Marie Salvado

참여 작품

North of Albany
Key Makeup Artist
Annie frantically flees Montreal for the US with her young son, Felix and teenage daughter, Sarah, fearing the repercussions after Sarah severely injures her school bully. When their car breaks down just outside a small town in the Adirondacks, the family is stranded. Paul, a single father and the town's lone mechanic, isn't able to fix the car until the following week. Annie's stubborn insistence to leave town at all costs comes head-to-head with Paul's unwillingness to give in. When Sarah realizes that her secret is out in the open, she runs away, forcing Annie and Paul to join forces to find her. When Paul's traumatic past is revealed, Annie realizes that she is not the only one running and comes to terms with facing the music.
미쿠안과 샤니스
Makeup Artist
두 개의 다른 세상. 하나는 백인들이 사는 퀘벡지역이고 또 다른 하나는 이누족 보호지역이다. 나오미 폰타인의 유명 소설을 원작으로 하는 이 작품은 친절하지만, 소극적 공격 성향을 보이는 성장기를 그린 이야기이다. 두 명의 소녀 미쿠안과 샤니스. 이들은 얼어붙은 설경 속 자신들의 문화로부터 유혹의 손길을 보내는 거친 도시 속으로 미래를 찾아 떠난다. 다큐멘터리 감독 미리암 베로의 첫 장편인 이 영화는 젊은이들의 이상주의와 어른들의 책임 사이에서 생겨나는 갈등과 상처받은 젊은이들의 분노를 관찰한다. (2020년 제5회 울주세계산악영화제/ 필립 치아)
Before the Streets
Makeup Artist
Menacing smoke rises over the forests of Manawan. Shawnouk has lost touch with the traditions of the Atikamekw people, and he struggles with daily life on the reservation. His mother's boyfriend is a policeman, and though he means well, Shawnouk won't accept him as part of the family. There's so much missing in his life. One night, Shawnouk gets involved in a break-in. When the home-owner turns up, Shawnouk pushes himself between the man and the gun. In the end, he is the one with blood on his hands. He goes into hiding in the vast forests of Québec. In the search for his roots, he faces regret, pain and anger. Fire and smoke, the ancient trees, and the music of his ancestors help Shawnouk to face his biggest challenge: the confrontation with himself.
Makeup & Hair
A white room. The aging bodies of actors Gilles Pelletier and Françoise Graton testify to a love that has triumphed over time and a captivating lover's dialogue emerges between two octogenarian bodies defying inertia, old age and death. With music by the group Forêt, this sensuous short film depicts the tremblings of desire and the most elemental components of love.