Aleksandr Kabanov

출생 : 1956-01-26, Магадан, СССР, Россия

참여 작품

볼코노고프 대위 탈출하다
sitting man 2
스탈린 공포정치 시대. 동료들의 존경과 상사들의 신망을 얻고 있던 볼코노고프 대위는 하루 아침에 변절자로 낙인 찍힌다. 점점 조여오는 추적망을 피해 달아나지만 과연 그는 업보를 피할 수 있을까? (제26회 부산국제영화제)
The Cage
They don't really know each other. She lives in penury. He holds a pawnshop. Poverty makes her marry him, despite she doesn't love him and even despises. After the marriage takes place, the family war begins. Based on a novel 'A Gentle Creature' by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Shakespeare Could Never Imagine
In a provincial town are waiting for a famous troupe of actors. However, arrived celebrities behave strangely and in preparation for the play with the director arouse suspicion in the "authenticity" arrived ... In the camp of the "actors" his troubles - the only "Prima", whose performance the governor came, himself, runs away with a young hussar to the Gypsies. The evening show, tickets are sold out, and no one to play. On tour to seek "the actress' replacement.
Ten Years Without Right to Write Letters
After the war, the hero of the film comes to Moscow to take revenge on the scammer, through whose fault his father died in the 37th. He carries out his sentence and is ready to answer for it according to the law. His girlfriend becomes an involuntary participant in the drama