Bryn Mooser
출생 : 1979-09-20, Los Angeles, California, USA
Executive Producer
Two seconds into the bubbling synth sounds of its theme song will have a child of the 1980s or ‘90s exclaiming “Reading Rainbow!” Such is the beloved and ubiquitous nature of the classic children’s literary television show that introduced millions of kids to the wonder and importance of books. Not only did the series insist on having kids speak to kids about their favorite stories, but Reading Rainbow introduced the world to one of the most adored television hosts of all time in LeVar Burton. Thanks to his direct, non-patronizing and, most importantly, kind delivery, Burton became a conduit to learning for children of every background—an entrancing guide to subjects unknown.
Executive Producer
An intimate look at the life, career and process of one of the most accomplished songwriters of all time, Diane Warren.
Executive Producer
In a Boca suburb, a couple retire to a second marriage of freedom, play, and the world’s largest puzzle collection.
Executive Producer
One of the world’s youngest elite rock climbers, Ashima Shiraishi spent her formative years breaking numerous age-based climbing milestones, spurred on by her number one fan and coach, her father, Poppo a retired Butoh dancer and avant-garde performer with no formal climbing experience. When these New Yorkers travel to South Africa to conquer a V14 boulder problem, father and daughter must face their interpersonal struggles in tandem with the challenging ascent.
Unprecedented access to the IOC Refugee Olympic Team before, during and after the 2020 Games, which saw 29 athletes competing in Tokyo, originating from 11 countries, and residing in 13 host nations.
Executive Producer
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but David doesn’t feel beautiful. Frustrated, disillusioned, depressed, he stumbles upon the YouTube channel of a mysterious company offering controversial eye surgeries that claim to transform not just the way patients look but the way they feel. David deeply connects with this company's messaging and realizes his real eyes are holding him back.
Executive Producer
Tells the unexpected story of the human body by exploring the marvel and mystery of the menstrual cycle, from the first period to the last.
Executive Producer
An enigmatic drifter suffering from terminal cancer lives out his dream of floating down the Mississippi River on a ramshackle houseboat, until the truthfulness of his story is questioned.
Executive Producer
Set against the backdrop of 9/11, this documentary tells the story of how a new generation kickstarted a musical rebirth for New York City that reverberated around the world.
Since 1985, poets, songwriters and musicians have gathered at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Nevada.
Executive Producer
브라질 아마존에서는 비원주민 농부들이 보호지역의 삼림 벌목을 강행하고 숲을 태우면서 땅을 무단 점거하는 파괴가 계속되고 있다. ⟨아마존의 수호자⟩는 이러한 토지 약탈에 맞서는 우루에우와우와우 부족의 지칠 줄 모르는 투쟁을 보여주면서 열대우림이 직면한 문제를 정면으로 다룬다. 아마존 파괴의 진실을 폭로하기 위해 우루에우와우와우 사람들이 목숨을 걸고 3년에 걸쳐 직접 촬영한 생생한 영상이 담겨있는 이 작품은 인물들과 밀착해 사건을 따라가는 현장감 넘치는 장면들을 통해 관객을 아마존 깊숙한 곳으로 안내한다.
Executive Producer
탕! 탕! 탕! 1973년 6월 3일, 미국 샌프란시스코 차이나타운 거리 한복판에서 중국인 갱단이 총격을 받고 사망한다. 5일 후, 한 동양인 청년이 살인 용의자로 긴급 체포된다. 이름 ‘철수 리’, 21살의 한인 이민자였다. 동양인 외모를 구별 못하는 백인 목격자들의 증언으로 종신형을 선고받은 이철수는 곧장 캘리포니아에서 가장 폭력적인 교도소에 수감된다. 그대로 묻힐 뻔했던 사건은 한 기자의 심층 보도로 다시 수면 위로 떠오른다. 한인 최초의 미국 주류 신문사 기자였던 이경원은 차이나타운 취재 중 우연히 이철수 사건을 접하고, 엉터리 재판 과정을 폭로한다. 이철수의 억울한 사연이 알려지며 한인 이민 사회와 종교계가 들끓고, 재심을 요구하는 구명 운동이 시작된다. ‘프리 철수 리’ 운동이 아시안아메리칸 사회를 뒤흔들며 빠르게 번져가던 중, 교도소 안 이철수는 갱의 공격으로부터 자신을 지키려다 진짜 살인을 저지르게 되는데…. 반전에 반전을 거듭한 10년의 재판, 그리고 아무도 예상하지 못했던 이철수의 나머지 삶의 반전! 2023년, 모두의 기대를 배반하고 충격적인 감동을 선사할, 당신의 인생 영화가 될 최고의 다큐멘터리!
Executive Producer
Poet Layli Long Soldier crafts a searing portrait of her Oyate’s connection to the Black Hills, through first contact and broken treaties to the promise of the Land Back movement, in this lyrical testament to resilience of a nation.
Executive Producer
Filmed entirely inside the world of virtual reality (VR), this immersive and revealing documentary roots itself in several unique communities within VR Chat, a burgeoning virtual reality platform. Through observational scenes captured in real-time, in true documentary style, the film reveals the growing power and intimacy of several relationships formed in the virtual world, many of which began during the COVID-19 lockdown, while so many in the physical world were facing intense isolation.
Executive Producer
In 1985, Willem de Kooning’s “Woman-Ochre,” one of the most valuable paintings of the 20th century, vanished into the Arizona desert after being cut from its frame at the University of Arizona Museum of Art. 32 years later, the $160 million painting was found hanging in the home of Jerry and Rita Alter in rural New Mexico.
Executive Producer
As a visibly disabled person, filmmaker Reid Davenport is often either the subject of an unwanted gaze — gawked at by strangers — or paradoxically rendered invisible, ignored or dismissed by society. The arrival of a circus tent just outside his apartment prompts him to consider the history and legacy of the freak show, in which individuals who were deemed atypical were put on display for the amusement and shock of a paying public. Contemplating how this relates to his own filmmaking practice, which explicitly foregrounds disability, Davenport sets out to make a film about how he sees the world from his wheelchair without having to be seen himself.
Executive Producer
베이루트 외곽에서 활동하는 릴라스와 그녀의 스래시 메탈 밴드 멤버 셰리, 마야, 알마와 타티야나에게는 큰 꿈이 있지만 기회는 좀처럼 오지 않는다. 기대를 품고 참가한 영국의 음악 축제도 그들의 생각대로 되지 않고, 집으로 돌아가던 릴라스는 붕괴 직전의 레바논을 목격한다. 설상가상으로 릴라스와 동료 기타리스트 셰리의 복잡한 우정에도 금이 가기 시작하고... 밴드, 국가, 꿈 모두가 위기에 처한 릴라스는 갈림길에 서게 된다.
Executive Producer
샌프란시스코의 가장 학구열이 높은 공립학교 Lowell 고등학교의 고학년생들은 어마어마한 스트레스를 받는 중이다. 이들은 스탠포드 대학교나 하버드 대학교 같은 최고상류 학교로 진학하기 위해 공부에만 매진하고 있다. 멋진 아이들과 특출난 학생들 사이에서 같이 공부해 좋은 성적을 얻기란 쉽지가 않다. 감독 Debbie Lum은 재치넘치는 유머와 따뜻한 시선으로 미국 대학입시계의 현실을 들여다본 이후 미국 교육현 내에서의 인종 문제, 계급 문제까지 고찰하게 한다. 이 영화는 현 미국 10대 세대의 가장 보편적이면서도 다채로운 청소년들의 초상화와도 같은 다큐멘터리다.
Ever since Margaret was six years old, she has been haunted by the memory of watching her sister drown during an explosive fight between her parents. As a young woman, she slides further into her twisted inner life, ultimately finding herself on the brink of suicide. Through an epic journey down the smokiest and scariest corridors of her imagination, she tries to exorcise the demons pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
Executive Producer
노동, 소비주의 및 부에 대한 놀라운 관찰을 통해 중국의 증가하는 계급 격차를 보여주는 중국 산업 공급망의 인상주의적 초상화. 세 파트로 구성된 은 생산 공장에서 일하는 노동자들, 소비자에게 판매하기 위해 교육받는 중간 계층, 그리고 새로운 수준의 쾌락주의적 즐거움을 탐닉하는 엘리트와 같은 자본주의 계층을 따라 상승하는 구조를 띈다. 중국 사회 계층을 거슬러 올라가며 각 계층이 그 다음 계층을 떠받치고 가능하게 하는 동시에 현대판 ‘중국의 꿈’이 대부분에게는 이룰 수 없는 환상으로 남아있다는 점을 포착한다. (2021년 제13회 DMZ국제다큐멘터리영화제)
Executive Producer
A mother wonders, will my children love their perfect machines more than they love me, their imperfect mother? She switches on a smart-crib lulling her crying baby to sleep. This perfect mother is everywhere. She watches over us, takes care of us. We listen to her. We trust her.
Executive Producer
A spiritual journey into the highlands of Harar, immersed in the rituals of khat, a leaf Sufi Muslims chewed for centuries for religious meditations – and Ethiopia’s most lucrative cash crop today. A tapestry of intimate stories offers a window into the dreams of youth under a repressive regime.
Executive Producer
An investigation into our landscape's hidden fire stories and on-the-ground experiences of firefighters and residents struggling through deadly fires.
Executive Producer
미국 현대무용의 선구자 중 한 명인 흑인 안무가 앨빈 에일리. 영화는 힙합 안무가 레니 해리스가 앨빈 에일리에 대한 새로운 무용극을 준비하는 과정과 알빈 에일리의 작품세계를 촘촘히 엮으며 그가 오늘날 미국 무용계와 사회 전반에 남긴 유산을 기록한다. 1931년 짐크로우법 시대에 텍사스 시골에서 태어난 앨빈 에일리는 아프리카계 미국인들의 정체성과 역사에서 영감을 받은 새로운 움직임을 미국 현대 무용에 도입하고, 58년 앨빈 에일리 어메리칸 댄스 시어터를 창립한다. 개척자였던 그는 늘 외로웠지만, 그가 뿌린 씨앗은 오늘날 미국 현대무용의 풍요로운 기반이 되었다. (2021년 제17회 제천국제음악영화제 / 김소혜)
Co-Executive Producer
A group of pioneering nuns bravely stand up to the Catholic Church patriarchy, fighting for their livelihoods, convictions and equality against an all-powerful Cardinal. From marching in Selma in 1965 to the Women’s March in 2018, these women have reshaped our society with their bold acts of defiance.
Executive Producer
The Madidi National Park—located in Bolivia—is home to rich and treasured natural land: the most biodiverse in the whole planet. The Director of the Madidi Park, Marcos Uzquiano, is a determined ranger who deems his service to this kind of preservation work a “calling.” In particular, Marcos is resolute in tracking down the illicit jaguar trade that has been pervasive in Bolivia, and disrupting this unrelenting eradication of an entire species.
Executive Producer
Using immersive camera work and a heart-pounding soundtrack, Faceless takes us to the frontline of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong to meet four young people who risk their lives and fly in the face of absolute power.
Co-Executive Producer
A state of secrets and a ruthless hunt for whistleblowers – this is the story of 25-year-old Reality Winner who disclosed a document about Russian election interference to the media and became the number one leak target of the Trump administration.
Co-Executive Producer
Following the class of 2020 at Oakland High School in a year marked by seismic change, exploring the emotional world of teenagers coming of age against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world.
Executive Producer
Raw and intimate, this documentary captures the struggles of patients and frontline medical professionals battling the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan.
Executive Producer
논픽션 스튜디오 XTR이 배우 데이비드 아퀘트의 프로 레슬러가 되려는 시도를 그릴 다큐멘터리 <유 캔낫 킬 데이비드 아퀘트>를 제작합니다. 아퀘트는 이전에 <레디 투 럼블>에서 레슬링에 빠진 팬으로 출연한 바 있고 WCW 네트워크를 통해 홍보한 바 있으며 이 홍보 동안 그가 마케팅 스턴트로 세계 챔피언에 앉으면서 그 결과고 프로 레슬링계에서 가장 싫어하는 사람이 되었습니다. 이 작품에서 그가 자신의 이름을 깨끗하게 할 준비를 하면서 19번의 프로 레슬링 경기에서 뜁니다.
Executive Producer
라스베이거스의 현란한 조명 뒤에 자리 잡은 허름한 술집 로어링 트웬티스에서의 마지막 주문. 가공된 상황에 놓인 실제 인물들의 불확실한 미래를 다룬 다큐멘터리로 2016년 말의 미국을 기록한다.
Executive Producer
Now unconstrained by an official post, Steve Bannon is free to peddle influence as a perceived kingmaker, who some say still has a direct line to the White House. After anointing himself leader of the “populist movement,” he travels around the North America and Europe spreading his hard-line anti-immigration message.
독일 비영리 단체의 봉사자들은 리비아를 떠난 난민들을 침몰하는 뗏목에서 구출하기 위해 지중해의 거친 파도를 헤치고 한밤중에 바다로 나선다. 영화는 현존하는 세계 최대의 위기 중 하나인 난민 문제를 조명하면서 난민 위기 해결에 시민단체가 의미있게 참여할 수 있는 한줄기 희망의 빛을 제시한다.
미국 교도소의 다양한 문제들을 짚어보는 다큐멘터리
The film tells the story of one citizen from Jalouzi, one of the largest slums in Haiti, who is determined to bring color to the impoverished area by helping paint the entire town, literally. Believing that color has the power to transform his community, he’s helping to paint everywhere – on houses, on buses, and the entire hillside. Armed with brushes of bright blues, pastel pinks, and sunshine yellows, he’s helping to mobilize citizens of all ages, determined to turn the grey town into a rainbow full of color to lead the way to a brighter Haiti.
Executive Producer
Routine is the enemy of time. Jedidiah Jenkins rides his bicycle from Oregon to Patagonia, the southern tip of South America, while expounding upon ideas that made him leave a job he loved for the open road.
Body Team 12 is tasked with collecting the dead at the height of the Ebola outbreak. These body collectors have arguably the most dangerous and gruesome job in the world. Yet despite the strain they emerge as heroes while the film explores their philosophy and strength.
As a Cholera epidemic rages in Haiti, the United Nations denies it is responsible for introducing the disease despite glaring evidence suggesting Nepalese peacekeepers are to blame. Baseball in the Time of Cholera is the story of a young Haitian boy who plays in Haiti's first little league baseball team and the Haitian Lawyer seeking justice against the UN. As the epidemic spreads, the two stories intersect in the struggle for survival and justice.
Free Hugs captures the "rock bottom" moment of post-breakup wallowing, when friends lose their patience, and the pitiless world moves on without you. We follow the hilariously bitter Billie (Jaclyn Jonet) as she attempts to find catharsis through comfort food (and wine), sawing her belongings in half and attacking a particularly meaningful local monument. Ultimately Billie must slam into the harsh reality of heartbreak before she can understand that sometimes the purest form of love is a free hug from a stranger.
Executive Producer
A film centered on Youree Dell Harris, aka Miss Cleo ― the unforgettable and charismatic star of the Psychic Readers Network.
Executive Producer
The film follows the consequences of forced arbitration and NDAs, and how it can impact every facet of your life, from personal relationships to your future, with many victims forced to forever pay the price of a system that protects perpetrators.