Lluís Homar

Lluís Homar

출생 : 1957-04-20, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain


Lluís Homar i Toboso (born 20 April 1957) is a Spanish actor.

프로필 사진

Lluís Homar
Lluís Homar

참여 작품

엘리사와 마르셀라
Gobernador Oporto
1901년 스페인의 갈리시아 지방, 서로 사랑하는 두 여자 엘리사와 마르셀라. 가톨릭교회가 금지하는 결혼을 하기 위해 엘리사는 남자로 위장한다. 실화에 기초한 작품.
Project Time
In the future, humanity has the necessary keys to use energy responsibly, but is faced with new moral dilemmas.
Robert Emett Friedhoff
A young schizophrenic who felt threatened by a presence he was unable to define turns up gruesomely dead in his bathtub
At Your Doorstep
Three stories intertwine as different people deal with the challenges of living through times of crisis. An evicted mother, a banker with a conscience and a police officer who has to do his job no matter what, sing and dance in this Brechtian musical drama about the economic crisis, people’s struggle with daily life, solidarity and hope.
라틴 러버
이태리 영화배우로 유명했던 사베리오 크리스포가 10년 전에 죽었다. 그의 네 명의 자식들은 서로 다른 부인들의 아이들이다. 그들이 한 자리에 모이게 되었다. 푸을리제라는 배우의 고향에서 서로 각기 다른 나라 출신인 자식들과 두명의 미망인이다. 아버지가 유명한 배우였다는 존재에 대해서 알지 못하고 게다가 4번째 자식은 친자확인결과를 기다리고 있다. 이들이 벌이는 해프닝이 가족과 사랑이라는 개념을 다시금 생각하게 한다. (2016년 제8회 이탈리아영화제)
La fossa
카지노를 털어라
Gonzalo Pelayo
Winning Streak is the astonishing story of a group of young down-and-outs who are presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; to change their luck and set off on the adventure of their lives. Thanks to an infallible method based on the roulette wheel’s imperfection, their lifestyle is about to become better than their wildest dreams, as they set out to break the banks at casinos around the world.
에바 : 위험한 관계
로봇 개발자인 ‘알렉스’는 외국 유학생활을 마치고10년 만에 고향으로 돌아온다. 그를 처음 맞이한 사람은 대학에서 교수로 지내고 있는 그의 동생 ‘데이비드’였다. 데이비드의 마중을 받은 알렉스가 처음으로 간 곳은 그의 대학 시절 은사 ‘줄리아’가 있는 대학교였다. 알렉스가 10년 만에 고향으로 돌아온 것도 사실 줄리아의 요청 때문이었다. 줄리아는 알렉스에게 ‘SI-9’이라는 로봇을 보여주었다.
Don't Be Afraid
Silvia's Father
Silvia is a young girl marked by a dark childhood. When she is barely twenty-five, she decides to start over and to face the people, feelings and emotions that keep her bound to the past. In her fight against adversity and against herself, she will learn to control her fears and become an adult, responsible for her own actions.
줄리아의 눈
선천적 시력장애로 고통 받고 있는 줄리아는 같은 증세로 이미 시력을 상실한 쌍둥이 언니 사라의 죽음에 큰 충격을 받는다. 언니의 자살에 의문을 품은 그녀는 남편의 만류에도 불구하고 주변을 조사하기 시작한다. 기묘한 분위기의 수상한 이웃들과 정체를 알 수 없는 사라의 남자친구, 무언가 감추고 있는 듯한 남편의 이상한 행동들… 파헤칠 수록 의혹은 더욱 커져만 가고, 그러던 중 남편의 실종으로 더욱 큰 불안감에 휩싸이게 된 줄리아. 그녀의 시력은 점점 악화되기 시작하는데….
A young publicist, with a successful professional life but with an empty personal life, finds himself on a trip against time to get to an important business meeting. During the trip, he meets a girl and, although they are very different and have opposite ways of life, they click when recalling the most mythical and emotional time of their childhood: the last summer they spent with their gang
Paper Birds
Enrique Corgo
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, the members of a group of vaudeville performers have been stripped of everything: all they have left is hunger and the instinct to survive. Day after day, agonizingly, lost and helpless between the victors and the vanquished, the musician Jorge, the ventriloquist Enrique, the couplet singer Rocío and the orphan Miguel search tirelessly for something to eat and a safe place to live.
브로큰 임브레이스
Mateo Blanco / Harry Caine
어려운 가정 형편 때문에 백만장자 어니스토의 정부로 살고 있지만 여배우가 되고 싶은 꿈을 버리지 않는 레나(페넬로페 크루즈)는 실력있는 감독 마테오를 만나 오디션을 본다. 레나의 신선한 매력을 눈 여겨 본 마테오는 그녀를 여주인공으로 캐스팅하고, 레나는 뛸듯이 기뻐하지만 그녀의 연인인 어니스토는 그녀가 다른 사람들과 어울리는 것이 신경 쓰인다. 촬영이 진행될수록 자신이 꿈꾸던 세계를 만난 레나와 그녀의 매력에 사로잡힌 마테오는 서로의 진정한 모습을 발견하고 어니스토의 눈을 피해 사랑을 나눈다. 레나의 변화를 직감한 어니스토는 그녀를 감시하지만, 어니스토의 집착이 심해질수록 레나와 마테오의 격정적인 사랑은 더욱 더 깊어진다. 서로에게 운명 같은 진실한 사랑을 확인하게 된 레나는 어니스토에게 결별을 통보하고 마테오과 몰래 떠나기로 결심하지만, 어니스토는 그녀를 쉽게 놔주지 않는데…
The Best of Me
Raquel, a young radio announcer, is deeply in love with Tomás, an Olympic runner. The day she finds a house where they can live together, he collapses during training and is taken to the hospital.
My Very Best Friend
Luis Marquès
Esteban and Maxime are inseparable. Their families have always lived in the same Parisian building and Maxime, who has lived alone with his mother, a hard-working attorney, since his father died, has always felt part of Esteban's happy, friendly family. The boys have known each other since birth and consider themselves more than friends, they are brothers. The two friends have secretly made a small attic room the center of their world, where they invent characters and store their disguises and most treasured possessions. But their friendship is threatened when Maxime learns to his dismay that Esteban and his Spanish-born family are moving back to Spain. The two boys dream up a plan that they must soon put into action.
페르마의 밀실
서로에 대해 전혀 알지 못하는 네 명의 수학자가 위대한 수수께끼를 풀어달라는 정체를 알 수 없는 초대로 받는다. 그러나 그들 앞에 놓인 것은 제한 시간인 1분 내에 문제를 풀지 못하면 사방이 오그라드는 밀실뿐이다. 살아남을 수 있는 유일한 방법은 문제를 푸는 것뿐. 그들은 왜 이 방에 초대되었으며, 그들은 이방에 초대한 인물은 누구인가? 목숨을 건 치열한 두뇌 게임이 지금 시작된다…!
Chaotic Ana
Ana, a teenager artist, is raised in Ibiza by her German father Klaus in a naturalist lifestyle. She meets Justine, who invites her to move to Madrid and get an artistic education and financial support. Ana befriends Linda, meets the problematic Said, a Saharawi youngster, and later she is hypnotized by Anglo, who opens a door to her memories and past lives.
Sexo en el plató
How are the sex scenes filmed? What tricks are used to fake the desire? How do the interpreters prepare and feel? Spanish actors and directors talk about the most intimate side of acting, about the tricks and work methods when narrating exposed sex. In Spain the general rule is that there are no rules. Each film, each interpreter, faces it in very different ways.
Body Armour
Mark Graver
A burned-out bodyguard is hired to protect the man he hates the most: an international assassin who destroyed his career and ruined his life. Forced to put his personal feelings on hold, the bodyguard must use all his skills and years of experience to keep the assassin alive in the face of constant danger.
Black Butterfly
A Peruvian schoolteacher conspires with a journalist to assassinate the official responsible for her fiancé's murder.
보르히아:역사상 가장 타락한 교황
Rodrigo Borgia
체사레 보르히아가 성전을 위해 교황의 축복을 받고 출정하지만 이는 교황의 음모이며 그가 감옥에 갇히는 장면에서 시작된다. 곧, 발렌시아의 추기경 로드리고 보르히아가 콘클라베에서 교황으로 선출된다. 이때부터 발렌시아의 귀족 보르히아가의 영욕은 시작된다. 교황이 된 알렉한드르 6세는 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 숙적을 처단한다. 그리고 자신의 숙소에 여자를 끌어들이고, 자신의 아들들을 추기경과 공작으로 만들며, 딸을 여기저기 시집 보내면서 정략 결혼을 일삼는다. 그리고 자신의 목적이 달성되면 자신의 사위를 죽이는 악행을 통해 절대권력을 만들어 간다. 하지만, 형제들간의 반목과 끊임없이 계속되는 근친상간으로 이탈리아를 지배하겠다는 보르히아 가문의 야심찬 계획에는 조금씩 금이 가기 시작한다. 결국, 교황 알렉산드르 6세는 독살을 당하고 그렇게 보르히아 가문도 쓰러지기 시작한다.
Family Ties
Virtu and Ramon have tried to get children for a long time without success and Virtu begins to get tired of all the gynecological tests she is forced to go through. Finally, when it turns out that Ramon is sterile, Virtu suggests that they adopt, but Ramon wants a son of his own flesh and blood. As if the situation was not strained enough, Ramon's father appears after several years in prison and once again wants to become part of Ramon's life.
To Die in San Hilario
'Piernas' Germán
The inhabitants of San Hilario make their living from funerals. They are awaiting their first customer in a long time.
In Spain, a couple of days before a collective gay wedding, the lives of five mothers, whose sons will get married, are entwined: Judge Helena is in charge of the ceremony; the entrepreneur in hotel business Magda is hosting the guests in her hotel and is responsible for the banquet, while facing a strike leaded by her lover and chef; the nymphomaniac Nuria is facing problems due to her disease; the wealthy Reyes is having a crush for the father of her son's mate and her gardener; and the Argentinean cooker Ofelia is facing financial problems and difficulties in with her son's mate. Along three days, they have complicated relationships with their sons and mates, ex-husbands, lovers and employees.
Guard Borg
Dante travels across a desolate, futuristic Spain in search of his girlfriend, Ula. He is pursued by a bloodthirsty, cybernetic Rottweiler.
Virginia, la monaca di Monza
Pare Castells
The film is loosely based on real life events of Marianna de Leyva, better known as "The Nun of Monza," whose story was made famous by the Alessandro Manzoni's novel The Betrothed.
나쁜 교육
Sr. Berenguer
28살의 감독 ‘엔리케’ 앞에 어느 날 어린 시절 신학교 친구였던 ‘이나시오’가 배우가 되어 나타난다. 재회한 기쁨도 잠시, 이제부터 자신을 앙겔(천사)이라고 불러 달라는 이나시오가 낯설게만 느껴지는 엔리케. 이나시오는 자신들의 어린 시절과 당시 그들에게 ‘나쁜 교육’을 행한 마놀로 신부를 향한 증오와 복수, 음모와 살인에 관해 쓴 ‘방문객’이란 시나리오를 엔리케에게 건네는데…
Deadly Cargo
Journalist Sara joins timid Victor and pregnant wife Thais, instructors Ivan and Edgar, and local kid Drui in Senegal for some underwater exploration. When their craft blows up following a misfired bullet, they float around in the water for a while before seeing a ship. Their initial relief turns to horror as they see a man being tipped into the water from it but the ship is the group's only option. Hiding on board, things start to unravel for them in a horrific way.
A Spanish theatre company is rehearsing Shakespeare in the original style using young men to play the women's roles. Complicating their endeavors is the previously straight director's infatuation the new young man whose charming everyone except the slightly older young man who he's replacing. When the young man on the way out decides to settle the score with the young man on the way up, he draws on what he's learned in the theatre. Enter Iago.
Victor and Gloria entry workers form a relatively stable marriage. But one day Victor loses a leg due to an accident, granting him permanent disability. Consequently, his life changes and, among other things, the relationship with his wife deteriorates progressively.
To Die (Or Not)
If one person's destiny were altered (in this case, not dying), how might that event change the lives of numerous other people, or in this case, prevent seven others from dying.
셀레스티나 : 창녀 이야기
The young nobleman Calisto falls in love with Melibea, the daughter of a rich merchant. Calisto's servant Sempronio suggests they get the sorceress Celestina to further the romance. However Calisto's other servant Parmeno is suspicious of Celestina, as he knows about her tricks.
Hombre Paula (as Lluis Homar)
A young auditor live peacefully in a residential block consisting of identical townhouses. However, a purely casual visit to the veterinarian on duty with his dog, causes a chain of lies under which the auditor notices the hidden face of all his daily life, starting with the true meaning of the silence of his wife .
Celestial Clockwork
Italo Medici
Ana bolts from her wedding altar and flies from Venezuela to Paris to realize her dream of becoming a great opera star.
What's It All About
Minimalistic frieze fifteen episodes about human behavior (desire, submission, love, jealousy, wisdom, honesty, sincerity, passion, faith, ...) located between two fantastic stories about the will and doubt.
The Bird of Happiness
While some people need to be surrounded by friends to be happy, Carmen (Mercedes Sampietro) is perfectly content by herself, pursuing her vocation as an art restorer. But her bubble of isolation is punctured when she becomes the survivor of a violent assault. Shaken by the incident, Carmen decides she needs a break from it all. So begins a soul-searching journey that takes Carmen back to her hometown in southern Spain, where she contemplates the joys and sorrows of her past.
After the Dream
Baltasar Otal
Amós is a sailor and owner of a ship. He is impatient with the arrival of his uncle who returns from the Soviet Union, after having exiled there after the Civil War. They have no time to meet because the old man unexpectedly dies. Amos knows, thanks to the letters his mother received, that his uncle had a treasure. However, this one is not among the objects that were in the old man's room.
The Neon Man
A poor man who scrapes by installing neon advertisements gets a better-paying offer from a pair of journalists who simply want him to receive a package. Instead, he ends up being pursued by thugs.
If They Tell You I Fell
In the post Spanish civil war years, Catalan kids would sit in circles among the ruins and tell stories, known as "aventis" (the film's original title in Catalan, its original language). These tales mix war stories, local gossip, comic book characters, fantasy and real events. The "aventis" told in this film are told in flashback. In the mid 80s, 45 or so years after the age of the "aventis," a doctor and a nurse-nun (who grew up together, and now are co-workers in a hospital) identify the corpse of one of the main characters of the "aventis" of their childhood and adolescence. Besides the interesting flashbacks - a chronical of the Civil War in a "typical" Barcelona microcosm itself, the discovery of this body (belonging to someone long presumed dead) leads to other surprises and unresolved doubts, several decades later
Moon Child
Hombre 1.º cabaña
Adopted by a treacherous semi-scientific cult where extraordinary mental powers are common, extraordinary 12-year-old David begins an archetypal journey across two continents to find his destiny as Child of the Moon.
Luis Buñuel: constructor de infiernos
La plaça del diamant
Colometa is an average housewife with two children to care for in the late 1930's, as the Spanish Civil War is starting and her husband goes off to fight. She had been an ordinary woman working in a shop when she met the lively carpenter who married her, and their life together was without major problems. But now she is forced to raise her children under straitened circumstances, and after her husband dies, her life undergoes another major change as she marries for the second time. Underneath Colometa's acquiescent, forebearing exterior must lie just a few discontents, a few unrealized dreams - but they never surface as she blithely moves from one episode in her life to another.