Vyacheslav Lazarev

출생 : 1969-05-08, Moscow, USSR (Russia)

참여 작품

레프 야신
Director of Photography
러시아의 소련 시기에 평범한 노동자 계급이었던 소년 시절을 보낸 레프 야신은 어릴 적부터 밤낮으로 축구를 해왔고 그라운드의 최전방 수비수인 골키퍼가 되는 것이 그의 유일한 꿈이었다. 야신의 천부적 재능은 유소년시절부터 뛰게 된 축구 경기 에서도 단연 돋보였고 ‘거미손’라는 별칭이 생길 만큼 골을 막아 승률을 높이는 데 큰 역할을 해내며 구단주들의 눈에 띄어 축구계의 유망주로 입지를 굳혀간다. 선수로 활약하며 주요 축구 대회에서 수상을 하는 데 큰 공을 세우기도 하고 디나모 대표팀과의 첫 경기에서 어이없이 내어준 골로 인해 2년 동안 벤치 생활을 하는 등 굴곡진 선수 시절을 보낸다. 하지만 야신은 포기하지 않고 주전으로 돌아가기 위해 혹독한 훈련을 받은 뒤 1960년 유러피안 컵 소련 국가대표로 선발된다. 이후 1962년 칠레 월드컵에서 칠레에 패해 8강에서 탈락한 뒤 선수 경력이 끝날 위기에 처하지만 1963년 런던에서 열린 세계 올스타 팀 경기에서 활약하여 야신의 위상은 다시 높아지기 시작하는데…
Attack of The Dead: Osovets
Director of Photography
August 6, 1915. After several unsuccessful attempts to assault the positions of the Russian army, the command of the German troops is decided on a new one. On the eve of the attack on the position of the Germans deliver cylinders with chlorine. Lieutenant Kotlinsky accidentally learns about the upcoming use of chemical weapons, but he does not have the time and opportunity to protect his people. All that remains for him is to set up a company to fight to the last.
Криминальный блюз
Director of Photography
Мексиканский вояж Степаныча
Director of Photography
The millionaire
Kirill Makarov has just graduated from university with a degree in architecture. With his whole life ahead of him and his beautiful fiancée Victoria, daughter of a rich and influential man, by his side, his future seems full of promise. However, Kirill does not want to use his future father-in-law's influence to get a job, and as he sticks to his principles, he begins to understand that his approach to life is very different to his fiancee's. He breaks off their engagement and on that same day meets Lena, a trainee teacher. Cut to ten years later, and Kirill is married to Lena with two children. Sadly he never made a success of his career, and the family survives on Lena's salary alone. Kirill's friend Oleg tries to persuade him to tender for a new architectural project in town, but Kirill realizes that, without the right connections, there is no point in even trying.
더 봄버 : 최강폭격부대
제2차 세계대전 당시 최강의 부대로 손 꼽히던 소련 공군. 그 중에서도 가장 뛰어난 비행 실력을 자랑하던 최우수 비행사 ‘안드레이’는 독일군 진영 너머에 포진해 있는 게릴라 군에게 군사적 주요 ‘물품’을 무사 전달하라는 특급 임무를 하명 받는다. 자신이 임무에 실패하는 순간, 세계가 독일군의 총포 아래 무너질 것을 직감한 ‘안드레이’는 계속되는 목숨의 위협에도 아랑곳하지 않고 적진을 향해 비행한다.
Moscow, I Love You!
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
Andrei and Marina are married for 7 years and they feel there is no more love. They ask a famous doctor to help them, and he helps... by putting their minds into the bodies of each other. Now Andrei is in his wife's head, so he lives the life of his own wife, who runs an art gallery, and Marina in the body of Andrei becomes a lawyer...
Professor V Zakone
Одинокий профессор филологии, пенсионер Андрей Павлович, типичный рафинированный интеллигент, приводит к себе гости случайную попутчицу Катю. С этого момента его жизнь кардинально меняется. Катя оказывается стареющей путаной, вслед за ней в дом профессора нескончаемой вереницей тянутся странные люди из воровского мира. Скромный пенсионер превращается в члена криминального сообщества и хозяина двух "ночных бабочек" — Марго и Белоснежки. Далее сюжет развивается по законам черной комедии: новые случайные жертвы, возня с покойниками, ремонт в доме. На фоне криминальных событий меняется сам пенсионер.
Dinner is served!
The husband decided to celebrate the New year with a young mistress in his country house, converted from a former pig farm, he sends his wife to visit his mother-in-law, and for an alibi invites an old friend…
From 180 & Taller
Administrator of a Fitness-Club Kostya thinks that having a woman taller than 180sm by a man's side is a symbol of his prosperity and success. But he can only dream of having a 180sm beauty by his side. One day he decides to go on a date with one of his 180sm tall Fitness-Club members, after calling almost all the women he doesn't get a single acceptation : each of them has her own problems with men. However, accidentally it happens that way that he happens to be on a date with all of his dream ladies...
Upast Vverh
Казалось бы, фильмов с рефлексирующими героями хватает, однако - первый фильм о российской буржуазии, первая честная попытка разобраться в феноменологии нового класса, к тому же снятый в подлинных, апартаментах, дорогих ресторанах и клубах, а не в картонных декорациях. Почему у, казалось бы, успешных, состоявшихся людей так часто замечаешь пустой, потухший взгляд, - задается вопросом автор сценария, писательница Наталия Вико. Всем знакомая тема одиночества современной обеспеченной женщины открывается по-новому.