Paolo de Jesus

참여 작품

Eat, for This Is My Body
Boom Operator
Haiti, a lonely forgotten black island abandoned to its poverty and misery. A white woman, Madame lives in a fantasy in which she helps to teach, inspire and feed the retched masses of the world. She is in fact completely cut off from them – a continent away. The awakening of desire between Madame and her black servant boy, Patrick, will lead her from her isolation out into the real Haiti, where she will for the first time see and hear the land and its people, discover the reality of her own body, her identity and come face to face with her own mortality.
위대한 비상
Sound Engineer
철따라 무리지어 이동하는 새들의 여행을 담은 다큐멘터리 영화로 96년 '마이크로코스모스'를 프로듀싱했던 자크 페랭의 감독 데뷔작이다. '마이크로코스모스'를 통해 풀숲에서 나누는 달팽이의 사랑, 작열하는 태양 아래 행진하는 개미의 생존 투쟁, 달밤에 울려 퍼지는 경이로운 풀벌레 소리를 보여줌으로써 우리의 무딘 눈과 귀를 자극했던 페랭은 '철새 Le Peuple Migrateur'에서 하늘 위로 카메라를 옮겼다. “새들의 눈으로 바라본 세상을 그대로 보여주고 싶었다”는 감독의 의도대로 카메라는 철새의 무리 안에 최대한 밀착해 인간의 눈으로는 볼 수 없었던 아름다운 영상들을 펼쳐 보인다. 광활한 숲이나 두텁게 드리운 구름층 위로 유유히 날아가는 새떼를 담은 파노라믹한 광경을 볼 때는 탄성이 저절로 새어 나오고, 근접 촬영한 새들의 날개짓을 보면서 두 팔이 날개라도 된 것처럼 흔들어대는 관객들이 있을 만큼 생생한 운동감도 전해준다. 3년여에 걸친 촬영기간 동안 유럽, 아프리카, 미국, 극동 아시아 지역 등 전세계 36개국 76개 지역을 돌며 35종에 이르는 철새들의 여행을 담아낸 이 장대한 ‘야생 교향곡’을 위해 수백 명의 대규모 스탭이 동원됐고 총 2억 프랑 (한화 약 350억 원)의 제작비가 투입됐다. 자크 페랭은 60년대부터 배우로 활동하기 시작해 자크 드미 감독의 '로슈포르의 연인들', 코스타 가브라스 감독의 등에 출연한 바 있는 배우 출신 감독. '마이크로코스모스'로 세자르 영화제에서 제작상을 수상한 그는 ‘97년 '히말라야, 추장의 어린 시절' 등 자연과 인간을 다룬 다큐멘터리로 관심을 옮겨가고 있다. 프랑스 영화계에서는 자연의 아름다움을 시적인 화면으로 담아내는 것에 그치지 않고 카메라를 매개로 자연과 인간의 교감을 이루어내면서 문명에 대한 성찰을 녹여내고 있다는 점을 '철새 Le Peuple Migrateur'의 가장 큰 미덕으로 꼽고 있다.
Gilded Youth
Spring to summer 2000. Gwenaëlle and Angéla are friends. They are seventeen and eighteen years old and live in the same town in the suburbs of Paris. Summer vacation is coming up. They put in a project at the Youth Department of the local town hall. It is selected and funded. They will be able to carry it out. Their project is a trip around France to photograph people's homes. They invite people to pose in front of their houses and take photographs of themselves. When school goes back, an exhibition is organized at the town hall. Full of curiosity and strengthened by their friendship, they encounter people from a range of backgrounds. They broaden their horizons and open up to the possibilities life has to offer. They have many adventures and sometimes their encounters lead them to stay in one place for several days
Lise and Andre
Lise is a Parisian prostitute who has a young son, Sebastien. Lise dotes on her boy, who has a gift for music and sings in a children's choir directed by aging parish priest Father Andre. Sebastien becomes involved in an auto accident that sends him into a coma; after he remains unconscious for three months, Lise begins to panic, desperate for a remedy that medical science can't provide. When she is told of a field in a village in rural France where a miracle is said to have occurred some years before -- an apparition of the Virgin Mary arrived to provide food for a group of starving children -- Lise wants to travel to the site of the miracle to pray for her son. She also insists that Father Andre come along, but the priest is not eager to go, due to his age, his health, and his increasing cynicism about religion. Lise is persistent, however, and before long the two are on the road in search of a much-needed miracle.
Taif Al-Madina
Sound Designer
To escape the civil war between Christians and Muslims, a Lebanese family moves from the countryside to Beirut, only to find themselves caught in an equally dangerous situation
1999 Madeleine
Sound Engineer
1999 Madeleine is the first step in an ambitious project by the French filmmaker Laurent Bouhnik to make one film per year between 1999-2009, recounting the turn of the century in an interweaving narrative pattern. Episode one is about Madeline, a lonely woman obsessed by religion and cleanliness. Her solitary existence leads her to place an advertisement for a man willing to share his life with a 'single, working 35-year-old.' She is a woman of our times who is caught between the paradoxes of modern life and individual needs for communication. The world offers her opportunities to satisfy material needs but, unfortunately, this is to the detriment of her spiritual needs.
Yo sor Alice
In December 1977, two French nuns, Alice Domon and Léonie Duquet, were kidnapped in Buenos Aires by a squad of commandos from the Argentinean Navy. They were held and tortured at the ESMA - the School of Naval Engineering and were never seen again. Moving tale based on letters Alice Domon sent to her family and friends back home as well as on the testimony of many friends in Argentina who remember her humanity and courage. She shared the lives of those in need, helped heeling their sick and bringing in their crops. And she raised their political awareness - which brought her to the attention of the regime. A film retracing recent history that is by no means in the past.
The Islands' Message
The journey of an intellectual Creole. Before returning from Lisbon to Luanda, he stops in the Cape Verde islands in search of his ethnic and cultural roots.