Namo Bhootatma is a 2014 Kannada horror comedy film directed by ace choreographer Murali. A remake of the 2014 Tamil film Yaamirukka Bayamey (which itself was based on the Korean movie The Quiet Family), it stars Komal Kumar, Iswarya Menon, Anaswara Kumar, Gayathri Iyer, and Harish Raj in the lead roles. Telugu comedian Ali makes his Kannada debut with this film.
Namo Bhootatma is a 2014 Kannada horror comedy film directed by ace choreographer Murali. A remake of the 2014 Tamil film Yaamirukka Bayamey (which itself was based on the Korean movie The Quiet Family), it stars Komal Kumar, Iswarya Menon, Anaswara Kumar, Gayathri Iyer, and Harish Raj in the lead roles. Telugu comedian Ali makes his Kannada debut with this film.
Costume Design
이 영화는 엎치락뒤치락 살아가는 시리아의 기독교 가족, 그리고 딸의 여름캠프에서 일어난 우연한 사고의 죄값으로부터 가족을 지키려는 아버지의 이야기다. (2015년 제4회 인도영화제)