Associate Producer
This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At the climax of their dispute they rip the family recipe book in half - one brother gets the starters and the other gets the main courses. They set up rival restaurants, across the road from each other, and spend the next twenty years trying to out-do each other. Neither brother will admit it but they both know they are not entirely successful in the 'other half' of the menu. It takes a daughter - a successful corporate lawyer marrying a man from a very different background - to reunite them. She is planning her marriage and is determined that they will both cook the wedding banquet.
Associate Producer
It is 1944 and the D-Day invasion has failed, Germany's army have successfully invaded England and the Nazi war-machine is now heading west towards Wales. A group of women in an isolated Welsh village near the English border wake up to discover all of the their husbands have mysteriously vanished. They have headed into the mountains to join the Resistance.
최첨단 발명품으로 무장, 야채를 훔쳐먹는 토끼로부터 마을의 보안을 담당하는 해충 관리 특공대를 운영하고 있는 최강 콤비 월레스와 그로밋. 곧 있으면 열릴 마을 최고의 축제 슈퍼 야채 선발대회로 인해 이들의 토끼 체포 업무는 나날이 활기를 띠고 있다. 마을 사람들 모두가 슈퍼 야채 선발대회를 기다리며 애지중지 야채를 키우던 어느 날 밤 누군가 마을의 야채를 모두 먹어 치우는 엄청난 사건이 발생한다. 파헤쳐진 야채밭, 거대한 발자국, 무너진 담장, 무시무시한 침입자의 흔적들로 인해 마을 사람들은 공포에 휩싸이는데...