John Chambers

참여 작품

The School of the Magical Animals
Ida has a hard time making friends. One day, her weird class teacher announces that everyone in the class will have a magical animal with them. Ida is put to the side of the fox Rabbat. Benni, just like Ida also an outsider, has the turtle Henrietta as a new companion. Together they have amazing adventures ahead of them, but will they be able to fulfill the main requirement of the "Magic Pet Shop": to keep their new friends a secret from adults?
오글리스: 웰컴 투 냄새 마을
쓰레기와 지독한 냄새 때문에 아무도 찾지 않는 ‘냄새 마을’. 마을을 구하기 위해 ‘맥스’는 ‘폼 워디’ 박사의 도움을 받아 악취 제거 로봇을 발명한다. ‘맥스’와 친구들은 발명품 실험을 위해 냄새 마을 쓰레기장으로 찾아가고 그 곳으로 이사 온 녹색 괴물 오글리 가족과 만나게 된다. 더러운 게 최고의 위생! 녹슨 플라스틱과 다 쓴 건전지 스프는 최고의 음식! 이런 독특한 오글리 가족과 친구가 된 ‘맥스’는 마을을 구할 방법을 찾게 된다. 한편, ‘맥스’의 엄마는 고약한 건설업 사장 ‘해머’와 손을 잡아 테마파크를 짓기 위한 계획을 세우고, 쓰레기장 철거 작전을 시작하는데… 과연 ‘맥스’와 친구들은 오글리 가족의 집을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Alfons Zitterbacke
Clumsy peculiar pupil Alfons Zitterbacke dreams of being an astronaut and wreaks havoc anywhere he goes but against all odds wants to proof everyone who is teasing him wrong especially his father who wants him to be more of a 'normal' kid.
별나라 몰리 몬스터
아름다운 별나라, 다정한 부모님, 둘도 없는 친구 ‘에디슨’과 행복하게 살고 있는 꼬마 몬스터 ‘몰리’. 새로운 가족이 될 동생을 만나기 위해선 에그 아일랜드로 가야 하지만 아직 어린 몰리는 부모님과 함께 갈 수 없다. 부모님이 떠난 후, 동생을 위해 준비한 선물이 집에 남겨져 있는 것을 발견한 몰리! 곧 태어날 동생을 위한 선물을 전해주기 위해선 낯선 곳 에그 아일랜드로 홀로 떠나야만 하는데...
The Musical Mr. Finch
The musical Mr Finch has spent the last few years of his life trapped in a birdcage with only his collection of instruments for company. Captured by a horrible old woman and forced to play for her delight. One night, when she is asleep, he manages to escape. Suddenly the cage doesn't seem such bad idea anymore.
남극계의 얼짱, 펭귄 사전에 불가능은 없다!! ‘카카포 알’ 특급 구출 어드벤쳐! 오늘도 ‘동생 돌보기’ 벌을 받는 사고뭉치 재스퍼. 빙산 넘어 사람들이 타고 있는 여객선을 발견한 후, 몰래 잠입한 재스퍼는 악당으로부터 ‘알’을 구하기 위해 미션수행중인 카카포를 만나고, 훔친 카카포 알로 탄산음료를 만들어 아이들의 생각을 조종하려는 블록박사의 계획을 알게 된다. 무시무시한 계획을 막기 위해 우리가 뭉쳤다! 멸종위기 ‘카카포 알’을 구하기 위해 블록박사 방으로 몰래 잠입한 용감한 비밀요원들! 하지만 생각치 못한 고양이를 만나 쫓기게 되고, 동생 주니어도 잡히게 되는데… 과연, 비밀요원 재스퍼와 카카포는 미션을 완벽하게 수행하고, 안전하게 동생도 구해낼 수 있을까? 재스퍼 요원! 카카포의 생존은 너에게 달렸어! 꼭 카카포 알을 구해줘~~
Yap Yap — The Secret Forest
Naia lives alone with her parents in a towering megalopolis. Left largely to herself she roams the concrete streets to find a place to plant her seeds and grow a garden. One day, in a narrow alley, Naia stumbles through the hidden entrance to Yap Yap, a forestland inhabited by strange and magical creatures of nature. Naia makes new and unusual friends, but a growing darkness is threatening Yap Yap’s existence. Naia sets out on an impossible quest to stop the darkness and save both worlds.
COCKROACHES!!! Nasty dirty bugs that live in the shadows and run from the light. That’s what everybody thinks of cockroaches. Scav-engers. Scroungers. Spongers. Crunch frogs. Cat bait. Ugg-bugs. The insects you love to hate. So with all that good feeling in the world, the only thing cock-roaches have got going for them is…each other. But have you ever seen a cockroach singing and dancing? It’s time you did!
Granny Samurai, the Monkey King and I
When his next door neighbor, Granny Samurai, defends Sam against the school bully Boris, Sam is first relieved, then alarmed and then highly panicked as she drags him headfirst into an adventure wilder than any book he has ever read. For the Monkey King is sniffing around Sam’s house, looking for a secret weapon to help him in his fight against the human race and soon the school bully will be the smallest problem Sam can possibly imagine.
Granny Samurai, the Monkey King and I
When his next door neighbor, Granny Samurai, defends Sam against the school bully Boris, Sam is first relieved, then alarmed and then highly panicked as she drags him headfirst into an adventure wilder than any book he has ever read. For the Monkey King is sniffing around Sam’s house, looking for a secret weapon to help him in his fight against the human race and soon the school bully will be the smallest problem Sam can possibly imagine.