"Borga" is Better. A Borga is a Ghanaian abroad living an excessive wealthy lifestyle. At least that's what they want everyone to believe.
John (JP) Paul
Aaron is academically gifted, loved, loving and free. Struggling financially to remain in university education, he is introduced to a mysteriously wealthy man who promises him the world. What Aaron gets instead is isolation, confusion and vilification.
나이지리아의 똑똑한 학생이 실력 있고 인기 많은 교수를 신고한다. 그가 자신을 강간하려 했다고. 대학의 기득권층은 그녀의 이야기를 들어줄까? 실화에 바탕을 둔 영화.
평화로웠던 마을은 ‘닭이 먼저냐 달걀이 먼저냐’를 두고 격렬히 논쟁하다 분열되고, 영원한 경계선을 긋는다. ‘닭이 먼저’파는 파란마을을, ‘달걀이 먼저’파는 노란 마을을 만드는데, 어느 날 각 마을 수장의 자녀인 알로윈과 베랄린이 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 둘 사이를 갈라놓으려는 주변의 훼방에도 불구하고 그들은 마을을 다시금 하나의 공동체로 합치고자 노력한다. 화합과 공존의 주제를 아름다운 색채와 감각적 음악을 통해 표현한 가나 영화
John Donkor
An Afro-noir film taking place in the heart of Ghana. A crime family have to clean up their act before the government shuts down their private lounge.
From flawed husbands to shaky finances, new complications test a close circle of friends who must lean on each other in a new decade of their lives.
Two sisters orchestrate a bus robbery to raise money to save their dying mother.
Patrice Lumumba
Inspired by the life and times of Caribbean war hero, judge and diplomat Ulric Cross whose amazing life spanned key moments of the 20th Century like WW2, African independence movements, Black Power, the rise of a new brand of Black leadership around the world, events that define our present reality.
조혼을 피하기 위해 고향을 떠난 14살 소녀. 가혹한 운명은 한 줌의 안식도 허락하지 않았다. 범죄 집단에 납치돼 빈민촌에 떨어진 것도 모자라, 매음굴에 갇혀 버렸으니. 소녀는 지옥을 벗어나 가족의 품으로 돌아갈 수 있을까.
Paul Opong
A Ghanaian Romantic-Comedy
It's the 1980s in rural Ghana, and Atswei is heavily pregnant and desperate to get to Ateke to deliver her baby. But when she and husband Boi miss the morning train — the only means of transport to the city — the hapless couple are left stranded in the blazing sun with only Boi's boombox for encouragement. A madcap race against time follows in this colorful screwball comedy, with wry but affectionate nods to Ghanaian traditions and gender dynamics.
An American volunteer teaching in a school in Africa must save one of his students, a 14 year old girl from religious slavery.
부적절한 관계에서 임신하게 된 에즈맨은 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 장애가 있는 아이를 낳고, 남자에게도 버림받는다. 그녀는 아이를 포기하려 하다가 태어난 새 생명을 자신의 운명으로 받아들이고, 아이를 치료하기 위해 사방으로 알아본다. 그녀는 다시 행복을 찾을 수 있을까?
(2017년 제4회 가톨릭영화제)
Special Agent Fifi Wilson
A narcotics agent goes on a mission to stamp out drug trafficking in Ghana.
What price must a man pay to provide education? What sacrifice must a man make to bring enlightenment to his community when the people he fights for are bent on continuing with their way of life?
Effie Howard a streetwise programmer's life is dramatically turned upside down when her fiancé is convicted and sentenced for a bank robbery he did not commit
A suspicious affair ruins an almost perfect marriage as husband and wife take a wild goose chase into the world of sex, lies and betrayal, risking everything in one of the craziest love triangles ever.
An ex police officer sets out to take his pound of flesh when he employs his skills to catch women who cheat on their men.
A gang of manipulative vixens are sent to earth from the occult world to wreak havoc and destroy souls, but Alvina, a gifted young girl uses her supernatural powers to wage a spiritual warfare against them.
It is set in the hustle and bustle of the city of Accra and its suburbs with glimpses of the exciting metropolis of London.
A twisted tale of two unemployed graduates who embark on a journey to make it in a world where you need more than what you have to get what you want.
Portraying what seems like an ideal life, The Perfect Picture follows three beautiful young women as they make bold attempts to change their lives even when destiny plays its joke on them. They will learn the harsh lessons of life, the challenges of marriage and the fatality of falling in love.
Four friends have to shed their idealistic outlook on life and embrace the harsh realities of adulthood. This is a heart warming movie that touches on life, sex, instant attractions, and the consequences of sometimes taking the easy road in life.