Almost 50 years ago, on 6 May 1970, Feijenoord (now Feyenoord) won the European Cup in Milan. The cup was brought back to Rotterdam and the city exploded. A pavilion was built on the Coolsingel where football fans could have their photo taken with the cup. The makers of this documentary studied archives and conducted countless telephone interviews with ordinary Rotterdammers who witnessed this historic moment. How did it feel to win such a prestigious cup? And what are the stories from Milan, the Coolsingel, Stadhuisplein and the stadium in Rotterdam-Zuid?
Almost 50 years ago, on 6 May 1970, Feijenoord (now Feyenoord) won the European Cup in Milan. The cup was brought back to Rotterdam and the city exploded. A pavilion was built on the Coolsingel where football fans could have their photo taken with the cup. The makers of this documentary studied archives and conducted countless telephone interviews with ordinary Rotterdammers who witnessed this historic moment. How did it feel to win such a prestigious cup? And what are the stories from Milan, the Coolsingel, Stadhuisplein and the stadium in Rotterdam-Zuid?
2018년 3월, 지구상의 마지막 수컷 북방흰코뿔소가 죽었다. 그의 이름은 수단이고, 수단의 42년간의 지구에서의 삶은, 그리고 그의 종족의 삶은 이제 끝이 났다. 영화는 혼자가 아니었던 수단의 마지막 나날들을 보여준다. 수단이 마지막 개체가 된 순간부터 그는 보디가드들에 둘러 싸였고, 관광객들은 그와 사진을 찍기 위해 줄을 섰으며 기자들이 그의 이야기를 취재하기 위해 케냐로 몰려들었다. 그리고 여전히 과학자들은 그의 종족을 번식시킬 방법을 찾고 있다.
The Syrian conflict in Aleppo is complex. How to represent it truthfully to the world? A documentary.
Syrian photographer Issa Touma regularly travels from Europe to his city of birth, Aleppo. He visits family, friends and students who still live there, primarily viewing it as his task to record the art of survival during one of the biggest human dramas of our time.
Syrian photographer Issa Touma regularly travels from Europe to his city of birth, Aleppo. He visits family, friends and students who still live there, primarily viewing it as his task to record the art of survival during one of the biggest human dramas of our time.
Syrian photographer Issa Touma regularly travels from Europe to his city of birth, Aleppo. He visits family, friends and students who still live there, primarily viewing it as his task to record the art of survival during one of the biggest human dramas of our time.
One morning in August 2012, renowned Syrian photographer Issa Touma saw young men lugging sandbags into his street. It turned out to be the start of the Syrian uprising in the city of Aleppo. Touma grabbed his camera and spent nine days holed up in his apartment, recording what was happening outside. The result? An unprecedented glimpse into a war that has been raging for three years now.