Gabriel Chwojnik

Gabriel Chwojnik

프로필 사진

Gabriel Chwojnik

참여 작품

The Major Tones
After an accident, Ana needs some metal prosthetics in one of her forearms. During her winter vacation, she notices something strange—as though her arm were an antenna, she begins to receive messages in morse code. This happens every day, but the frequency is different. With a little help from her friends, the young woman spends her days trying to decipher the enigmatic code coming from her body. Is it a song? A call from unthought-of places? Is it a game? Or a simple problem with the prosthetics? As she did in her short films, Ingrid Pokropek relies on fiction to tackle the shortcomings of early adolescence and pay tribute to Buenos Aires City’s geography. In Los tonos mayores, the fantastic barges in little by little, with the same conviction Ana enters the adventure of her life.
트렌케 라우켄
한 여자가 사라진다. 두 남자가 그녀를 찾아 길을 나선다. 둘 다 그녀를 사랑한다.
El método Tangalanga
This is not exactly a biopic about the famous comedian, champion of prank calls; is a film about Jorge, a clumsy and shy office worker who stutters when speaking in public and doesn't know how to approach the girl he likes. But Jorge is also, as those who know him well know, a faithful and very funny friend. And when one day, by chance, he ends up being the subject of a hypnosis session, he discovers that he has a new ability: to pick up the phone and become the irreverent Doctor Tangalanga to make those who need him laugh.
Original Music Composer
A science fiction and suspense feature that presents a frighteningly possible future, where things got even more out of control and what would be just a "quarantine" became the new and totally bizarre normal.
Everyone is locked up, but Clementina and the man she's quarantined with won't stop working. We know little about him, and even less about her: we just see over and over again her mysterious face, which seems to defy everything.
중세 시대의 삶
봉쇄 기간의 코미디? 어쩌면 그럴지도. 봉쇄 조치에 놓인 소녀와 가족의 초상? 그렇게 보인다. 봉쇄 기간에 촬영된 베케트식 부조리 뮤지컬? 정확히 그렇다.
Concert for the Battle of El Tala
This is a film with music. Or about the music and texts that accompany, in a poetic way, a decisive battle between Unitarian and Federalists. The vicissitudes of the birth of a nation based on the play written by Mariano Llinás and Gabriel Chwojnik, whose images achieve some hypnotic strength.
Concert for the Battle of El Tala
This is a film with music. Or about the music and texts that accompany, in a poetic way, a decisive battle between Unitarian and Federalists. The vicissitudes of the birth of a nation based on the play written by Mariano Llinás and Gabriel Chwojnik, whose images achieve some hypnotic strength.
La noche submarina
The Poets Visit Juana Bignozzi
Original Music Composer
A poet dies and another one, younger, feels an obligation to promote her work. She is joined by a team of women filmmakers. The film begins with this unusual triangle but, interestingly, it grows into something more complex and subtle than a traditional research project.
Un día de caza
The grass men - That's my duck! - Silence, Dvorak! -Kill that fly - Eat grass - Walkie Talkies - Fly fishing - The fan episode - Tourists under the bridge - The boat has a life of its own! - An American Anthem - The Canoe Ride Some blond idiots - Photo! - Hit the partner - Buckets falling from the sky! - Hunting in the mountains - The car has spasms - A flying umbrella! - Kicks in the butt - The top of the mountain - Tire throwing - The car goes alone! To catch a wheel - The river - A Cordovan quartet - Conservative throw - The water wells - Combat with umbrella - Trap with towel - Hip break - Gomerazos - Some children in the river - Drowning Kill the partner - A heron in the waterfall - Cross the river - He's a man of grass! - A shotgun for a deck chair - Shoot your neighbor - Aaaahhhh !!! - The last laugh - Dying, reviving and dying forever on the mountain
For the Money
A miserable Argentine troupe of actors, dancers, musicians, filmmakers and a girl embark on a theatre tour to some country, probably in Latin America.
For the Money
Original Music Composer
A miserable Argentine troupe of actors, dancers, musicians, filmmakers and a girl embark on a theatre tour to some country, probably in Latin America.
라 플로르
Original Music Composer
마리아노 이나스가 10년에 걸쳐 만든 역작으로, 무려 13시간이 넘는 시간 동안 여섯 개의 이야기가 이어진다. 각각의 이야기는 B급 영화에서 로맨스, 미스터리에서 스파이 스릴러, 또는 실험 영화 등 다양한 장르로 옮아간다. 그리고 모든 이야기에서 각기 다른 모습으로 등장하는 네 명의 여배우가 서사의 중심에 있으며, 이들의 흥미로운 행보는 진정한 자아를 향해 나아간다.
드라이 마르티나
Original Music Composer
한때는 화려한 성생활을 자랑했던 인기 가수. 이젠 성욕도 떨어지고, 한물간 그녀가 기묘한 팬을 따라 칠레로 향한다. 그녀는 뜨거운 욕망을 되살릴 수 있을까?
Las Vegas
By chance, Martin and Laura travel to Villa Gesell at the same time. They are not together anymore but 18 years ago they conceived their son, Pablo, there. Soon, situations as absurd as they are touching will arise from their encounter. Juan Villegas ventures into comedy and is back at Bafici with a nostalgic, intimate film.
35 and Single
I’m Paula. 35. Argentine. Over the past 10 years I've been compulsively shooting everyone and everything for no particular reason. All my love stories and breakups have been recorded and systematically stored. While I kept changing boyfriends every 2 years, I shot my friends with their boyfriends, husbands, their bellies and now surrounded by children. Yes, some of us just don't follow the norm. Should I settle down or remain a free spirit?
Error 404
Original Music Composer
When the internet goes down and nobody's sure how to fix it, the office staff finds themselves lost with nothing to do.
A group of girlfriends gather almost every day to sunbathe in the terrace of a building, in an age where getting the perfect tan was everything.
더 골드 버그
배우 라파엘은 파라과이 역사학자에게서 황금 유물이 숨겨진 위치가 기록된 지도를 손에 넣는다. 라파엘은 동료들과 함께 황금을 찾으려 하는데, 함께 영화를 만드는 친구들은 이미 다른 영화의 촬영을 앞두고 있다. 라파엘과 동료들은 자살한 스웨덴 작가 빅토리아 베네딕트손에 대한 영화를 만들려던 제작자들을 설득해 촬영지를 바꾸기로 한다. 이들은 촬영 도중에도 황금을 찾으려는 노력을 게을리하지 않는다. 에드거 앨런 포의 단편 『황금 풍뎅이』를 각색한 작품으로, 황금을 향한 집착은 흥미진진하면서도 씁쓸한 여정으로 이어진다.
The Color Out of Space
Original Music Composer
Campo Del Cielo, in Argentina, experienced a meteor shower thousands of years ago. Since then all kinds of people have come to the area in search of a part of the booty. Among them, the largest meteorite collector in the world, and at the same time smuggler, Robert Haag. A film that speaks of plunder and human folly.
Agua y sal
Original Music Composer
Biguá, a port worker, awaits a son with his young girlfriend and embarks on the high seas. Javier, at 40 years old, has a wife he loves, works, enjoys a good time; and imagines recurring dreams. Another life, with another being very different, they cross as in a magical and mysterious dream. The film revisits the theme of the double and its question: will there be, somewhere in the world, a double for each one of us? And, if it exists, what would happen if we took their life?
Waiting alone for her boyfriend at a hotel, a woman starts paying attention to the mysterious behavior of some guests.
부에노스 아이레스에서 사랑에 빠질 확률
산타 페 1105번지4층, H호 외부와의 접촉을 최소화한 채 컴퓨터로 모든 생활을 해결하는 웹 디자이너 마틴. 오늘도 그의 곁을 지키는 건 7년 전 헤어진 여자친구의 강아지 수수 뿐이다. 마틴에게 온라인 채팅은 일상처럼 익숙하지만, 낯선 이와의 데이트는 어색하고 불편하기만 하다. 산타 페 1183번지8층, G호 도시의 쇼윈도를 디자인하는 디스플레이어 마리아나. 힘겨웠던 4년 간의 연애를 끝내고 집에 돌아왔지만 그녀를 반기는 건 묵묵부답의 마네킹 뿐이다. 이별 후의 밤이 유독 힘겨운 마리아나는 오늘도 이 도시 어딘가에 있을 운명의 상대를 상상한다. 갑작스런 정전으로 모든 게 멈춰버린 밤, 집 밖으로 나선 마틴과 마리아나. 가까이 있으면서도 서로의 존재를 모르던 그들은 과연 사랑을 이룰 수 있을까?
Tres Juntos
Three teenage friends, between bike rides, boring classes and days at the swimming pool, trigger a strong and different attraction between two of them that they did not feel before. Maybe it will be the last summer of their childhood, maybe it will be the last summer of the three of them together.
기묘한 이야기들
Original Music Composer
남자 X가 살인 장면을 목격한다. 현장에 다가간 X는 예상 밖의 일을 저지른 후 황급히 자리를 떠난다. 남자 Z는 새 일자리를 구한다. 20년이나 일했다는 전 직원이 썼던 차를 정리하던 Z는 이해할 수 없는 암호로 가득한 공책을 발견한다. 수로 개발을 두고 의견이 분분하자 팍토로비치는 남자 H를 고용한다. 남자 H는 이유도 모른 채 강을 따라가며 교각이나 기둥의 사진을 찍어야만 한다. 정체불명의 세 인물을 중심으로 한 세 줄기의 이상야릇한 이야기가 펼쳐지며, 모든 이야기는 마치 책을 읽어 주는 듯한 내레이션을 통해 전해진다.
기묘한 이야기들
Insurance Agent
남자 X가 살인 장면을 목격한다. 현장에 다가간 X는 예상 밖의 일을 저지른 후 황급히 자리를 떠난다. 남자 Z는 새 일자리를 구한다. 20년이나 일했다는 전 직원이 썼던 차를 정리하던 Z는 이해할 수 없는 암호로 가득한 공책을 발견한다. 수로 개발을 두고 의견이 분분하자 팍토로비치는 남자 H를 고용한다. 남자 H는 이유도 모른 채 강을 따라가며 교각이나 기둥의 사진을 찍어야만 한다. 정체불명의 세 인물을 중심으로 한 세 줄기의 이상야릇한 이야기가 펼쳐지며, 모든 이야기는 마치 책을 읽어 주는 듯한 내레이션을 통해 전해진다.
Original Music Composer
In July 2002, an American Producer comissions director Mariano Donoso a documentary on the state of Education in San Juan, the province where he was born. On the first day of filming, a teachers’ strike begins, paralyzing classes in the whole province, and – indirectly – the film itself. Donoso consequently embarks on an odyssey (which is sometimes funny and sometimes sad), through the past and present of his homeland. Stikes, claims, Sarmiento, the earthquake, the province’s bureocracy and its relationship with Buenos Aires, and finally, the desert, await for Donoso in his venturesome journey.
More than the world
Original Music Composer
A young man lives with his dog, an unconditional love is interrupted by a young woman's jealous father.
Original Music Composer
An album of odd and humorous stories on small places exclusively dedicated to idleness, which are empty in winter and crowded in summer: the spa towns. Cities under water, luxury hotels, mermaids, sea animals, sand castles, people who worship water, praying for health.