Ana Bulajić-Črček

참여 작품

Escape To The Sea
Makeup Designer
A German soldier, after avoiding death in a Partisan raid, wanders through the unforgiving mountainous terrain of an unfamiliar country, helplessly seeking salvation.
The Beast
Makeup Designer
A hundred year old woman called Nada and her 75-year old daughter Vera have a tense but familiar relationship. The childlike Vera takes care of her frail, mute though at times cruel, mother until one evening a bat flies into Nada's room and starts hibernating underneath her bed. The animal's presence gradually reinvigorates the old woman, eternally and fatally changing the relationship between mother and daughter.
Ministry of Love
Makeup & Hair
A razor sharp comedy all about relationships and red tape. Kreso is at a loose end. A fully qualified biologist, he's about to hit middle age, disillusioned, out of work and stuck in a marriage that should probably never have started. At least his son still looks up to him. Meanwhile, the country's cash-strapped government is busily looking for unique ways to save money, and now, over 20 years after the 1990's war, sets its sights on the widows of fallen soldiers. Anyone unmarried but in a new relationship will no longer be allowed a military pension. Enforcing such an unpopular measure requires a new department: The Ministry of Love, whose purpose will be to gather information on any widows breaking the new law. With nothing to lose, Kreso agrees to be put forward by his pushy father in law. The only problem is, together with his eccentric partner, Sikic, he's completely the wrong man for the job.
A Patriotic Man
Makeup Artist
Every nation gets the heroes it deserves. A man with a special blood type is used as a device for human doping athletes skiing national team.
The Piano Room
Makeup Artist
A run-down hotel room, a piano, a maid and the guests who stay there. Life begins, life ends, and lives are changed forever in the piano room.
워 랜드
Makeup Designer
1943년, 공산당원들을 소탕하려는 작전 하에 크로아티아 군인들이 길을 떠난다. 하지만 매복한 병사들을 상대하고 초자연현상을 겪으면서 하나 둘씩 목숨을 잃고, 그 중 ‘마틴’만이 살아남는다. 그리고 시간이 흘러 1993년, 세르비안인들과의 전쟁 속에서 한 무리의 군인들이 일명 '죽은 자의 땅'으로 이동하고, 그곳에서 다시 똑같은 기이한 현상이 일어나는데...
블랙 호크 다운
Makeup Artist
UN 평화유지작전의 일환으로 1993년 동아프리카 소말리아의 수도 모가디슈에 파견된 최정예 미군 부대원들이 소말리아 민병대에 의해 공습당하면서 19명의 사상자를 낸다. 당시 소말리아에는 UN이 제공하는 구호식량을 착취할 목적으로 동포를 굶어 죽이는 민병대장이 전횡을 휘두르고 있었고, UN은 정예부대를 파견해 민병대장의 두 최고 부하를 납치하려다 실패한다. 무적의 전투헬기 블랙 호크 슈퍼 61과 블랙 호크 슈퍼 64가 소말리아 민병대에 의해 격추당하고, 제임스 장군은 단 한명의 생존자도, 단 한점의 살점도 남기지 말라고 명령, 최후의 순간까지 자존심을 건 전투를 펼치는데...
Goodbye, 20th Century
Makeup Artist
In the year 2019, after global destruction and descent into savagery, the immortal Kuzman tried to discover his destiny in order to learn how to die. As he enters the whirling circles of time, we discover the blasphemy of our century, and how it is to close its circle.
The Pope Must Die
Makeup Artist
A less-than-qualified and far-from-perfect priest is mistakenly named the new pope. As the pontiff, he must deal with Vatican corruption, the Mob and the reappearance of his old lover.