IV. Béla magyar király
Batu Khan, Genghis Khan’s military commander grandson, was elected commander in chief of the western part of the Mongol empire. Khan is confronted by a deeply spiritual man named Cesareani and a castle in Hungary that halts his invasion of Europe and ultimately causes his downfall.
Women and men in the middle of the night, without their own clothes, without personal papers and money, without their car keys and mobile phones. In a deserted city the only solution would be, regardless of how far home is, to walk alone all the way there.
Two cars, four people, one tree. Sometimes we set off somewhere for something, and then things turn out differently than we planned. Friendship, love, lies and betrayal in two short stories. Different characters, different times, the question is the same...
At a theatre workshop for young people, a teenager embarks on a sexual relationship with a slightly older girl. But isn’t this all a bit of a mistake? The people around them react in various ways, yet no-one is indifferent to what’s going on.
진정한 사랑이라고 믿었던 연인에게 배신당하고, 매일 눈물로 지새우던 비련의 여인 ‘도라’. 설상가상 삶의 유일한 낙인 디저트 카페 ‘크림’까지 잃을 위기에 처한다. 카페를 되살리기 위한 타개책으로 ‘가족 사업 대상 지원 대회’에 참여하기 위해 ‘도라’는 치과 의사 ‘마르시’, 이웃집 꼬마 ‘라시카’와 계약 가족을 급조해 상금을 획득하기 위한 고군분투를 시작한다. 전 남친과 그의 부인이 경쟁자로 등장하는 웃픈 상황 속에서 ‘도라’는 ‘마르시’에게 점점 끌리기 시작하는데…
이 이야기는 루마니아 혁명의 혼란 속에서 1989년에 시작된다. 13살 소녀 줄리가 트란실바니아의 광산촌 발란에서 사라진다. 22년 후, 그녀의 형제 페터는 브라소프시에서 경찰로서 인신매매 사건을 조사하고 있다. 그가 구하는 모든 소녀에서 그의 여동생을 본다. 어느 날 고향인 발란에서 죽은 소녀의 시신이 얼려진 채로 발견되었다는 것을 알게 된다. 여동생의 시체일 수도 있다는 생각에 발란으로 돌아와 어린 시절부터 자신을 괴롭혔던 과거의 그림자를 마주해야 한다.
László Féhér
A trio of quirky lifelong friends create a makeshift family, but their tight bond is tested when one of them falls in love with a writer.
Muggy heat, small-town bleakness, unspoken social problems, hierarchy fights. This is Tuzko town, somewhere in Hungary, nowadays. Here comes Misi who inherits his grandfather's house and his property. Misi is a disillusioned, frustrated, constantly refugee young man. He can't find his role in his life, his job and relationship. He starts to build and renovate the house with some men from the town, but it violates the local oligarch's interests. Hard struggle begins for the property, for the love and for the life.
Dia is a young female kickboxer who lives in the suburbs of Budapest with her mom and younger brother. Her dream is to compete in Germany where she can earn good money. All she has to do is win her upcoming championship. Two weeks prior to that Dia finds out that she is pregnant from her lover, who also happens to be her coach. Now she must face not only her competition, but time and the thought of abortion as well.
Zsigmond Varga
In the beautiful, otherworldly Carpathian Mountains a woman is traveling with a small boy in a horse and cart, looking to punish those who once abused her. For years, Katalin has been keeping a terrible secret. Hitchhiking with two men, she was brutally raped in the woods. Although she has kept silent about what happened, she has not forgotten, and her son Órban serves as a living reminder.