Robin Pohle

참여 작품

Die Ex bin ich
Sound Designer
포 미니츠
Sound Effects Editor
수감자들에게 피아노를 가르치는 노년의 음악 교사. 복역 중인 소녀에게서 천재성을 발견하고 재능을 키워주기 위해 노력을 아끼지 않는다.
Sound Effects Editor
2055년 시카고, 선사시대를 관광할 수 있는 여행상품이 개발되고 시간여행시 지켜야 할 룰을 어기면서 문제가 발생하고 이를 바로 잡기 위한 탐사대를 과거로 보내게 된다. 레이 브래드버리의 단편 스토리를 영화화한 SF 액션물
Great is the Mystery of Godliness
When an intergalactic space god shows up in the form of a German potato and turns your teeth into drunken, blathering idiots… it’s time to take the chicken and hit the fire escape. That is… unless you really dig having your domicile over run by dirty pots and pans.
Sound Designer
After a night of drinking, a young woman is shocked to see something stirring next to her in bed. She tries desperately to reconstruct the previous night. And where are the contact lenses?
Late at Night
The film project under the working title of "Nightwalk" about the jazz music of the Afro-American Cassandra Wilson, was born of the idea to really create a fusion between music and pictures. The film team concentrate the contents of the film on the actual theme of the music, "Children of the night". This is not, however, a conventional plot rather an atmospheric series of pictures surrounding a figure who is wandering through the city streets at night.