Foley Artist
Finding new cinematic language to express the desire for physical contact in our increasingly isolated, mediated, and highly consumer-driven environments, Mika Rottenberg and Mahyad Tousi’s Remote follows the daily routines of a quarantined woman (Okwui Okpokwasili) in her sealed-off, ultra-modern apartment, where she falls down a rabbit hole playing an inexplicable interactive game with a community of women from around the world.
Na'ama is seventeen. She lives in a sleepy suburbia. She is bored. With detached parents and a rebellious older sister, her life at home is a mess. It all changes when a new girl appears at school. She's introduced to a world of drugs, lesbians and sex. She's thrilled. Her life, at last, becomes exciting. Is it going to last? "Barash" is a coming of age story, planted in the heart of Israeli society, about a young woman who struggles to find her self-identity in an environment that has different ideas about sex, drugs and love.
The story of two adolescents, Moni and Zhozho, who meet 17-year-old Zheni in 1943 and with whom both fell in love. The events that follow unfold while Bulgaria has to decide on the deportation of 11 343 Jewish citizens in Macedonia and Thrace.
Foley Editor
In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.
Foley Artist
유년시절, 시베리아의 범죄조직 안에서 함께 교육을 받으며 자란 절친한 친구 콜리마와 가가린. 모든 것이 빠르게 변해가는 세상 속에서 콜리마와 가가린은 조직의 엄격한 규칙 때문에 갈등을 일으키고, 배신과 복수라는 비극적 운명 속에 놓이게 되는데… 서로의 심장에 칼을 겨눌 수 밖에 없었던 두 남자의 거친 드라마가 시작된다.
Foley Artist
Karen (32) and Michel (36) move with their daughter to an exclusive residential area. She soon finds a new close circle of friends: the women of the Dinner Club, and their husbands. But when two of the Club members commit suicide under suspicious circumstances, Karen starts to have second thoughts about her new friends. She has to choose: will she reveal the truth and dish the dirt, or will she protect the interests of the Dinner Club?
Foley Artist
작은 시골마을에 살고 있는 ‘앰버’는 매일 밤, 두려운 악몽에 시달릴 뿐 아니라 대낮에도 이상한 환영을 보는 등 정신적인 불안감으로 힘들어 한다. 이 모든 것이 자신이 살고 있는 환경 탓이라고 생각한 ‘앰버’는 아르바이트를 해서 모은 돈을 가지고 대도시인 시카고로 이사할 계획을 세운다. 그녀가 떠난다는 말에 절친한 친구 5명은 그녀를 시카고까지 배웅하기 위해 함께 차를 타고 출발하지만 얼마 가지 못해 차는 고장 나버리고 길에서 만난 대형 트레일러를 얻어 타고 시카고로 향하게 된다. 트레일러 짐칸에서 즐거운 시간을 보내던 이들은 트레일러가 점점 이상한 곳으로 향하고 있음을 직감하지만 이미 휴대폰은 불통인 상태이다. 아무런 도움을 청할 수 없이 무기력하게 그들이 트레일러에 실린 채 끌려 온 곳은 낡고 외딴 창고. 사방이 꽉 막힌 그 곳에서 그들은 정체를 알 수 없는 괴생명체의 공격을 받게 되는데...
1990년 터키 남동쪽의 카라발 군사 검문소에서 총격전이 벌어지고 그로 인해 병사들은 검문소를 지키기 위해 감시 초소를 만든다. 메테 사령관과 그의 40명의 부하들이 검문소를 지키며 서로의 가족과 연인에 대해 이야기를 하기 시작하고, 군인 생활에 대한 이야기를 하며 그들이 얼마나 힘든지에 대해 토로한다. 그러던 중, 메테 사령관은 무전을 통해 반란군으로부터 위협을 받게 되는데…
Aleksandra is a student from Krško, a small town in Slovenia. She has a plan to conquer the world. Working as a prostitute, her life is heading to where she wants it, but an accidental death has her wrestling with new feelings of fear, loneliness, confusion and responsibility
After his wife's death, a vallenato singer from Majagual, Sucre, decides to quit music and return his allegedly cursed accordion to his master. He is joined by Fermín Morales, a teenage boy who admires him and wishes to follow his footsteps. Together, they start a journey throughout several towns in Northern Colombia to Taroa, in La Guajira desert, where the singer's master supposedly lives.
1943년, 공산당원들을 소탕하려는 작전 하에 크로아티아 군인들이 길을 떠난다. 하지만 매복한 병사들을 상대하고 초자연현상을 겪으면서 하나 둘씩 목숨을 잃고, 그 중 ‘마틴’만이 살아남는다. 그리고 시간이 흘러 1993년, 세르비안인들과의 전쟁 속에서 한 무리의 군인들이 일명 '죽은 자의 땅'으로 이동하고, 그곳에서 다시 똑같은 기이한 현상이 일어나는데...
Based on a true story, the film presents events similar to those in the Lukić indictment.
Foley Editor
When the war in Yugoslavia breaks out, an army officer who's ethnic Slovenian yet still believes in Yugoslavia, decides to move to Belgrade. The country continues to fall apart and so does his family failing to find acceptance there.
During the excavation of ancient Roman ruins, an old archaeology professor accidentally opens the gate between our world and the world of the dead.
A romantically conceived interview intended for a student paper completely changed the lives of two people: student Una and a respected professor. She is pretty and intelligent, but unable to cope with complicated relationships in which she became involved, while the professor is a person whose lectures on mass media are most visited by students at the Faculty. However, his views are not met with approval by the bureaucratic circles at the University. Vice Dean of the Faculty by means of intrigue manages to lure Una into a game with the professor. Thus, an innocent interview turns into a record of life, philosophical and ideological views of the controversial professor, and then into a malicious report about his life, behaviour, action and movement ... The Film is based on the novel Una written by Momo Kapor.