Nina Kiri

Nina Kiri

출생 : 1992-09-03, Belgrado, Serbia

프로필 사진

Nina Kiri
Nina Kiri
Nina Kiri
Nina Kiri
Nina Kiri

참여 작품

I Am Mortal
Set 200 years in the future, a small band of rebels face off against the status quo where humans have achieved immortality through genetic engineering
하모니 밸리에서의 사랑
마을을 유지하려는 사람들과 재건하려는 젊은이들의 이야기
Follows a Serbian refugees mother and daughter, as they struggle to navigate the many obstacles facing newcomers to Canada.
The Heretics
A young girl is abducted by a man, who claims that a cult is hunting her. His goal is to protect her until sunrise but while restrained, the young girl falls deathly ill. While her friends and family search for her, the source of her illness becomes more and more apparent. She’s not sick…she’s changing.
The Haunted House on Kirby Road
Six stoner best friends discover a viral video of a local teen who disappeared years ago from an alleged haunted house in their neighbourhood. Searching for one last adventure before graduating high school, the teens decide to investigate this local urban legend, only to discover this night could be their worst, and possible last, experience of their lives.
배니싱 트윈
자전거 택배 일을 하는 헬렌은 얼마 전 당한 교통사고로 인한 트라우마에 시달리고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 헬렌은 자신이 밤사이 어딘가에 다녀온 것만 같은 느낌을 갖게 되지만 아무 것도 기억해낼 수 없는 이상한 현상을 겪게 된다. 계속되는 이상한 현상들에 병원을 찾게 된 헬렌은 담당의사로부터 MRI 촬영 결과 자신이 쌍생아였고 쌍생아의 사체 일부가 그녀의 몸 속에 종양화되어 남아 있다는 충격적인 이야기를 듣게 된다. 그 후 헬렌의 몸상태는 점점 더 악화되기 시작해 자신도 모르는 사이에 폭력적이고 괴기스러운 행동들을 하게 되자 두려운 마음에 이 사실을 자신의 가장 친한 친구인 몰리에게 털어놓게 되는데...
Super Detention
It's X-Men meets The Breakfast Club. When five superhero teens are hauled into detention at their secret training academy, they have to work together to stop the sinister Kaelus from stealing all the students' powers.
I Am Vengeance
A schizophrenic teenage girl attempts to uncover her mysterious path and the murder of her family.
긱 차밍
Shy Girl
Film geek Josh is looking for the subject of his new documentary when a chance meeting puts the perfect star in his sights—Dylan, his school's most popular junior. But Dylan's hopes of using the film to become Blossom Queen don't quite match with Josh's goal to make a hard-hitting exposé about popularity. Will Josh shoot the film as planned, or show Dylan as the truly interesting person she is?
Zoe's Having a Baby
Zoe Cain
Zoe Cain wants a baby. Single, and tired of the saturated NYC dating scene, she decides to go it alone. Using an anonymous sperm donor, the chances are slim but Zoe quickly becomes pregnant. She is elated but things get more than complicated when not one, but two eligible bachelors walk into her life…