On Halloween, a teenage boy who is grounded and forced to baby-sit his brother and sister discovers, along with his siblings, that his house is haunted.
1988년 미국 텍사스 퍼미안 고등학교 미식축구부에서 실제 있었던 이야기를 다룬, 다큐멘터리 스타일로 제작된 스포츠 드라마. H.G. 비신저(H.G. Bissinger)의 책(1990년 발행)이 원작이며, 영화 개봉 이후 동명의 TV 시리즈(2006년~)가 제작되기도 했다.
The Diamondback Militia violently opposes certain US policies regarding satellite info. After a lightening attack on a federal courthouse, the Militia takes over a space shuttle tracking station. The goal...to take control of a multi-billion dollar communications satellite. Who will save the space shuttle and it's crew?
A series pilot about a secret agent who is armed with skills learned by a computer-brain link-up -- lasting only 72 hours at a time -- and is sent to rescue a Russian submarine commander, a defector who has been kidnapped by an agent for another nation.