Audrius Zelenius

참여 작품

Decadent No. 2419
Camera Operator
The portrait of poet, essayist, translator, dissident and professor of literature at Yale University - Tomas Venclova.
Nova Lituania
Steadicam Operator
During the interwar period, a Lithuanian geography professor tries to convince the government to establish a backup state overseas, in order to save their country from ruin. However, the idea is mostly mocked and opposed. Still, there is hope in the secret support from the elderly prime minister, who has become disillusioned with politics.
스틸 리버
First Assistant Camera
A Greek couple, Anna (Katia Goulioni) and Petros (Andreas Konstantinou), have recently moved to a small industrial town in Siberia. It’s a long process to adapt, especially for Anna, since Petros is quite occupied with his job. That will cause a conflict between them and inevitably the couple is distanced. Everything is escalated as for the past period there is no sexual intercourse between them. This slow-paced decay is intensified when an unexpected event occurs, changing everything between them. Balancing between trust and disbelief the haunting suspense evolves.
화이트 힐
Camera Operator
1941년, 아름다운 첫 데이트와 뜨거운 여름으로 행복한 날을 보내던 16세 예술가 지망생 '리나’. 평화롭던 어느 날 스탈린의 지배로 어머니 그리고 남동생과 함께 소련 노동 수용소로 추방된다. 살을 파고드는 시베리아의 살인적인 추위와 지옥보다 더 고통스러운 억압을 이겨내며 하루하루 희망의 여정을 그림으로 기록하는데...
Owl Mountain
Camera Technician
Radio Free Europe, BBC, and Voice of America can only rarely get through the Iron Curtain and Soviet mufflers to Lithuania, a country torn by a war between the local resistance movement and the Soviet regime that is forced onto Lithuanian people by bayonets of the Russian army. Everybody who tries to resist the Soviet rule is either terrorized or executed or exiled to Siberia. He is one of the local high-school students who witness the local armed resistance to the Soviet occupation and ultimately decide to join it by taking a gun into their hands. He collects documents and all possible kinds of evidence that prove daunting crimes of the Kremlin. He soon becomes a legend among his peers. To girls, he is John Wayne the Hollywood Icon. Guys see him as an insurmountable obstacle and an invincible rival in matters of love.
Endless Corridor
Camera Operator
"Endless Corridor" is the definitive account of an agonizing human rights tragedy in which hundreds of Azerbaijanis massacred after Armenian Forces stormed the city of Khojaly during the Nagorno-Karabakh War. It happened in 1992, but the full story never been told throughout the world until now.
First Assistant Camera
마이클을 비롯한 4명의 친구가 갱단의 도박현장을 급습하여 돈을 강탈한후 리투아니아로 도피하지만 갱단의 추적을 피할수는 없는데......
사라진 기억
First Assistant Camera
뇌신경을 연구하는 과학자 루카스는 타인의 무의식에 접속해 기억의 정보를 빼내는 위험한 실험에 참여하게 된다. 그의 실험 대상은 코마 상태에 빠진 아름다운 여인, 오로라. 그녀의 무의식 속으로 들어간 루카스는 신비로운 그녀에게 거부할 수 없는 이끌림을 느끼고 현실에서와는 다른 강렬한 사랑의 체험을 하게 된다. 실험 외에는 접촉을 피하라는 관리자의 경고에도 불구하고 은밀하게 오로라를 찾기 시작하는 루카스, 실험이 계속될수록 그는 그녀에 대한 걷잡을 수 없는 욕망으로 혼란을 느끼고 급기야 그녀를 깨우기 위해 목숨을 건 위험한 선택을 하게 되는데…
Waiting that makes you grow up. Saule (15) and Liucija (6) are two sisters living alone, waiting for their parents who have temporarily gone to London in search of work. The biggest responsibility falls on older Saule's shoulders - she must take care of Liucija, look after home while dealing with the usual issues of a teenager's life. With so much on her plate and the huge stress Saule is unable to fit in with her peers. The girls do their best to live on their own and struggle with reality but sometimes being a grown-up is just too hard.
Fireheart: The Legend of Tadas Blinda
First Assistant Camera
A romance blooms between a noblewoman and a common man amid a peasant revolt against the brutal Russian army
Director of Photography
Henrikas is a middle aged office worker. His job is an endless routine, repeatable actions, mechanical rhythm. He is loner, living in his own secret and colorful things' world. Things want to help their owner. They lead Henrikas to the strange, white, long ribbon, which goes through different streets, yards and spaces. It brings Henrikas to the joy, freedom of mind and satisfaction to be himself. Noroutine.