel. Then he comes back.