John Callahan

John Callahan

출생 : 1953-12-23, Brooklyn, New York, USA

사망 : 2020-03-28

프로필 사진

John Callahan

참여 작품

A Doggone Hollywood
TV Director
Murphy ("Just Jesse the Jack") is a mega-famous canine TV star who is fed up with being treated like a 'cashmachine' by Hollywood executives. He escapes and a group of loving kids save him.
Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre
When a fracking mishap accidentally rips apart the earth’s crust, the resulting hole opens up a gaping underground water way to a vast and mysterious ocean somewhere deep below. Instantly, giant prehistoric sharks begin wending their way upward toward a murky bog in the heart of the Arkansas Bayou. Unfortunately, for a group of female prisoners on a work detail in the swamp, the deadly sharks attack without warning – pinning a hapless group of intended victims in a small deserted cabin in the heart of the wetlands. Death may be the only means of escape!
Zoe Gone
Dr. Phillips
Sixteen-year-old Jennifer Lynn's life is turned upside down when she gives birth to baby Zoe. Being a teen mom is not what she had planned for high school. Her boyfriend Randy refuses to step up and her mother Alicia is not interested in raising another child. But when Zoe is kidnapped, Jennifer's maternal instincts kick in and she will stop at nothing to find her baby.
Mr. Hutchington
Marshall is an over-worked ad exec who is suffering from a serious case of the seven year itch with his loving boyfriend. As Marshall’s 30th birthday nears he sets hell-bent on changing his life and comes across a mysterious dating app called eCupid which quickly turns his world upside down, overwhelming him sexy guys at every turn!
다이노 슈퍼게이터
Charlie Swanson
하와이의 외딴 섬에 지어진 연구 단지에서 정체불명의 거대한 괴물 두 마리가 탈출하고, 이 사실을 은폐하기 위해 보내진 사냥꾼 로건과 연구소를 비밀리에 수사 중이던 FBI 요원 폴, 그리고 지역 환경 보안 요원 캐시디는 힘을 모아 괴물의 뒤를 쫓지만 수많은 사상자가 발생하는 것을 보고 망연자실 한다. 더 이상의 참사를 막기 위하여 괴물들과 목숨을 건 한판 승부를 펼치는데…
His and Hers
After Carol accidentally chops off Glenn's finger in the kitchen, she decides that she is not giving it back to him until he confesses all his affairs.
마빈스 룸
결혼도 하지 않은 채 중풍에 걸린 아버지를 모시고 살고 있는 베시가 백혈병에 걸리자, 오래도록 소식이 없던 여동생 리가 두 아들과 함께 골수이식을 위해 고향에 돌아온다. 애정결핍에 걸린 리의 큰아들 행크는 이모에게서 따뜻한 사랑을 맛보고, 모처럼 한 자리에 모인 이들은 가족이 굴레가 아니고 화해의 장임을 확인한다.