Mikaël Conde

Mikaël Conde

프로필 사진

Mikaël Conde

참여 작품

Trapped with My Husband
Melissa learns that her new husband Kevin is a philanderer with no ambition. The two become roommates from hell while Kevin remains in the house until the divorce is finalized, but when he turns up dead, all eyes are on Melissa.
A Christmas Stray
A man finds himself hopelessly stranded in a small town on Christmas Eve, unable to shake the stray dog who ran him off the road, and irresistibly drawn to the free-spirited, local veterinarian.
The Exchange
Soccer Player
A socially awkward but highly enterprising teenager decides to acquire a "mail order best friend"; a sophisticated exchange student from France. Instead, he ends up importing his personal nightmare, a cologne-soaked, chain-smoking, sex-obsessed youth who quickly becomes the hero of his new community.
Two for the Win
Burt Redland
A world champion ski racer and local ski instructor find romance on the slopes as he returns home and prepares for the biggest race of his life.
성질머리 괴팍한 산타클로스 크리스 크링글은 망해가는 산타클로스 사업을 살리기 위해 애를 쓴다. 한편 조숙하고 못된 12살 꼬마 빌리는 산타로부터 석탄 덩어리를 선물로 받은 후 산타를 죽이기 위해 킬러를 고용하는데...
Bill Miller
제2차 세계대전이 발발하고 중립을 지키던 미국은 1941년 크리스마스를 몇주 앞둔 12월 7일 일본으로부터 진주만 습격을 당한다. 이후 전 세계를 향한 일본의 야욕이 거세지고, 역사상 최대 규모의 미국 본토 공격을 계획한다. 군은 진주만 다음 일본의 공격 목표가 어디인지 암호를 해독하기 위해 애쓰고, 동시에 긴박하게 전열을 정비해 나간다. 가까스로 두 번째 타겟이 미드웨이라는 것을 알아낸 미국은 반격을 준비하지만, 절대적으로 불리한 상황에 놓이고 마는데...
The Cheerleader Escort
Kyle Buchanan
When college freshman Cassie earns a spot on the cheerleading squad, she is overjoyed about the new friendships, status, and access to social events that come along with being on the team. When she meets Terry, the charismatic President of the Alumni Association, at an event, Cassie finds herself falling for this older man despite their age difference. Terry even helps her out by paying part of her tuition when she falls on hard times. But all is not as it seems.
Homekilling Queen
Jason Montrose
Whitney Manning, gorgeous, entitled and deranged daughter of wealthy and equally disturbed Connie, is determined to become homecoming queen and absolutely nothing will stand in her way.
The Black Widow Killer
Kyle Hanson
A single mother fears for her life and that of her daughter when they become targets of a serial killer.
A Christmas for the Books
Lifestyle guru and romance expert, Joanna Moret, has developed a fool-proof strategy for ending holiday loneliness and it's all detailed in her best-selling book, The Love Audit. After appearing on a morning show, she is offered the biggest opportunity of her career—to throw the MacAllen Holiday Gala—and if all goes well she'll get her own TV show. Little do her fans, or the MacAllen's, know that she is newly single and can't seem to apply her principles to her own love life. Joanna asks the morning show producer, Ted to pretend they are a couple or risk being exposed as a fraud.
His Perfect Obsession
Allison and her daughter Abigail return to Allison's hometown after the death of Allison's beloved aunt. While there, they encounter Bart, a man who knew Allison when she was a teen. But Bart's friendliness soon turns into something more sinister.
Mommy's Little Girl
Josh Myers
The story of a dangerous little girl who is reunited with her natural mother after living with her controlling grandparents in a rural farmhouse in seclusion.
Who Killed Our Father?
After her foster sister dies, Leila takes a DNA test and discovers the identity of her biological father and sister. But when her father is tragically murdered, and Leila travels to meet the sister she never knew, she lands herself in more danger than she ever imagined.