Standby Carpenter
대통령궁이 공격당했다! 독립기념일 만찬 중인 대통령궁. 무장 테러리스트들이 습격해 점령하고 대통령과 각국 외교관을 인질로 협상조건을 내민다. 일급비밀 EU특수팀의 진압작전이 시작되고 놈들은 대통령을 납치해 공항으로 탈출하는데… 대통령을 구출하라! 끝까지 추격해서 모두 제거한다!
1918. World War I rages in Europe while Erna Jensen tends to her ordinary life at home in Bramstrup, with her simple-minded son, Kalle. One day the village constable comes to enlist Kalle for military service for the German Empire – of which Southern Jutland is a part. If Erna is to save Kalle from certain death, she must follow him through thick and thin. Upon a chance meeting with a deserting solder she trades identities. Now disguised as Private Julius Rasmussen, Erna heads for the front. In her encounters with the other soldiers and in the presence of the war, unknown sides of Erna are awoken. This is the story of a woman who won’t let a war prevent her from fighting for what she loves.
Assistant Property Master
1939년 8월, 유럽 전역은 전쟁의 발 앞에서 공포에 떨고 있다. 당시 에스토니아는 스탈린의 소련과 히틀러의 제3국(히틀러 치하의 독일을 일컫는 말)에 맞서 홀로 서있었는데, 국가의 반(反) 소비에트 정보국장이 살해되면서 치명적인 타격을 입게 되며 그들 내각 내의 스파이에 대한 의혹이 제기된다. 불가사의한 이중첩자를 찾는 임무를 맡은 에스토니아 스파이 펠릭스 캉구르는 반역자를 쫓기 위해 나선다. 세계, 정치, 군사적 사건들이 걷잡을 수 없는 속도로 전개됨과 동시에 독일과 소련이 폴란드를 침공하려는 움직임을 보이고, 그 와중에 펠릭스는 그 뒤에 숨겨진 소름 끼치는 계획을 발견하게 된다. 바로 소련의 붉은 군대가 에스토니아를 무력으로 합병하기 위한 비밀 작전을 계획하고 있었던 것이다. 양국에 파괴적인 결과를 가져올 이 사건을 막기 위해, 펠릭스는 폴란드 미술사학자인 마리아와 비밀 관계를 맺기로 하는데…
10년 넘게 예술계를 벗어나 외딴 시골에서 살고 있는 헬렌. 어느 날 젊은 예술가 에이나르를 만나고 싹트는 사랑 속 감정의 변화를 겪으며 그녀의 예술성은 점점 더 무르익기 시작하는데… ‘핀란드의 뭉크’로 불리는 북유럽 대표 화가 헬렌 쉐르벡의 삶이 최초로 공개된다!
A teenage orphan girl Salome lives within a sect lead by charismatic and ruthless Maria Åkerblom. During a pivotal summer, Salome is faced with standing up against Maria, the woman who had saved her.
A recently released convict reunites with his sister. They set out on a journey but soon realize that years apart have made communication all but impossible.
Special Effects
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
Assistant Art Director
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
Set Decoration
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
Set Decoration
After ten years of war, plague and famine, the land is swept clean of people. The few remaining souls are scattered about, living in misery and lacking hope. An anxious silence hangs over the land. On one particularly starry night, two peasants find a stranger on the seashore.
Assistant Art Director
1950년대 에스토니아, 수용소로 간 엄마를 기다리는 여섯 살 ‘렐로'는 엄마와의 약속대로 착한 아이가 되기 위해 빨간 스카프를 두른 '소년단’이 되기로 결심한다. 한편, '렐로'는 자꾸만 집으로 찾아오는 검은 옷을 입은 어른들에게 왜 아빠의 자랑스러운 스포츠 메달을 비밀로 해야 하는지 궁금하기만 한데... '렐로'가 씩씩한 소년단이 되면, 엄마가 입학식 전까지 집으로 돌아올까?
Assistant Art Director
A music critic Hugo, suffering from post-divorce depression, is just about to rebuild his life when his jazz musician father Raivo arrives at his door unexpectedly. Spiteful old man announces that he will soon come to his end and expects his only son to take care of him. When an attractive psychotherapist enters the men’s lives, the father and son duo begin to compete for her attention. The old prankster manages to create a number of embarrassing moments in an effort to ruin Hugo’s romantic plans. Andres Maimik’s and Katrin Maimik’s tragicomedy is an exploration of forced closeness, a pursuit of happiness and a road to forgiving through laughter, suspense and tears.
Set Decoration
유령과 늑대인간이 공존하는 소박한 에스토니아의 농사공동체. 악마에게 영혼을 팔아 얻는, “크랏”이라는 살아있는 농기구 부품이 돌아다니는 와중에, 성에는 창백한 독일인 귀족과 아름다운 딸이 나타난다. 그녀에게 반해버린 한스를 되찾기 위해 절박해진 리나는 결국 암흑의 마법을 쓰는데…
Prop Designer
유령과 늑대인간이 공존하는 소박한 에스토니아의 농사공동체. 악마에게 영혼을 팔아 얻는, “크랏”이라는 살아있는 농기구 부품이 돌아다니는 와중에, 성에는 창백한 독일인 귀족과 아름다운 딸이 나타난다. 그녀에게 반해버린 한스를 되찾기 위해 절박해진 리나는 결국 암흑의 마법을 쓰는데…
Assistant Art Director
노라와 이다는 동급생 아테와 엘리아스를 따라 캠핑에 나선다. 그들이 텐트를 친 장소는 다름 아닌 1960년 네 명의 십대들이 잔인하게 난자당한 보돔호수. 캠핑괴담으로 전해 내려온 이 미제 사건의 실제 장소로 캠핑을 온 그들은 한 명씩 살해당하는데... 흔한 슬래셔 영화의 공식같다고 생각하는 순간 사건은 의외의 방향으로 흘러간다.
Set Decoration
A young man tries to make sense of the world in the summer heat of late nineties Estonia.
Assistant Art Director
A young man tries to make sense of the world in the summer heat of late nineties Estonia.
Set Designer
Four children - Mari, Sadu, Olav and Anton form a secret society to play hide-and seek games invented by Mari's grandfather, a professor at the university. When the city is attacked by a mysterious poison which turns adults into children our gang embarks on a quest for the antidote.
2차 세계대전 이후 에스토니아는 스탈린에 의해 소련의 지배를 받게 되고 비밀경찰들로 하여금 전쟁 당시 강제로 독일군에 가담했었던 에스토니아 국민들을 처리하고자 하는데 이에 펜싱 선수인 엔델은 레닌그라드를 떠나 에스토니아의 작은 도시로 숨어들어 자신의 신분을 숨긴채 선생님이 되어 펜싱을 가르치며 벌어지는 이야기 입니다.
Location Coordinator
제2차 세계대전이 한창이던 1944년, 독일과 소련 사이에 끼어있던 에스토니아 사람들은 조금이라도 더 많은 전력을 확보하고자 하는 두 나라의 힘에 눌려 강제 징병을 당한다. 분명히 한 동포였는데도 불구하고 독일의 ‘무장 친위대’와 소련의 ‘붉은 군단’으로 나뉜 에스토니아 사람들. 총알이 빗발치는 전쟁터에서 ‘카알 토닉’은 자신과 똑 같은 이름을 갖고 있는 ‘카알’과 친구가 되지만 뒤늦게 자신들이 서로 다른 편에 서 있다는 것을 깨닫는다. 서로에게 총을 겨눌 수밖에 없는 적이 된 그들! 역사상 가장 비극적인 전투가 지금 시작된다.
Assistant Art Director
Sensitive and restless Johannes is accepted to an elite school in Tallinn and expects life to go uphill. Instead, he becomes the victim of mental abuse by his classmates. In search of recognition, he goes to his old Lasnamäe friends, who spend their time doing drugs, hanging around, and partying, rather than focusing on schoolwork. At home, Johannes must deal with his mother’s deteriorating mental health. As the tension grows, he finds himself at zero point, where he must completely reset his life to build it up from scratch.
Assistant Art Director
30-year old Kertu has lived under her father's power her whole life. Because of her gentle nature, she is thought by locals to be a little simple-minded. The young woman makes her first timid attempt to change something in her life - she send a postcard to Villu, a handsome but degenerate village drunk.
Set Decoration
After being fired from his job at a newspaper for writing a destructive review of a celebrated movie, Fred, an aspiring writer, learns that his girlfriend is pregnant.
The main character, Helmi, is born into the house of Baron von Strandmann in Old-Town Tallinn, in 1908. The only thing that she knows for sure about her past is that her mother was an Estonian servant girl. Everything else is a discovery during a life that runs the course of a century - a life that has quite a lot of surprises in store for Helmi. In this house she finds happiness and suffering, passion and disappointment. She grows up alongside young Erik and waits for her big love to blossom. But one floor down lives projectionist Julius - a man who is far from indifferent when it comes to Helmi. All of the biggest historical events of the century leave their mark on the house. Its hardwood floors have born soldiers' gruff boots and gentleman's shiny oxfords. Its walls have held the fates of people from far and near, foreigners and locals. Helmi's home becomes a German salon, a revolution museum, and a working class commune. And as freedom comes, real estate crooks start sniffing ...
Assistant Art Director
A three-film cassette, "Daisy Petal Game 2" looks at three different lifetimes where a person is forced to make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Such moments come as suddenly and dramatically as the first falling in love. How to deal with these crises in youth, early middle age and golden years?
Production Assistant
When Joko, Ants and Reeda, all in their own good reasons, first enter a casino, they can't possibly be aware of the very existence of the demons inside them. Soon enough, they will know. But then it is already too late and their lives are suddenly caught in a fatal vortex.
Scrawny Guy
When Joko, Ants and Reeda, all in their own good reasons, first enter a casino, they can't possibly be aware of the very existence of the demons inside them. Soon enough, they will know. But then it is already too late and their lives are suddenly caught in a fatal vortex.
Prop Designer
Keiser, the lead singer of a former rock group won't put up with approaching old age and decides to call his old band members together. Keiser's ambition is to return to the big stage with his buddies. Despite the initial resistance of other fellows, Keiser will be successful, at least partly so. It is a fast-paced comedy full of humor and consolation, telling the story about people who despite all obstacles strive for their goal.
An average guy of an Estonian high-school decides to defend his bullied classmate. This starts a war between him and the informal leader of the class. As teenagers' honour is a touchy thing, everything ends in bloodshed.