Several fatal accidents occur at once at the reinforced concrete products factory in the city of N. An investigator from the regional center comes to investigate the mysterious series of deaths, who understands that it is not technology that is to blame, but psychology. A number of people involved in a vicious suicidal circle are ready to take a step into the abyss. Everyone has their own reasons and motives. The investigator, when confronted with these stories, recalls his own personal tragedy.
Moscow is a city of women! Both fatal, greedy beauties and naive, hungry for relationships, materially prosperous virgins live here in huge numbers. It is the latter that Vova and Edik use for their commercial purposes. Once the guys meet Olya and Rita, the widow and daughter of a recently deceased large businessman. The girls are rich and naive, their hearts and wallets are open. Edik and Vova are in anticipation of enrichment. But unexpected events make the heroes think that things are not so simple with Olya and Rita.
12월 31일, ‘카트야’와 네 친구들은 산 정상에서 새해 맞이 파티를 하기 위해 케이블카에 오른다. 하지만 이미 마지막 탑승이 끝난 직후. 간신히 탑승에 성공하지만 ‘키릴’을 제외한 넷만 케이블카를 타고 올라가게 된다. 그러던 중, 갑자기 케이블카가 멈춰 서고,
‘카트야’와 친구들은 밤새 케이블카에 갇히게 된다. 그리고 구조대를 기다리던 그들 앞에 상상할 수 없는 일들이 일어나는데… 과연 그들은 케이블카를 탈출할 수 있을까?
отец Фёдора
Comedy, in Russian language
Vyacheslav Ivanov
Two veteran meteorologists spend their days on a remote mountain weather station, accompanied by a young boy working as a cook. Their every-day lifestyle, made of creating matchstick models on one side, researching the big-foot myth on the other, and the boy's constant need to find places for hiding is briefly interrupted by a visit from two tourists: husband and his young wife - traveling to visit a cave near the weather station, so they'd mark their five year anniversary. Their arrival is the primer for an unknown series of events that puts an experienced inspector and his young colleague where we find them at the beginning of the movie: on a deserted weather station, where everyone seems to have vanished into thin air. The hank slowly unrolls as viewer discovers the truth behind everything, step by step, until the final loop of a long story line unravels and present him the final surprise.
The employees of a radio station in Moscow are forced to organize the elections campaign for a future governor in one of Russia districts.
20세기 초 러시아, 조지는 사회주의 혁명활동을 벌이는 지하조직을 이끌며 러시아 전역에서 차르 체제의 고위 인사들을 암살한다. 그러나 이들은 가장 큰 임무였던 세르게이 알렉산드로비치 대공의 암살에 실패하게 되고, 혁명이라는 대의로 묶여 있던 개인들의 숨겨져 있던 욕망들이 하나씩 드러난다. 20세기 폭력의 역사에 대한 고찰을 담고 있는 웅장한 서사극으로, 러시아 혁명기의 혁명가이자 문필가였던 보리스 사빈코프의 자전적인 소설을 원작으로 하고 있다. - 제1회 충무로국제영화제
During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20 years, Platon finds himself the richest man in Russia, having sacrificed his friends to get to the top. But with this cynical rise, comes a brutal fall.
A girl with a secret assignment arrives in a provincial town, where she meets a scavenger, who in the evening turns out to be an elegant and ironic respectable gentleman. A mutual interest arises between them, and they begin to play the game, trying to guess each other's past.
Сюжет этого авантюрно - приключенческого фильма закручен вокруг банковского чека на 5 миллионов долларов. Его стремятся заполучить во что бы то ни стало и крутые мафиози, и милиция, и даже... трое подростков - юный русский богатырь Илья, казахский компьютерный вундеркинд Акежан и девочка Соня. Акежану нужна срочная дорогостоящая операция, поэтому ребята и решились на это опасное и рискованное дело.