Patricia López Arnaiz

Patricia López Arnaiz

출생 : 1981-04-15, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain


Patricia López Arnaiz is a Spanish actress, known for The Plague, The Invisible Guardian and For 80 Days.

프로필 사진

Patricia López Arnaiz

참여 작품

2만 종의 벌
Lucía is a six-year-old girl, who sometimes struggles as the world tries to catch up with the fact that she has a penis. As the summer holidays pass, she explores her femininity alongside the women of her family who at the same time reflect on their own femininity.
Ana doesn’t know how to treat her 6-year-old son, Son. Lately her life is full of conflicts and struggles and she feels very confused. Little by little, what begins as a pleasant walk through some peaceful gardens becomes a metaphor for her own reality. Ana and Son get lost in a labyrinth in which they will relive the confusion, unconsciousness and tension of their own relationship. Once they understand that they are lost, Ana and Son will be able to look into each other’s eyes and begin to find each other.
안나푸르나: 비욘드 써밋
가장 많은 목숨을 빼앗은 안나푸르나. 죽은 연인을 위해 나선 등반에서 사고를 당하는 남자. 더 이상 오를 곳이 없는 최고의 등반가에게 구조된다. 서로의 아픔과 무모한 도전을 이해하고 도와주려 하지만 남자는 성치 않은 몸으로 목숨을…
더 도터
청소년 범죄자 센터에서 기거하고 있는 임산부 소녀에게 벌어지는 이야기를 그린 영화
Mediterraneo: The Law of the Sea
Laura Lanuza
Autumn 2015. Profoundly affected by the picture of a little boy who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, lifeguards Oscar and Gerard travel to Lesbos (Greece). Once there, the reality is horrific: thousands of people risk their lives every day, crossing the sea in precarious boats and fleeing from armed conflicts. But nobody bothers to rescue them. With Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do what they came to do, helping those who need it. For all of them, this initiation voyage will become a life-changing odyssey. Mediterráneo is the struggle to survive in the sea, an often hostile medium where every life counts.
죽음의 종소리
가리스멘디 농가에서 묻혀있던 해골이 발견된다. 부부는 아들 네스토르를 불러 이 사실을 경찰에 신고하지만, 경찰이 도착했을 때는 이미 해골이 감쪽같이 사라진 후다. 바스크 지방의 한 농가를 배경으로 전개되는 독특한 스릴러에서 유골의 발견은 한 가족의 오래된 상처와 어두운 비밀을 끄집어낸다. 네스토르의 쌍둥이 형제 에이토르가 오래전 비극적인 사고로 죽었다는 사실이다. 아버지는 지금 아무것도 하지 않으면 그들이 다음 희생자가 될 거라고 아들을 설득한다.
Ane Is Missing
The Basque Country, 2009. Lide is a security guard for the high-speed train works, a project that generates social protests in the streets. Coming home after work and partying all night, she makes breakfast for two, but her teenage daughter, Ane, is nowhere to be found. The next day, she’s still not back.
One for All
A substitute teacher takes on a job as a year 6 class teacher in a village he does not know. He has to help a student adjust back into school, although none of his classmates want him there.
인비저블 가디언: 그들을 데려가는 자
Rosaura Salazar
잠자던 젖먹이 아기가 돌연 사망한 사건을 수사하는 살라사르 형사. 아기 아버지는 숨진 딸아이의 시신을 몰래 훔쳐 달아나려 하고, 사건에 대한 의문은 꼬리에 꼬리를 문다. 《인비저블 가디언》 3부작의 마지막 이야기.
인비저블 가디언: 뼈의 유산
Rosaura Salazar
1년 후, 살라사르는 살인범을 법정에 세우기 무섭게 새로운 소용돌이에 휘말린다. 범인이 그녀에게 남긴 쪽지엔 의문의 한 단어뿐―타르탈로. 신성 모독 사건까지 일어나자 경위는 다시 부름을 받는다. 그녀를 바스탄으로 이끄는 자 누구인가.
전쟁의 시간
1936년, 프랑코를 내세운 스페인 군대는 정권을 잡으려는 야욕을 드러내고, 이후 시작된 스페인 내전으로 수많은 사람들이 고통 받는다. 뛰어난 학문적 성취와 인품으로 사람들의 존경을 받던 학자이자 작가인 미구엘은 새로운 정치를 요구했던 자신의 말과 글이 결과적으로 군부를 도운 건 아니었는지 자문한다. 한편 미구엘은 부당하게 탄압받는 한 정치인으로부터 도움의 요청을 받는다.
Un coche cualquiera
Manuel wants to get in his car. However, three people stop him, questioning him about what he had done at the nightclub he was at.
피의 나무
자신들의 가족사를 글로 옮기는 젊은 커플. 달콤한 이야기도 잠시, 고통스러운 진실이 그들 앞에 나타난다. 가족의 그늘에 숨은 광기 어린 미스터리를 찾는 로맨틱 스릴러.
인비저블 가디언
스페인 북부 바스크 산지에서 소녀 연쇄살인 사건이 발생한다. 사건 수사를 위해 고향을 다시 찾은 살라사르 형사. 이제 그토록 달아나려 했던 어린 시절의 기억과 다시 마주해야만 한다. ≪인비저블 가디언≫ 3부작 중 첫 영화.
An Autumn Without Berlin
After traveling far from home in pursuit of a better future, June comes back to her hometown to try to restore broken bonds with Diego, her first love, and her father. She will try to bring back their teenage years dream of moving to Berlin. However, she will soon realize that years have changed Diego, he is now reclusive and never leaves his house.
Lasa & Zabala
In October 1983, members of ETA Lasa and Zabala disappear in Bayonne. Twelve years later, their bodies, tortured and buried in quicklime by the GAL (Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups) are identified. Then begins a process in which the lawyer for the two families (Unax Ugalde) and his assistant try to justice and that the murderers sit on the dock.
The first work from Fernando Franco revolves around Ana, a 30 year old ambulance driver. Though good at her job, Ana has problems relating in her personal life. She doesn't know it, but she suffers from a condition known by psychiatrists as Borderline Personality Disorder. The situation pushes her to outbreaks of self-destructive behaviour, alcohol abuse and self-harm. Ana is incapable of getting what she wants most: to be happy.
Amaren eskuak
Nerea is 37, is married and has a daughter. Professionally Nerea is a journalist and has to spend most of the day in the newspaper, subtracting much time to her family. The difficulty in balancing work and personal life greatly overwhelms the protagonist and the problem does not get worse when her mother, Luisa, Alzheimer patient is admitted to hospital.
For 80 Days
Axun, a 70 year old woman, is called from the hospital to take care of her daughter's ex-husband, who was seriously injured in a car accident. To her surprise, the woman who takes care of the other patient in the same hospital room turns out to be Maite, her best friend when teenagers. They have not seen each other for more than 50 years. The hospital visits will show that the close relationship they had when teenagers is still alive. Their relationship was very special fifty years ago but nowadays the same feelings flourish. Where is the thin line that separates friendship from desire?