Harmo Kallaste

참여 작품

That's How It Is
Sound Director
Film takes the viewer into the world of men living in small towns in Estonia, showing their everyday thoughts and concerns.
Gori the Caricaturist
Sound Director
A richly animated documentary about the extremely popular caricaturist Gori, whose fate in Estonia at the beginning of the last century shows the balance between power and freedom like a mirror. In the Fellini-like world of Gori (1894-1944), farce and drama, mockery and big politics mix. There is no subject that Gori's pen will not mock until the winds turn and mouths are closed.
Kukerpillide rapsoodia
Sound Director
A journey with Estonia's oldest and most popular band.
The Sleeping Beast
Sound Director
A gang of five children spend their summer in an abandoned factory complex. When they are forbidden to go there by the factory owner for safety reasons, the children decide to ignore the ban. This decision changes their lives forever and the friends face a grim confrontation.
The Diary of Vaino Vahing
Sound Recordist
When love is the greatest torment, will art or play save you? A dramatic documentary about author Vaino Vahing.
The Diary of Vaino Vahing
Sound Director
When love is the greatest torment, will art or play save you? A dramatic documentary about author Vaino Vahing.
Kids of the Night
Sound Director
A film about three sisters who have reached different turning points in their lives. Liis, who has just graduated from high school, discovers that the future planned with her boyfriend is not so certain. Elder sister Karin, the first victim of her parents' expectations, tries to cope in today's sexist business environment. Jane, the youngest of the sisters, tries to resist the pressure of her party animal friend to prove herself as someone who she is not. During one fateful night, secrets and feelings that none of them wanted to admit to themselves before are revealed.
To Save a Language
Sound Mixer
Linguist Indrek Park has been working with Native American languages for over ten years. The film sees him recording the language of the Mandan tribe, who live in the prairies of North Dakota, on the banks of the Missouri River. The job involves a lot of responsibility, and he is running out of time – his language guide, the 84-year-old Edwin Benson, is the last native speaker of Mandan.
FRESH BLOOD: With the Best Intentions
Five fresh short films on the theme "With the best intentions" from even fresher Estonian directors.
Putting Lipstick on a Pig
A middle aged woman is an accountant and becomes addicted to gambling. She steals over 800 000€ from her customers and loses everything to the local gambling company on the small island where she lives.
The Confession
Sound Director
Priest Giorgi, a former Film Director, is sent to serve the small parish in the mountain village. To bring villagers closer to church he starts showing films there. After the screening of the first picture - "Some Like It Hot" - the audience imply that the local music teacher Lili looks exactly like Marilyn Monroe. After meeting Lili, Father Giorgi's balance between cleric and secular world starts to quiver - the woman is extremely sexy and the temptation is difficult to resist.
Close Relations
Sound Engineer
Vitaly Mansky’s intimate and insightful new documentary finds him crisscrossing the Ukraine in the wake of the Maidan uprising, which has left his relatives scattered on both sides of a highly charged and dizzyingly complex political situation.
Family Lies
Sound Recordist
The film is set in a town that has a professional symphony orchestra, managed by authoritarian and confident Paul Levald, who has conducted both the orchestra and his family affairs for years. Due to dramatic events, Paul’s son-in-law Egon Rei must unexpectedly assume his duties. In addition to the baton, power and responsibility as well as the tensions in the orchestra, Egon inherits his father-in-law’s secrets and obligations from his complicated past. New lies are born out of old ones and, at some point, Egon realises that the revelation of truth might cause a real chaos. "Family Lies" by Valentin Kuik and Manfred Vainokivi is a relationship drama about elephants in the bedroom and skeletons in the closet, about small and big deceptions, half-truths and set-ups that can be found in every family’s secret chronicles.
텐저린즈: 누구를 위한 전쟁인가
Sound Designer
소련 공산체제가 무너진 뒤 독립한 국가들의 인종전쟁 중의 하나로 조지아와 아브카지아 간에 치열한 교전이 벌어진다. 소련체제가 붕괴하고 인종전쟁이 일어나면서 아브카지아에 살던 에스토니아인들은 대량으로 옛 조국으로 돌아갔다. 그러나 목수 노인 이보(렘비트 울프삭)와 이웃인 마르구스(엘모 누가넨)는 탠저린을 수확하기 위해 집을 지킨다. 이들은 전투가 바로 자기들 집 문밖에 이르렀지만 결코 평정을 잃지 않고 탠저린 수확에 정성을 쏟는다. 마침내 전투가 두 사람의 마당 앞에서 벌어지면서 서로가 원수지간인 체첸인 용병 아메드(기오르기 나카쉬제)와 조지아인인 니코(미하일 메스키)가 중상을 입고 이보 집 앞에 쓰러진다. 이보는 둘을 자기 집 안에 들여다 놓고 극진히 간호를 하는데 아픈 몸에도 불구하고 아메드와 니코는 몸만 나으면 서로 죽이겠다고 다짐을 한다. 아메드는 죽은 동료들의 복수를 하겠다고 이를 득득 가는데 니코도 이에 맞서 아메드에게 적의를 표하나 니코는 전쟁 전의 직업이 배우여서 용병인 아메드보다는 덜 호전적이다. 이 두 사람 간의 적의와 증오를 연민의 정과 함께 한심하다는 표정으로 지켜보면서 인자한 아버지처럼 그들을 돌보는 이보의 모습이 구세주 같다. 그러나 두 사람의 건강이 회복되는 시간이 길어지면서 한 집 식구처럼 된 둘 간의 적대감도 서서히 녹아 들면서 내면에 깊이 잠재해 있던 인간성이 서서히 고개를 든다. 그리고 다시 한 번 총격전이 이 마을 덮치면서 어제의 적이 오늘의 동지가 된다.
Sound Recordist
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
The Idiot
Sound Editor
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
A Friend of Mine
Sound Editor
Mati, a 70-year-old bibliophile, cannot cope with his wife's death. As loneliness and indifference overrun his thoughts, he contemplates suicide until he meets a younger man who sparks his interest in life.
It's Cold
Sound Recordist
Aggivald, 23, is living in a suburban boiler-house that is fuelled by books - books without endings. The biggest passion for the young man is to write a new ending for each book. Aggivald doesn't know that his family has a story of its own, a story that reaches back to the Soviet time and has no ending either.
Revolution of Pigs
Sound Editor
"Revolution of Pigs" is an adventurous youth comedy, taking place in a Woodstock-like milieu. The main character is Tanel, a 15-year-old boy, who, taking part of a youth revolt against the system, finds himself and his love.
Sound Editor
Autumn 1944, Estonia. Tens of thousands of people leave their homeland in fear of approaching frontline. Some seashore villages remain completely empty. A young woman with huge grey eyes gets off the boat. Eetla leaves the last boat, thus giving up her last chance to escape. Defying the cold wind and rain of September, she returns to the lighthouse which is unexpected to her father Gottfrid, the lighthouse keeper, and herself. Eetla's return becomes her self-encounter and self-recognition.
Made in Estonia
Sound Editor
Fantasy and reality dance a wicked tango in this quirky comedy about the misadventures of Mill and Norm, two talented radio actors in Estonia.
Names in Marble
Sound Editor
Based on an acclaimed 1935 novel about the War of Liberation (1918-1920) that ensured Estonia's independence, the film tells about a group of young schoolboys heading to the front to fight the army of Soviet Russia.
Sound Editor
A quiet Tarkovskian drama about an old man who lives alone on a deserted island which the Soviet fighter planes use for nighttime target practicing. A young mute boy is sent from the mainland to keep him company. Both are haunted by memories, the boy about his mother and the old man about his younger days as a missionary in Africa.