The story revolves around five boy who each possess a trait that have negative effects on them. The handsome boys owe a monetary debt to Sakiko Horinomiya, a girl from a rich family. Wanting the money back, she makes them enter the "Motemen Koshien" contest, so they can pay her back using the prize money.
"Fuyu no Chikai, Natsu no Matsuri - Takeoshi no Dai-Kusunoki" is set in the city of Takeoshi, and will center on two characters, a boy and a girl, who grow up watched over by a large camphor tree that endures the time and seasons. It will star Nao Tōyama as Rinko Yamaguchi, and Nobunaga Shimazaki as Sōta.
조로리 일행이 사고로 우주 저편으로 날아가 외계인들이 살고있는 별로 불시착 하면서 벌어지는 이야기. 원작 동화책에서는 나오지 않는 극장판 오리지널 스토리다.