Robert Desiderio

Robert Desiderio

출생 : 1951-09-09,

프로필 사진

Robert Desiderio

참여 작품

리버럴 아츠
뉴욕에서 대학 진학 상담일을 하는 제시는, 대학 시절 교수님으로부터 자신의 은퇴 파티에서 제자로서 연설을 해달라는 부탁을 받고 학교를 다시 찾게 된다. 뉴욕을 떠나 오랜만에 대학 교정을 찾은 제시는 옛 추억에 잠기게 된다. 그리고, 그곳에서 대학에 재학중인 지비를 만나 이야기를 나누게 된다. 많은 나이 차이에도 불구하고 그 둘은 이런 저런 얘기를 나누며, 묘한 감정을 갖게 되는데...
Save Me
A sex and drug addicted young man who is forced into a Christian-run ministry in an attempt to cure him of his "gay affliction", where instead he is faced with the truth in his heart and spirit.
Murder in the Mirror
Paul Richland
Mary meets Paul, marries Paul and when Paul is murdered becomes the number one suspect. While the police are preparing their case against her she begins her own investigation which takes her to the seedy parts of town and begins to expose her husbands very secret double life.
Take My Advice:  The Ann and Abby Story
Biography of feuding advice columnist twins, Ann Landers and Abby Van Buren, starts with their early lives in Sioux City, Iowa when they were known as Esther and Pauline through their double wedding and follows them into their columnist successes. However, much of the film also concentrates on their personal and professional feuds that ran the course of their lives. Written by John Sacksteder
No Laughing Matter
Richard Warren
Emma is the bright, attractive and funny widowed mother of teen honor-student Charlie. She has a drinking problem that seemingly increases exponentially, and Charlie has problems of his own, chief among them the pregnancy of his girlfriend Lauren...
Paul Monette: The Brink of Summer's End
Narrated by Linda Hunt, this documentary examines the life of the late author and gay rights activist Paul Monette. Born in 1945 to a well-off Massachusetts family, Monette grows up unable to accept his homosexuality, for years hiding it from his loved ones while struggling to develop as a writer. In 1978, Monette publishes his first novel, which allows him to come out to his parents. After losing one lover to AIDS in 1986, he becomes a ferocious advocate for awareness of the disease.
Once You Meet a Stranger
Andy Stahl
This television remake of Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train" (1951) follows the same story, but has changed the genders of the lead characters from male to female. Sheila Gaines is a former child star whose first husband is unwilling to give her a divorce. A chance meeting with Margo Anthony on a train leads to a conversation where the mentally unstable Margo, who hates her mother, suggests that they swap murders, so as to solve their problems. Although she thinks nothing of the conversation, Sheila's life takes a surprising turn when her husband is murdered by Margo. Now Margo wants Sheila to do her part of "the deal." With the police on her tail and Margo constantly in her face, Sheila must find a way out of this tangled web.
The Silence of Adultery
Michael Harcott
Drama about a therapist who, as a neglected wife, tries to spice up her stagnant life by having an affair with a soon-to-be-divorced father of an autistic youngster.
The Rockford Files: A Blessing in Disguise
Jerry Michaels
Angel's televangelical ministry launches a boycott against a movie entitled "Little Ezekial," and Rockford is hired to protect its star.
Jonathan Stone: Threat of Innocence
Arnie Ryan
Still in mourning over the loss of his wife, former cop Jonathan stone moves to Washington. However, he is soon falsely accused of murder, and with the help of socialite Annie Hayes, he sets out to prove his innocence.
Darkness Before Dawn
Al Van Petten
An uplifting family drama about the danger of drug addiction, DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN stars Meredith Baxter (TV's FAMILY TIES). Baxter plays Mary Ann, a nurse at a methadone clinic who falls in love with one of her patients, Guy (Stephen Lang). While helping him overcome his drug addiction, she still manages to hide her own dalliances with narcotics--so well, in fact, that no one suspects at all. The pair marry and have a child, but soon Mary Ann's troubled past and hidden addiction threaten the stability of the happy life that she and Guy finally have for themselves. DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN illustrates the power of family love and how it can overcome even the greatest personal problems.
She Stood Alone
Andrew Gibson
Prudence Crandall establishes herself in Cantenbury, and starts a girls-school. When Eliza Harris, a black girl, wants to take lessons at this school, the local people resist and forbid their daughters to go to the school any longer. William Lloyd Garrison, writer of The Liberator, helps Prudence to turn her school to a black girls-school.
People Like Us
Bernard Slatkin
When a wealthy scriptwriter and socialite's daughter is murdered, he feels let down by the courts, and so decides to use his powerful position to enable his own form of justice.
청춘 해부학
Dr. Banks
가난한 어부의 아들인 조 슬로박(Joe Slovak : 매튜 모딘 분)은 모두가 부러워하는 명문 의대에 입학하지만, 꼭 의사가 되겠다는 야심은 없다. 그는 머리가 좋고 성격은 늘 당당하고 밝다. 같은 해부학팀 친구인 로리(Laurie Rorbach : 대픈 쥬니가 분)에게 마음이 이끌리려 끈질기게 따라붙지만 자신의 그런 성격이 오히려 뻔뻔스러워서인지 냉담하기만 하다. 그녀 뿐만 아니라 대부분 쟁쟁한 집안의 급우들이 모인 의과생들이 젊음을 즐기기 보다는 서로 경쟁하며 의사가 되고자 학업에만 전념하는 것에 조는 답답함을 느낀다. 조의 해부학 팀에는 로리 외에 조의 룸메이트인 데이비드(David Schreiner : 토드 필드 분), 그리고 결혼하여 애가 하나 있는 중국계 여학생 킴(Kim McCauley : 앨리스 카터 분)과 다소 이기적인 성격의 마일즈(Miles Reed : 존 스콧 크롯 분)가 있다. 이제 의학 공부를 시작한 이들은 처음엔 다소 재미있지만 점차 의사가 되는 것이 어려운 길임을 느끼게 된다. 첫 시간부터 지각한 조를 눈여겨 본 해부학 담당 여교수 레이첼(Rachel Woodruff : 크리스틴 라티 분)은 다른 학생처럼 학업에 열중하지 않는 조에 대해 제동을 걸고 노골적으로 질문을 던져 곤경에 빠뜨린다. 조는 대학 병원 보조원 아르바이트를 하게 되고, 단짝인 데이비드는 열성파로 공부만 한다. 또 가정일과 공부을 병행해야 킴은 임신까지 걱정이 커진다. 이들은 그룹 스터디를 결성하여 한적한 곳에 모텔을 얻어 공부하게 된다. 의학도에게는 무엇보다 학점이 중요하고 또 이 학점을 따는 시험이 중요하다. 시험이 시작되고 문제를 보면서 당황해 하는 데이비스에게 조가 답을 보여 준 것이 레이첼 교수의 눈에 띄게 된다. 성적이 발표되고 낙제생은 도중하차 된다.
Original Sin
When his son is kidnapped a man has to face his past demons in speaking to a Mafia don about it.
Lenny Barbella
A fast-food delivery man for a New York Chinese restaurant gets involved with international terrorists and is recruited by undercover agents to help track down the leader in this prospective pilot.
The Princess and the Cabbie
Joe Holiday
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.