Yuriy Shaygardanov

출생 : 1954-07-29, USSR

참여 작품

A Frenchman
Director of Photography
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and photographer Valera Uspenskiy. With them he discovers the cultural side of Moscow — not just the traditional one, but the underground one as well. During his year in Russia’s capital Pierre lives an entirely different life than what he’s used to. But the internship and the experience of the Soviet people’s way of life are not the only things Pierre is after. He’s searching for his father, White officer Tatishchev, who was arrested in the 1930s.
Director of Photography
Love the healing power
Camera Operator
Anya has a great joy — she wins the beauty contest. It would seem that a great reason for happiness, but there is bad news: taking advantage of the circumstances, Rita's friend decides to get the groom Ani Andrew. Rita's plan is only partially fulfilled, but it is enough for Anya and Andrei to part. Anya went to Moscow, Andrew accepts a job offer and should also be in the capital. And at a time when it seems that each of them has found a new soul mate, fate pushes them together again.
Seven miles to heaven
Camera Operator
One of New Year's Eve evenings, Alexei makes a marriage proposal to the charming and sweet Katya. The girl in the seventh heaven from happiness. She had been waiting for this for a long time. But their bright future has one serious obstacle - a loving mother. Mom Katya Zoya Andreevna - a woman of a difficult character - takes this proposal as an encroachment on her private property and easily finds a way to upset the relationship of lovers. But her plan crashes.
Once there was a woman
Camera Operator
A chronicle of the life of an illiterate Russian peasant woman between 1909 and 1921, focusing on her private life and major historic events in the country.
Roadside house
Camera Operator
Returning to the city on a wet night highway, Sasha fails to control and makes a run over a lone pedestrian. Yielding to the entreaties of his wife Tamara, he leaves the wounded man near the village hospital and returns home.
Вербное воскресенье
Director of Photography
Doroga, Vedushaya k Schastyu
Director of Photography
Став свидетелем автомобильной аварии, Виктор впадает в глубокую депрессию. Чтоб выйти из нее, он находит дочь погибшего в инциденте водителя — Леночку. У них сразу же возникает симпатия друг к другу. Но место рядом с Леночкой занято — друг и сверстник погибшего отца поддерживает девушку в горе, становясь самым близким ей человеком. Виктор деликатно отходит в сторону. Дома — тяжело больная мать, отец оставил их, не справившись с бременем вины. Виктор взваливает на свои плечи заботу о матери. И о совершенно чужом ему человеке – медсестре. Но Леночка, сама того не желая, не может забыть Виктора. Она ищет встречи.
Director of Photography
For a whole her life Olga knew that she's going to meet her prince charming on New Year Eve. So today is December 31st and she's ready and waiting...
Nine days until spring
Director of Photography
The major of special forces Ilya is young, beautiful and, we can say, happy! He marries, and for him it is a profitable party — his wife is not beautiful, but the daughter of rich parents. However, on the wedding day begins a nightmare. Yana Yanovskaya — the former mistress of Ilya who came to congratulate him is killed, and he is suspected of murder. The investigation begins, during which it turns out that Ilya is innocent. However, the shadow of suspicion still hanging over him, and, wishing to prove that he is innocent, Ilya begins his own investigation. He finds the real killer — and this discovery will stun him…
Butterfly Kiss
Director of Photography
Potseluy babochki (Russian: Поцелуй бабочки, meaning Butterfly Kiss) is a 2006 Russian film directed by Anton Sivers. The world premiere of the film was held July 21, 2006. He (Nikolai Orlanov) is the genius of industrial espionage. She (Li) is a Chinese. She has nothing, she does not even have a name. They love each other madly, but they belong to the system. Go away from the system can only be to the madhouse, or to the grave.
Magnetic Storms
Director of Photography
Marriage of convenience
Camera Operator
What a life? Continuous problems ... Is it easy to solve them for a fragile and attractive girl alone! Of course you have to rely on someone. Yes, just to know who. However, of course, fans are available. And, if you get married, there is also a choice. Yes, I just don’t want to cheapen up: the chosen one should be smart, handsome, and rich. And although potential candidates for husbands, it would seem, come in abundance to their native Yalta in abundance in the summer, how nevertheless these men are imperfect!
Marriage of convenience
What a life? Continuous problems ... Is it easy to solve them for a fragile and attractive girl alone! Of course you have to rely on someone. Yes, just to know who. However, of course, fans are available. And, if you get married, there is also a choice. Yes, I just don’t want to cheapen up: the chosen one should be smart, handsome, and rich. And although potential candidates for husbands, it would seem, come in abundance to their native Yalta in abundance in the summer, how nevertheless these men are imperfect!
The Musicians from Bremen
Director of Photography
The classic story about a musicians from Bremen is told in not so classical way.
Peculiarities of the National Hunt in the Winter
Director of Photography
Now the peculiarities of the national hunt are investigated during the winter season.
Woman's Own
Director of Photography
A student is trying to build a career in theater using not his talent but looks and sexuality.
Country of the Deaf
Director of Photography
Strana Glukhikh is about an unusual relationship between two women, one of them a deaf-mute dancer and the other on the run from the mafia. Yaya, the deaf girl, offers to hide Rita whose boyfriend, Alyosha owes gambling debts to the mafia, but in return she wants her to leave the young man and run off with her to an imaginary paradise where material values do not exist.
Director of Photography
Видный государственный деятель заказывает спецслужбам убийство некоего банкира, собирающегося баллотироваться в президенты. Идеальный киллер должен быть вынут из зоны, где сидит за убийство, и должен молчать. Голубчик отбывает 15 лет за случайную смерть пьяного генерала на охоте. Также он известен по кличке "Немой". Лучше его не придумаешь. Но идеальный киллер выходит из под контроля.
The Year of the Dog
Director of Photography
Former criminal Sergei meets Vera - an elderly unhappy woman who lives in a dormitory. After Sergei commits another crime, they run together and along the way they accidentally get into a zone contaminated by radiation. Sergei decides to stay there, but Vera does not leave him. At that moment three looters come to the territory.
Любовь, предвестие печали
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Whose Are You, Old People?
Director of Photography
A story about two old people living in the abandoned faraway village.
개의 심장
Director of Photography
거리를 떠돌던 개 ‘샤릭’이 외과의사 ‘쁘레오브라젠스키’에 의해서 부랑자의 뇌와 생식기를 이식 받음으로써 인간 ‘샤리코프’로 변형되어 가는 과정을 그린 소설을 영화화 한 작품이다. 개를 인간으로 변형 시킨다는 다소 부 자연스런 설정이 볼셰비키 혁명을 빗댄 것이라는 작가의 의도가 숨겨져 있다고 하는데 그 시대적인 배경의 의미를 충분히 이해하지 못하더라도 이야기의 과정을 통해 다른 의미들을 발견할 수 있다. 수술로 인해 개가 인간으로 변형이 되어 가고 있지만 천성적인 습성과 그리고 새로 이식된 부랑자의 습성의 혼돈, 불완전함이라는 전제하의 무례함과 뻔뻔스러움, 사회성 결여 등이 극중의 샤리코프에게 반면교사되는 관객의 입장에서 결코 자유스러울 수 없다. 우리나라에서도 ‘거장과 마르가리타’, ‘백위군’, ‘개의심장’, ‘조야의 아파트’ 등 몇 작품이 소개된 불가코프는 1930년 대 극작가이자 소설가다. 1917년 볼셰비키 혁명이후 러시아는 백위군과 적위군 사이의 내전에 시달렸는데 키예프의 중류층태생의사였던 불가코프도 백위군에 가담해 싸운 전력이 있다. 불가코프는 반동세력으로 간주되었고 그의 작품들 역시 당 이념에 맞지 않는다는 이유로 무수히 검열에 걸려 좌절하곤 했다. 실제로 그의 작품들 태반이 소비에트 시절에는 출판금지 대상이었고 대표작으로 손꼽히는 걸작 ‘거장과 마르가리타’ 역시 불가코프 사후 30여년이 지나서야 빛을 볼 수 있었다. 이율배반적이었던 스탈린은 남몰래 ‘반동 작가’ 불가코프의 재능을 아꼈다. 그래서 불가코프는 ‘조야의 아파트’나 ‘위선자의 밀교’ 등 다분히 체제 고발적이고 풍자적인 희곡을 무대에 올릴 수 있었지만 쏟아지는 비난 탓에 공연은 곧 막을 내려야 했다.
The Train Has Stopped
Director of Photography
In this drama with socio-political nuances, a heroic engineer is able to save the passengers on his train from injury or death by sacrificing his own life when his locomotive crashes. An investigator Ermakov and journalist Malinin are both involved in the story of the crash but from two different angles: the investigator wants to find out why it happened, the journalist wants to laud the heroism of the dead engineer.