Valentina Romani

Valentina Romani

출생 : 1996-06-16, Rome, Italy


Valentina Romani is an Italian fil and television actress, whose films include "One Kiss" (2016), "La Porta Rossa" (2016) and "Noi due, e gli altri" (2017).

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Valentina Romani

참여 작품

Il sol dell'avvenire
Carla - il film
Aldo Moro - il Professore
The story of the last 55 days of Aldo Moro, seen from the point of view of his students.
원 키스
Lorenzo, Blue and Antonio have a lot in common: they are sixteen, attending the same class in the same school in a small town in the northeast, each have a family that loves them. And all three, though for different reasons, have come to be isolated from other peers. Their new friendship helps them to resist, until the mechanical attraction and fear the judgment of others do not grasp them unprepared.