At twenty-two years, the heroine was left alone with the child. Will she not lose the desire to remain faithful to her husband and wait for his return from prison? Can the temptation of loneliness be overcome after a failed marriage and struggle with myself, with my natural desires to love and be loved?
Looking for the money for a drink, an alcoholic gets a Newfoundland dog as a present from a stranger at a bird fair. He'll soon find out that the animal is not only able to speak, but to get him to give up drinking as well. Now he's determined to get rid of the dog, but that won't be an easy task.
A police detective arrives in a Siberian town to reopen the investigation of the murder of a schoolgirl, as he has some doubts about the culpability of the man who was convicted.
나치 독일이 마을을 침공해오면서 마을은 쑥대밭이 되고, 이반의 어머니는 독일군에 의해 학살당하며 12살 소년 이반은 고아가 된다. 수용소에 갇힌 그는 극적으로 탈출하여 러시아의 콜린 대위의 눈에 띄어 그에게 입양된다. 콜린 대위가 그를 맡은 것은 그를 학교에 보내 정상적인 교육을 받게 하려는 뜻이었지만, 이반은 뜻대로 되지 않는데..