Guillaume Darnault

Guillaume Darnault

프로필 사진

Guillaume Darnault

참여 작품

Poisson rouge
Affected by a neurodegenerative disease, Guillaume will finish losing his memory in a specialized center. In the hope of leaving him a happy memory, his childhood friends organize a last weekend of festivities, under the sign of good wine. But if Guillaume can place the same order at the bar three times, some wounds from his past are still open. Accompanied by his friends, he decides to embark on a road trip that will perhaps allow him to solve his problems before he forgets them...
빅 배드 폭스
Le Renard (French Voice)
아무도 그를 무서워하지 않아 번번히 사냥에 실패하는 여우. 배고픈 여우는 급기야 암탉의 알을 몰래 훔치게 되고 알이 부화하면 잡아먹을 계획을 세운다. 하지만 예상과 달리 알에서 깨어난 병아리 삼총사가 여우를 엄마라고 부르며 졸졸 따라다니는데…!