Bruno Bernard

참여 작품

Soul Mates
Production Manager
Lieutenant of the French forces engaged in Mali, David Faber is seriously burned during the explosion of his armored vehicle. Repatriated to France for intensive care, he must begin a long convalescence, under the worried but devoted gaze of his sister Jeanne. They meet again in the family house in the Alps, between mountains, lake and forests. Jeanne tries to reconnect her brother with the past, but David, who suffers from amnesia after the accident, does not seem to be interested in reconciling with the man he used to be.
Soul Mates
Production Director
Lieutenant of the French forces engaged in Mali, David Faber is seriously burned during the explosion of his armored vehicle. Repatriated to France for intensive care, he must begin a long convalescence, under the worried but devoted gaze of his sister Jeanne. They meet again in the family house in the Alps, between mountains, lake and forests. Jeanne tries to reconnect her brother with the past, but David, who suffers from amnesia after the accident, does not seem to be interested in reconciling with the man he used to be.
밤이여 안녕
Production Manager
뮈리엘은 말을 사육하면서 대형 아몬드 농장을 운영한다. 그녀가 사랑으로 키운 손자 알렉스는 캐나다로 여행을 떠나기 전 그녀의 집을 방문한다. 이때 뮈리엘은 알렉스가 여행보다도 훨씬 더 위험한 계획을 세우고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다.
Paris Pigalle
Production Manager
Paris, 1982. Franck and Serge are police investigators in charge of making a good catch in the Parisian porn industry. In order to infiltrate the mafia, they take over a peep show in Pigalle riddled with debts. In attempt to jump start the business, they begin to produce short porn films.
비잉 17
Production Manager
Set in the beautiful high Pyrenees in south-west France, Damien lives with his mother Marianne, a doctor, while his father, a pilot, is on a tour of duty abroad with the French military. At school, Damien is bullied by Thomas, who lives in the farming community up in the mountains. The boys find themselves living together when Marianne invites Thomas to come and stay with them while his mother is ill in hospital. Damien must learn to live with the boy who terrorised him.
Far Away
Assistant Director
Serge is a long distance lorry driver between Morocco andEurope. In Tangier, he tries to reconcile with his former girlfriend, Sarah. She has refused to have anything to do with him since her mother’s death and intends to join her brother in Canada. Serge appeals to Sarah’s protector, a young Arab named Saïd, to allow him to meet up with Sarah, promising in return to smuggle Saïd into Europe...
조용하고 내성적인 성격의 소피는 상류층인 릴리브르씨 가족을 위해 일하는 가정부다. 이 집의 무능력한 부부와 버릇없는 두 아이를 위해 매일 ‘의식’과 같이 식사를 준비하고 청소를 하며 집안을 돌본다. 그런데 그녀는 자신이 글을 읽지 못한다는 사실을 숨기고 있다. 소피는 정열적이며 세상 물정에 밝은 우체국 직원 잔느와 친구가 되는데, 그녀를 위해 쇼핑 리스트를 읽어주기도 하고 릴리브르 가족에 대한 온갖 이야기들을 들려주기도 한다. 잔느가 자신의 우편물을 훔쳐본다고 의심해 오던 릴리브르씨는, 소피에게 잔느가 4살짜리 소녀에 대한 살인혐의를 받은 적 있으며 나중에 방면되었다는 사실을 얘기해준다. 그렇게 서로의 불신이 쌓여갈 무렵 소피가 글을 읽지 못한다는 사실이 발각되고 항상 부르주아 가족으로부터 무시당한다고 생각했던 소피와 잔느의 분노가 폭발하게 된다.