Reggie Nalder

Reggie Nalder

출생 : 1907-09-04, Vienna, Austria

사망 : 1991-11-19


Reggie Nalder may be far from a household name, and he may have appeared in many films of questionable artistic merit. But he has provided film buffs with indelible cinematic images and characterizations for which he was singularly well-equipped.

프로필 사진

Reggie Nalder

참여 작품

German conqueror
At early 16th century a priest joins the spanish conquerros in order to bring christianity to the indios. The expedition is murdered by the indios, only the priest is sparred. Santiago, the priest, first tries to continue christianization, but finally becomes one of them - until the Spaniards return.
Blue Ice
Anton Stuttgart
A private detective is hired to find an ancient book. What he doesn't know is that the book has the power to turn any woman into a nymphomaniac, and that a group of Nazi scientists--who fled to the US after World War II--also want the book, and will do anything to get it.
영혼을 판 사나이
Chairman of Devil's Council
아파트 관리인 맥스는 심술궂은 사람으로 괘씸한 소행만 일삼다가 갑자기 교통사고를 당해 지옥에 간다. 염라대왕 앞에 서자, 저승 사자 바니는 이승에 되돌려 보내는 조건으로 순결한 어린 아이 영혼 셋을 지옥에 구해 오라고 한다. 이승에 돌아온 맥스는 바니로부터 받은 초능력을 사용하여 날 샌 가수지망생 스텔라를 일약 스타덤에 올려준다. 또한 아빠를 그리워하는 토비한테는 엄마와 결혼해 주고 아빠 노릇을 한다고 하다가 진짜 사랑에 빠진다. 저승사자 바니와 약속대로 약혼을 구해주고 자신의 영혼을 찾으려는 순간 계약서를 불태우고 대신 자신이 지옥행을 결심한다.
Ronald Kahala 'The Hermit'
A government agent discovers a plot by a cartel of seven gangsters to take over the state of Hawaii. He hires a team of seven hitmen to stop them.
Dracula Sucks
Dr. Van Helsing
Everybody's favorite legendary vampire is back, but this time he wants more than just blood in this sexy spoof. Count Dracula preys on shapely women but has one problem: he can only consume the blood of virgins. So with the help of his whimpering assistand Redfield, the count tries to seduce the tantalizing Mina to the side of the undead. But can he do so while avoiding the audacious Professor Van Helsing and his wooden stakes?
흡혈귀 졸탄
Veidt Smith
수색 정찰 임무를 수행 중이던 군인은 우연히 백작의 성을 발견하게 된다. 성안으로 들어간 대위는 석관이 밀려나오는 것을 느끼게 된다. 이어 사냥개의 시체를 발견하게 된다. 이개는 드라큐라가 아끼던 사냥개였다. 대위는 결국 사냥개에 의해 살해되고 수사관 브랑크 경사가 투입된다.
Man at swap meet
Jealous invalid husband tries to kill sexy blond wife, who uses occult powers and devices to try to kill him.
유럽 각지를 떠돌며 모든 계층의 여성들과 관계를 맺은 귀족 카사노바는 열정의 흔적을 찾아볼 수 없는 차가운 여성 편력만을 가진 인물. 르네상스 시대 부르주아들의 아름답고 엽기적인 호색취향의 세계를 재현해낸 펠리니 후기 걸작.
The Dead Don't Die
In the 1930s, a sailor trying to prove that his brother was wrongly executed for murder finds himself becoming drawn into the occult world.
Mark of the Devil Part II
A tribunal interrogates, tortures and murders "witches" and "heretics" during the Inquisition.
수정 깃털의 새
Needles (uncredited)
이탈리아 로마에 살고 있는 미국인 작가 샘 달라스는 늦은 밤, 화랑 앞을 지나다 화랑 주인의 아내가 살해당하는 것을 목격한다. 죽어가는 여성은 유리창 너머에 있는 샘에게 도움을 요청하지만 샘은 그녀를 돕지 못한다. 다행히도 여자는 살아 남아 악명 높은 연쇄 살인범의 희생자들 가운데 최초의 생존자가 된다. 샘이 목격한 것은 검은 장갑을 낀 남자였고, 그는 유일한 목격자로서 경찰에게 신변 보호를 받는다. 시간이 흐르는 가운데 샘은 살인 사건의 진범을 알 수 있는 중요한 사실을 뒤늦게 깨닫게 되는데...
Mark of the Devil
In 1700s Austria, a witch-hunter's apprentice has doubts about the righteousness of witch-hunting when he witnesses the brutality, the injustice, the falsehood, the torture and the arbitrary killing that go with the job.
The Day and the Hour
le policier allemand
It's the spring of 1944 and Therese is in a hurry to get back to Paris. The trains aren't running from the village where she has gone to visit her father's grave and to fill two suitcases with food. Some British and American planes have been shot down and the Germans want to know where the pilots are hiding. An acquaintance has clearance to drive to Paris with a truckload of goats. After she is in the truck Therese discovers that two British pilots and an American pilot are back there with the goats. She must get the men on a train to Paris and to a safe house there, where there is no room for the American. Can she leave him at the Metro station trying to figure out the map?
맨츄리안 캔디데이트
한국전쟁이 한창이던 1952년, 레이몬드 쇼 하사와 베넷 마르코 대위가 속한 정찰대는 적에게 잡혔다 다시 풀려난다. 전쟁이 끝나고 레이몬드 하사는 훈장을 받고, 레이몬드의 양아버지 아이슬린 상원의원은 아들을 자신의 선거 캠페인에 이용하려 한다. 하지만 양아버지와 어머니 엘리노어를 미워하는 레이몬드는 뉴욕으로 떠난다. 한편 베넷 대위는 전쟁에서 돌아온 뒤부터 세뇌당한 레이몬드가 전우를 죽이는 꿈을 반복해서 꾼다. 그런데 베넷뿐 아니라 다른 전우들도 같은 꿈을 꾼다는 사실을 알고 꿈 뒤에 숨겨진 비밀을 밝히려 한다. 사실 레이먼드는 전쟁 당시 부대원과 함께 소련과 중국의 비밀 요원들에 의해 납치돼 세뇌됐다. 이들 비밀 요원들은 레이먼드가 다이아몬드 퀸 카드를 보면 자신들 마음대로 조종되도록 잠재의식을 조작했던 것이다. 이들은 나머지 부대원들 또한 레이몬드를 의심하지 못하게 세뇌했다. 세뇌한 자들과 연관된 비밀 조직은 레이몬드에게 다시 접근해 언론인인 홀본 게인즈를 죽이라는 명령을 내리고 레이몬드는 이를 따른다. 베넷이 진실을 밝히려고 노력하는 사이 비밀 단체와 한패였던 엘리노어는 아들을 이용해 자신의 권력을 키우려 한다. 엘리노어는 아들에게 명령을 내려 자신의 활동에 방해가 되는 토마스 상원의원과 그의 딸이자 레이몬드의 약혼녀인 조슬린마저 죽이게 한다.
Convicts 4
After his death sentence is commuted to life in prison, John Resko is transferred from Sing-Sing to Dannemora where, with the help of a humane prison guard, he becomes a rehabilitated man and a successful painter.
The Spiral Road
A selfish and prideful young Dutch doctor, through a series of circumstances, comes to learn that he does indeed "need" a higher spiritual being and other people.
Romarei, das Mädchen mit den grünen Augen
Not Delivered
After resolving to start a new life with his girlfriend Jacqueline, Bastien Sassey decides to give up working as a courier for drugs traffickers. So that he and Jacqueline can make a fresh start he agrees to take on one more job for a large sum of cash, but he betrays his employer.
Liane, Jungle Goddess
Viktor Schöninck
Researchers in the African jungle find a young white woman living with a tribe, that adores her as goddess. They carry her off and proudly report to the press. It turns out that she may be Liane, the long lost daughter of the rich shipowner Amelongen. So Toren starts civilizing her and takes her to Germany, where she - now in love with Toren - has to defend herself against accusations of legacy-hunting. Will she fit into her new society?
나는 비밀을 알고 있다
미국인 의사 벤 맥케나와 조 부부는 아들 행크와 함께 프랑스령 모로코로 휴가를 즐기러 간다. 그들이 시장에서 쇼핑을 하고 있을 때 한 아랍인이 등에 칼을 맞은 채 그들 앞에 쓰러진다. 그는 벤에게 암브로스 채플이라는 말 한마디를 남긴채 죽고 어린 아들은 누군가에 의해 납치당한다. 아들을 구하러 나선 맥케나 부부는 추적끝에 국제 스파이 조직이 런던의 앨버트 홀에서 외교관을 암살할 계획임을 알아낸다. 교향악단의 연주가 시작되고 암살의 신호인 심벌즈가 울리기 직전 맥케나 부부의 노력으로 외교관의 암살은 저지되고 그들은 아들을 스파이 조직으로부터 구해낸다.
The Fugitives
During WW2, three prisoners escape from a labor camp.
선장 파비안의 모험
It all begins with the discreet romance between the Creole maid Lea Mariotte and her young boss, George Brissac, an amoral bourgeois who plans to inherit his uncle's fortune and marry a young woman from a good family. After an incident where she kills a man, she is saved from the gallows by Fabian, a ship's captain, who has personal reasons for antagonizing the Brissacs. He takes care of her and falls in love with her, but doesn't tell her. She, in turn, takes the opportunity to return to her lover Brissac's arms, forcing him to marry her after seeing him murder his uncle.
Le capitaine des gardes
Just before wowing international critics and moviegoers with his adventure romp Fanfan la Tulipe, director Christian-Jaque dashed off the lampoonish Barbe-Bleue. Ostensibly the story of the famed wife-killing potentate Bluebeard (Pierre Brasseur), this lighthearted costumer begins as the title character is poised to march down the matrimonial aisle for the eighth time. Barbe-Bleue's newest spouse Aline (Cécile Aubry) is kept in line by her husband's claims of murdering her predecessors. But when Aline opens the famous locked door to the equally famous hidden room, both she and the audience are in for quite a surprise. The frivolous nature of Barbe-Bleue is underlined by its pleasing utilization of the French Gezacolor process.
Mystère à Shanghai
Chinese taxi driver (uncredited)
In Shangai, the "Green Dragon" threatens to kill Herbert Aboody, a rich exporter, unless he pays him 50,000 dollars. One of Aboody's secretaries calls inspector Wens for help. An amazing fact occurs, Wens kills Aboody and then disappears. What is the key to this mystery?
The Red Signal
A physician whose wife was killed when two trains collided has remained a tormented soul,In his mind,he can still hear his wife whisper "Stop the train! Stop it!" .
Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Anger of the Gods
Sylvain, sentenced to death, assures the visiting priest that his life could have been completely different, and invents different situations.
Behind These Walls
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.