Tobias Gottschlich

참여 작품

라이징 하이
부자의 꿈을 안고 도시로 온 청년. 하지만 티끌 모아 태산의 길은 너무 힘이 들어, 편법과 사기의 길로 직진한다. 때마침 뜻이 통하는 사람을 만나 부동산 사기에 뛰어드는데, 돈 벌기가 이렇게 쉬울 줄이야. 그렇다면 판을 더 키워봐?
2030 - Aufstand der Alten
Ol' Witch
Eight year old Paul and his mother just moved to a skyscraper. After an embarrassing encounter with Anna, Paul meets her in the elevator. Anna makes fun of him and they start to quarrel. They can't arrange about going up or down. The elevator suddenly drops and carries them deep down into the realms of a wicked witch. The witch is out for their youth, since her own time is running out. Their only chance against her is for once to help together. They meet a blind horse, a clock without clock hand and a knight without courage helping them on their journey.