Ivo Felt

Ivo Felt

프로필 사진

Ivo Felt
Ivo Felt

참여 작품

8 Views of Lake Biwa
"8 views" is an eastern art tradition where one place (primarily the area around Lake Biwa in Japan) is described through eight motifs, among which are scarlet, snow, sailboats returning home in the evening, rain, autumn moon, temple bell, gust of wind, flight of forest geese. These motifs frame eight intertwining tragic love stories, the setting of which are modern Russian fishing villages of old believers on the border of Estonian-Russian settlements and cultures by Lake Peipsi. The spiritualization of everything living and inanimate from Japanese animism, the eroticism of shunga and the humble language of prayer merge into a spiritual and magical world of a small community, where one still believes that one is connected with everything.
Last Sentinel
After serving two years on a military outpost in the middle of an ocean – four soldiers are waiting for a new crew to replace them. When the long-awaited boat finally appears, it’s empty with no relief on board. When trying to find out what happened to the boat and the missing crew, they realize they’ve lost all communications with home. Cut off from the rest of the world and no one coming to get them, Baines, Sullivan, Cassidy and Hendrichs must fight with suspicions about each other and find a new way to get home. If home still exists.
Dreaming Arizona
Where does the dream begin and reality end? In Dreaming Arizona, this is the question both for the central figures and for the viewer. Known for his staged documentaries, Danish director Jon Bang Carlsen has five American teenagers from a small town in Arizona reenact their own lives—past, present and future.
A witty and sensitive observation of people visiting Central Park of Tokyo – YoyoGi. We all live in a world of online communication and rush, but there are places where one can still come to him/herself in offline. Following Japanese tradition of contemplation and harmony, an Estonian director explores Eastern way of finding the balance through nature and solitude. Hauki poetry, written especially by a well-known Japan-researcher from Tallinn Rein Raud add a new angle to the whole picture, turning the film into an endless meditation flow.
베리얼: 라스트 미션
과거 소련의 정보 장교였던 안나의 집에 한 남자가 침입한다. 그는 분노에 찬 표정으로 그녀의 정체를 알고 있음을 밝히며 그날의 진실을 요구하고, 안나는 그에게 과거의 이야기를 들려준다. 제2차 세계대전 당시, 그녀는 벙커에서 발견된 히틀러의 유해를 스탈린에게 극비리에 전달해야 하는 임무를 맡게 되고 그녀를 포함한 소수의 소련 장병들은 목숨을 걸고 임무를 수행한다. 하지만 독일군들은 히틀러의 사망에 대한 사실을 숨기고자 그의 유해 상자를 쟁취하기 위해 공격을 퍼붓고, 안나와 장병들은 그들을 상대하며 유해가 들어있는 상자를 지키기 위해 사투를 벌이는데…
메모리 오브 워터
Centuries in the future, world's freshwater supplies are running out. Wars are waged over water, and China rules over Europe, including the Scandinavian Union. Far in the north, young woman, Noria, is learning to become a Tea Master, like her father. Tea Masters alone know the location of hidden water sources, including the natural spring that Noria’s father tends, which once provided water for her whole village. After her father dies, the military moves in to watch over the village -- and Noria. Refusing to give in her freshwater spring, Noria digs in deeper into her family’s secret. Within the Tea Masters’ books, she finds information that the government’s power is based on lies, that there still might be fresh water left for everyone. She risks her own life and sets out on a dangerous journey to find out if this is true.
Line Producer
주도자는 미국의 한 요원으로 우크라이나 국립 오페라 극장의 한 사건에 투입되었다가 우크라이나 요원들에게 붙잡히게 되고 고문을 받지만 CIA가 준 자살 약을 먹고 자살을 택하게 된다. 그러나 이내 다시 눈을 뜬 주인공은 의문의 한 남자로부터 임무를 부여받는다. 그가 주도자에게 줄 수 있는 건 하나의 제스처와 하나의 단어 뿐. 시간의 흐름을 뒤집는 인버전을 통해 현재와 미래를 오가며 세상을 파괴하려는 사토르를 막기 위해 투입된 작전의 주도자는 인버전에 대한 정보를 가진 닐과 미술품 감정사이자 사토르에 대한 복수심이 가득한 그의 아내 캣과 협력해 미래의 공격에 맞서 제3차 세계대전을 막아야 한다.
민와일 온 어스
When we die, there are still some practicalities that need to be taken care of before our time among the living is finally over. In Meanwhile on Earth we enter the world around our end station, an industry of death. It is a place where the existential meets the mundane, the sacred meets the profane.
진실과 정의
1872년 에스토니아, 척박한 땅에서 농장을 일구려는 남자가 고된 노동과 악의적인 이웃에 맞서 고군분투한다. 하지만 생존을 위한 그의 투쟁은 아내와 딸에 대한 외면으로 이어진다.
Take It or Leave It
One sleepy Saturday morning a 30-year-old construction worker Erik gets some earth shattering news: his ex-girlfriend Moonika who he hasn't even seen for the past six months is about to go into labor. She however is not ready for motherhood and if Erik doesn't want the kid either, the little girl will be put up for adoption.
Karina and Martin are in a pleasent relation where everyday life flows in an effortlessly accustomed way and no small misbehaviours can shake it’s rush. Life is good. Perhaps it’s this perfection and frequent patterns that make them finally pose a question – is everything to be expected in life? This is a story about following the yearning of your soul. Longing for something other than the present and having the courage to be deliberately lost.
The Confession
Priest Giorgi, a former Film Director, is sent to serve the small parish in the mountain village. To bring villagers closer to church he starts showing films there. After the screening of the first picture - "Some Like It Hot" - the audience imply that the local music teacher Lili looks exactly like Marilyn Monroe. After meeting Lili, Father Giorgi's balance between cleric and secular world starts to quiver - the woman is extremely sexy and the temptation is difficult to resist.
스케어리 마더
50세의 마나나는 주부로서의 책임감과 글쓰기라는 자신의 열정 사이에서 갈등한다. 그녀는 자신의 열정을 따르기로 하고, 정신적 그리고 육체적인 고통을 감수하며 글을 쓰기 시작한다.
The Spy And The Poet
Lonely secret service officer Gustav meets a mysterious gypsy woman. It soon comes clear that it is a trap set by the Russian intelligence. Gustav is ordered to continue the relationship to get a better understanding of the enemy's plans. Unfortunately, Gustav finds himself struggling with the task, as he is falling in love with the enemy. Is there a way out of this situation?
나의 펜싱 선생님
2차 세계대전 이후 에스토니아는 스탈린에 의해 소련의 지배를 받게 되고 비밀경찰들로 하여금 전쟁 당시 강제로 독일군에 가담했었던 에스토니아 국민들을 처리하고자 하는데 이에 펜싱 선수인 엔델은 레닌그라드를 떠나 에스토니아의 작은 도시로 숨어들어 자신의 신분을 숨긴채 선생님이 되어 펜싱을 가르치며 벌어지는 이야기 입니다.
Landscape with Many Moons
“Landscape with Many Moons“ is a drama about a middle-aged man who lives a seemingly ordinary life with his wife and children. The truth is, however, that their relationship has reached a dead end but they prefer the illusory decorations of living together to the free fall into emptiness. The man gallivants around between his previous and current relationships without knowing exactly what to do with them. Living on the edge starts to overburden his nervous system and as a result, actual reality and dream-like reality blend together and it becomes ever harder to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
텐저린즈: 누구를 위한 전쟁인가
Sound Director
소련 공산체제가 무너진 뒤 독립한 국가들의 인종전쟁 중의 하나로 조지아와 아브카지아 간에 치열한 교전이 벌어진다. 소련체제가 붕괴하고 인종전쟁이 일어나면서 아브카지아에 살던 에스토니아인들은 대량으로 옛 조국으로 돌아갔다. 그러나 목수 노인 이보(렘비트 울프삭)와 이웃인 마르구스(엘모 누가넨)는 탠저린을 수확하기 위해 집을 지킨다. 이들은 전투가 바로 자기들 집 문밖에 이르렀지만 결코 평정을 잃지 않고 탠저린 수확에 정성을 쏟는다. 마침내 전투가 두 사람의 마당 앞에서 벌어지면서 서로가 원수지간인 체첸인 용병 아메드(기오르기 나카쉬제)와 조지아인인 니코(미하일 메스키)가 중상을 입고 이보 집 앞에 쓰러진다. 이보는 둘을 자기 집 안에 들여다 놓고 극진히 간호를 하는데 아픈 몸에도 불구하고 아메드와 니코는 몸만 나으면 서로 죽이겠다고 다짐을 한다. 아메드는 죽은 동료들의 복수를 하겠다고 이를 득득 가는데 니코도 이에 맞서 아메드에게 적의를 표하나 니코는 전쟁 전의 직업이 배우여서 용병인 아메드보다는 덜 호전적이다. 이 두 사람 간의 적의와 증오를 연민의 정과 함께 한심하다는 표정으로 지켜보면서 인자한 아버지처럼 그들을 돌보는 이보의 모습이 구세주 같다. 그러나 두 사람의 건강이 회복되는 시간이 길어지면서 한 집 식구처럼 된 둘 간의 적대감도 서서히 녹아 들면서 내면에 깊이 잠재해 있던 인간성이 서서히 고개를 든다. 그리고 다시 한 번 총격전이 이 마을 덮치면서 어제의 적이 오늘의 동지가 된다.
텐저린즈: 누구를 위한 전쟁인가
소련 공산체제가 무너진 뒤 독립한 국가들의 인종전쟁 중의 하나로 조지아와 아브카지아 간에 치열한 교전이 벌어진다. 소련체제가 붕괴하고 인종전쟁이 일어나면서 아브카지아에 살던 에스토니아인들은 대량으로 옛 조국으로 돌아갔다. 그러나 목수 노인 이보(렘비트 울프삭)와 이웃인 마르구스(엘모 누가넨)는 탠저린을 수확하기 위해 집을 지킨다. 이들은 전투가 바로 자기들 집 문밖에 이르렀지만 결코 평정을 잃지 않고 탠저린 수확에 정성을 쏟는다. 마침내 전투가 두 사람의 마당 앞에서 벌어지면서 서로가 원수지간인 체첸인 용병 아메드(기오르기 나카쉬제)와 조지아인인 니코(미하일 메스키)가 중상을 입고 이보 집 앞에 쓰러진다. 이보는 둘을 자기 집 안에 들여다 놓고 극진히 간호를 하는데 아픈 몸에도 불구하고 아메드와 니코는 몸만 나으면 서로 죽이겠다고 다짐을 한다. 아메드는 죽은 동료들의 복수를 하겠다고 이를 득득 가는데 니코도 이에 맞서 아메드에게 적의를 표하나 니코는 전쟁 전의 직업이 배우여서 용병인 아메드보다는 덜 호전적이다. 이 두 사람 간의 적의와 증오를 연민의 정과 함께 한심하다는 표정으로 지켜보면서 인자한 아버지처럼 그들을 돌보는 이보의 모습이 구세주 같다. 그러나 두 사람의 건강이 회복되는 시간이 길어지면서 한 집 식구처럼 된 둘 간의 적대감도 서서히 녹아 들면서 내면에 깊이 잠재해 있던 인간성이 서서히 고개를 든다. 그리고 다시 한 번 총격전이 이 마을 덮치면서 어제의 적이 오늘의 동지가 된다.
Free Range
Sound Recordist
After being fired from his job at a newspaper for writing a destructive review of a celebrated movie, Fred, an aspiring writer, learns that his girlfriend is pregnant.
The Surrealist and His Naughty Hand
A film about Finnish artist Kalervo Palsa who was completely neglected by his peers and time
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
Rat King
18 year old Juri is seriously addicted to online gaming, so much so he becomes isolated from his single mother and pushes his girlfriend to the brink of leaving him. He decides to quit, but is soon lured back by one of his net-mates, Niki, who - when they meet for the first time - turns out to look strikingly like Juri. Niki has a web-address tattooed on his arm and when Juri types it into his computer, he gets drawn into a curious game that grants him the username RAT KING. As the game becomes increasingly dangerous, Niki vows to help Juri get through it. But the game triggers a series of life-threatening events and pretty soon Juri realizes that he is gaming for his life.
Rat King
Sound Designer
18 year old Juri is seriously addicted to online gaming, so much so he becomes isolated from his single mother and pushes his girlfriend to the brink of leaving him. He decides to quit, but is soon lured back by one of his net-mates, Niki, who - when they meet for the first time - turns out to look strikingly like Juri. Niki has a web-address tattooed on his arm and when Juri types it into his computer, he gets drawn into a curious game that grants him the username RAT KING. As the game becomes increasingly dangerous, Niki vows to help Juri get through it. But the game triggers a series of life-threatening events and pretty soon Juri realizes that he is gaming for his life.
The Idiot
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
Letters to Angel
Sound Designer
Film about a man who was sent to fight in Afghanistan years ago, where he converted to Islam. He now returns home only to find himself facing another kind of war.The front line in the decrepit Estonian town runs between Eastern and Western culture, men and women, common sense and madness. Somewhere amidst these battles is his daughter, who Kirotaja has decided to find after all the years of absence. His only leads are the sound of his daughter crying, heard once on the telephone, and a dog-eared notebook full of letters addressed to her. But the town has other plans for him and the women running it seem to take him for their savior from the nagging feeling of emptiness that has enveloped them. (from imdb)
A Friend of Mine
Sound Director
Mati, a 70-year-old bibliophile, cannot cope with his wife's death. As loneliness and indifference overrun his thoughts, he contemplates suicide until he meets a younger man who sparks his interest in life.
Auk nr 8
Sound Editor
The eastern Ukrainian town of Snezhnoje, which prospered during the Soviet era when miners there were spoiled with all kinds of privileges, now lives in poverty.
It's Cold
Aggivald, 23, is living in a suburban boiler-house that is fuelled by books - books without endings. The biggest passion for the young man is to write a new ending for each book. Aggivald doesn't know that his family has a story of its own, a story that reaches back to the Soviet time and has no ending either.
Aeg on siin
Sound Director
Joonas, Karit, Doris and Fred are seven years old and will start going to school. They live in different areas in Estonia. They're all different children with different schools and teachers. Yet, time is the same for all of them, passing by the same way. Where will they be at the end of their first school year?
The Temptation of St. Tony
Sound Recordist
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control of his life.
Tom, a wide-eyed, innocent sixteen year-old, finds himself an unwitting accomplice in a deadly game of vengeance and death when he befriends Artur - a Chechen man, hell bent on revenging the torture and murder of his family - on the streets of Tallinn.
Unforgettable melodies, unique timbre and a memorable, soul-stirring voice. A mystery for women and authority for men, his talent was revered by the highest ranks of the Soviet Union and millions of ordinary people. Georg Ots took the stage when a huge country was recovering from the horrors of war, and his voice returned them faith in a bright future. Few people know what his life was really like.
Sound Director
Sound Designer
A family comedy about a 7-year-old boy, who's a devoted viking fan.
Sound Director
A family comedy about a 7-year-old boy, who's a devoted viking fan.
Mat the Cat
10-year-old Martin meets a cat, who turns into a boy and helps Martin solve his problems which occurred after he changed school.
Revolution of Pigs
"Revolution of Pigs" is an adventurous youth comedy, taking place in a Woodstock-like milieu. The main character is Tanel, a 15-year-old boy, who, taking part of a youth revolt against the system, finds himself and his love.
Waterbomb for the Fat Tomcat
Sound Director
The two sisters' parents have gone abroad to earn the living, so the girls Marta and Linda needs someone to take care of them. For that they have their dictatorial spinster aunt Una, who desperately wants to get married, and has a sympathy for the jeweler Ivo. Meanwhile, Marta is working hard to get a promised puppy, but her plans are ruined, as her aunt feels a strong despise for dogs. So, the relations between the girls and their aunt becomes really tense. Until the perfect plan of the sisters - to help the aunt to get married, to get rid of her.
Teisel pool vett
Sound Designer
Autumn 1944, Estonia. Tens of thousands of people leave their homeland in fear of approaching frontline. Some seashore villages remain completely empty. A young woman with huge grey eyes gets off the boat. Eetla leaves the last boat, thus giving up her last chance to escape. Defying the cold wind and rain of September, she returns to the lighthouse which is unexpected to her father Gottfrid, the lighthouse keeper, and herself. Eetla's return becomes her self-encounter and self-recognition.
Names in Marble
Sound Editor
Based on an acclaimed 1935 novel about the War of Liberation (1918-1920) that ensured Estonia's independence, the film tells about a group of young schoolboys heading to the front to fight the army of Soviet Russia.
Names in Marble
Sound Designer
Based on an acclaimed 1935 novel about the War of Liberation (1918-1920) that ensured Estonia's independence, the film tells about a group of young schoolboys heading to the front to fight the army of Soviet Russia.
Agent Wild Duck
Sound Designer
Hans Wild Duck Gens, an old school industrial spy becomes suicidally jealous when the firm brings in a German performance artist who becomes not only the top agent, but also replaces him in his girlfriend Monika's affections.
Good Hands
Sound Director
The Estonians and Latvians join hands in this jointly produced Baltic comedy about love and theft centering on light-fingered Margita. Everything and anything that hasn't been nailed to the spot winds up in her possession - whether it's a wallet belonging to a passer-by or a Jeep. But the police are on to her and the streets of Riga are becoming just a little too dangerous for Margita these days (played by rising Latvian star Rezija Kalniņa). She decides to break camp and hitchhike her way up north coming to rest at a little place called Vineeri in Estonia, where she soon finds herself looking after an entire household, including three men and a small boy.
Madonna Is Not Dead A.D. 2050
Sound Director
Two elderly people have decided to start having children. There was no time for this in their youth, they had to work hard to survive. Now, in retirement, nimble old people are making children for sale to spend the night with beer, cigarettes and cocaine. It is the year 2050. The third child of the elderly is about to be born and the selling price is rising. The moral and ethical categories have changed. An aging Europe needs children.
All My Lenins
Sound Director
Young and active nationalist Aleksander Kesküla makes up his mind to use Lenin, the Bolsheviks' leader, in order to start a revolution in Russia with German money and create a new national state of Estonia in the north-east of Russia. For security reasons, five doubles will be found and trained for Lenin. All of them are finally sent to Russia to instigate the revolution. How will the real Lenin put up with all this?
Too Tired to Hate
Sound Designer
This modern western depicting juvenile crime takes as its theme the struggle of an individual against a vicious circle of violence. The spiral of violence and revenge is only broken when one person conquers himself and refuses to continue the vendetta. Siim, a 14-year old who grew up in the streets, is only spared the violence because he has a natural antipathy to it. Ultimately he too is caught up in the fighting when he tries to save money for his girlfriend's Christmas gift and the cash is stolen.
Call-girl's Christmas
Sound Director
Portrait documentary about a country girl who has hopes for a better future and comes to Tallinn to sell her body in order to find happiness and make a living. This is an honest story about an eager young woman who has chosen a difficult, sometimes even dangerous profession.
Vene metalli ja US $ suudlus
Sound Director
Documentary on the smuggling of Russian metal through Estonia. A profitable but dangerous metal business in the early years of the Republic of Estonia, when metal suddenly becomes a source of extremely rapid enrichment and a symbol of prosperity.
City Unplugged
In August, 1991, Estonia reclaims its independence from the USSR and brings to its national bank nearly $1 billion in gold bullion hidden in Paris for 50 years. Russian mobsters have a bold plan to hijack the gold after shutting down the capital's power at midnight. For this they need Toivo, an electrical technician. His wife is pregnant and she urges him to take the job ("$5000 buys lots of baby food"). After Toivo leaves for the plant, his wife goes into labor. Birth and blackout happen simultaneously; the baby needs an incubator, but there's no power. Jealousies within the Mob undercut the plan's smooth operation, and soon the Mob has Toivo to deal with as well.
Those Old Love Letters
Sound Designer
A film about the life of Raimond Valgre, an Estonian songwriter and singer of the 1930s and 40s, the political changes of his country and his life after the war when his songs were considered not suitable for the Soviet way of life.
When a 15-year-old rebellious Stefi goes missing, her mother Helena has nothing left to lose anymore – why cling to sanity when madness offers a chance for reconciliation and love?