László Ramm

참여 작품

Camera Operator
헝가리의 대평원을 배경으로 한 이야기. 어딜 보나 지평선뿐인 이곳에서 주민들은 띄엄띄엄 멀리 떨어져 살아간다. 기계문명의 혜택을 받지 못하고 살아온 이들은 이 마을을 벗어나고 싶다는 강한 욕망에 사로잡혀 있다. 이를 위해 그들은 다른 이들을 상대로 한 도둑질과 속임수의 환상 속에서 살아간다. 그러나 자신감이 부족한 그들은 이 초라한 해결책에도 동요하게 되고 결국 계획을 실행에 옮기지 못하고 만다. 사실 그들이 기다리는 것은 자신들을 이끌고 구원해줄 메시아, 지난 과오를 사면해 줄 구세주인 것이다.
Director of Photography
'Where Tyranny Prevails' (Memories of the Judge)
The film was shot in 1989 by Lívia Gyarmathy and Géza Böszörményi about a judge who had had a successful career back in the '50s. He resigned from his position as home secretary on 12th December 1956 and chose to do physical work for a while. However, in the period before his resignation he had sentenced many to die, and not just ones he believed were guilty. The confessions of the judge show a fragment of the psychology of tyranny.
Camera Operator
National problems between the bride of Swabian origin and the bridegroom from Székelys of Bucovina burst out in the marriage, but the film also shows the possibility for reconciliation.
Innocent Assassins
Production Assistant
Two arts students, András and Viktor who are writing their thesis on detective stories, make up a story and keep nagging the famous film-director, who just came back from Hollywood, until he undertakes the job. At night they work on the film, in which two youths kill a director returning from the US. In the morning the director is found dead - a knife in his back.