Romantic comedy about an honest Mexican immigrant who struggles without a green card by selling oranges on a street corner. One day a limousine pulls up and he is handed a check for $1,000,000 with instructions that he is to give the check back in 30 days. Initially he uses the check to convince people to extend credit to him. In the meantime he also attracts a woman who is in a dead end relationship with a bossy businessman. At the end of the 30 days, he finds his life in turmoil, the things he got on credit are repossessed, and he is being evicted from his dwelling and being sent back to Mexico.
A satirical take on a modern day Ned Kelly who is forced to Hollywood in order to make enough money to save his family's land. As it goes against his belief, he cannot simply rob banks for his own benefit (all money goes to the poor). Ned is forced to find another way to come up with the $1 million required to save his family island.
Mitchell Osgood dreams of being a famous writer, but the book he has written constantly is rejected by the editors. When the psychopathic killer Albert Merrik is released from prison after 15 years, Osgood believes that writing down the history of his crimes could be his breakthrough. Although he refuses to talk to him at first, Osgood follows him around and offers him a job in his book shop. To get the right impressions for his book, he feels that he has to experience Merrik psychopathic again.
Adapted from the bestselling novel. Navy Captain Peter Mackenzie is sent on his toughest assignment when the Soviet nuclear sub KIROV is stolen and the weapons are aimed at the United States.
LA 시경 소속 여경관 로티(Lottie Mason: 테레사 러셀 분)는 밤거리의 치한들을 체포하기 위해 위장근무를 하고 있다. 당찬 성격의 그녀는 결혼에 실패한 경력이 있다. 루나라는 이름의 암흑가의 거물을 잡기 위한 검경 합동수사에 참여하게 된 로티는 수사를 총지휘하는 지방검사보 스탠(Stan: 제프 파헤이 분)과 친해지게 되는데, 그러면서도 스탠에게 쉽게 마음을 주지 않는 이유는 역시 세상을 보는 로티의 회의적인 시각과 그녀의 복잡한 내면의 목소리의 알 수 없는 방해 때문이다. 한편 스탠은 로티를 지나치게 괴롭히는 수사반장 모건(Lt. Joe Morgan: 죠지 던자 분)을 혐오하여 그와 종종 충돌하게 된다. 루나를 상대로 한 법정 싸움에 검찰 측 증인으로 나가게 되어있어 가택 보호를 받던 두 범죄자 중 한 명인 페론(Tony Peron: 숀 엘리어트 분)이 보호망을 빠져나가 마약거래를 하여 90만 달러를 챙긴 뒤 잠적하자, 증인 한 명만으론 루나에게 이기 수 없다는 것을 안 스탠 또다른 증인을 체포하기 로티가 마약범을 상대하는 위험한 잠복 근무를 나가게 되는데 이때 경찰과 로티의 통신에 문제가 생겨 위험에 빠지나 무사히 위기를 극복하고 범인을 소탕하는데...