Shoichi Tabata

참여 작품

The War Without Weapons
Lighting Technician
It's a story of the life of a man who advocated the necessity of sex education to children, which was unusual at the time, solely opposed to the amendment of the Peace Preservation Law, and was assassinated by a rightist prior to his opposition speech.
Marine Snow - The Origin of Oil
Lighting Director
This work, featuring color film of the beautiful sight of sea plankton, has been praised all over the world. Tokyo Cinema, established by Okada Sozo (1903–1983), brought together microscopy expert Kobayashi Yonesaku (1905–2005) and other excellent staff and led the world of science cinema through the 1950s and 60s.
Model and Photographer
Lighting Technician
Early pinku.
Twice on a Certain Night
Lighting Director
Poor social conditions badly affect the relationship between a married couple, when the husband, who is desperately searching for work, fails to notice the terrible sacrifices made by his wife when she accepts a job at a local inn.
The Wolves
Lighting Technician
A group of five rookie insurance salespersons, driven to desperation by the impossibility of their work in Japan's failing postwar economy, form a plan to rob a cash delivery truck in order to provide for their families.
The Ditch
Lighting Technician
Toku, a factory worker gives food to a starving woman, Tsuru, who then follows him home. He shares a shack in a shanty village in Kawasaki with his friend Pin-chan. The two men try to get rid of her but then let her stay when she gives them money. Tsuru tells the people of the village that she lost her job due to a strike, then was robbed of her severance pay, then sold to a brothel in Tsuchiura. She ran away with a friend from Kawasaki. Toku and Pin-chan sell her to a geisha house and spend the money. She is thrown out. The owner demands his money back. Tsuru earns the money to pay their debt by working as a prostitute outside the station. The other prostitutes beat her. She fends them off with a policeman's revolver and is then shot dead by the police.
탁한 강
Lighting Technician
세 개의 각자 다른 이야기로 이루어진 영화. 외아들을 남겨둔 채 친정으로 돌아온 한 어머니의 이야기, 인정머리 없는 주인의 밑에서 하녀로 일하며 친척에게 돈을 빌리려 하는 미네의 이야기, 화류계를 떠나기로 마음먹은 기생 오리키와 그를 잊지 못하는 한 남자의 이야기가 차례로 펼쳐진다. 시네마준보가 그해 일본영화 1위로 뽑은 작품. (2013년 상반기 서울아트시네마 일본영화걸작 정기 무료상영회) 여류소설가 히구치 이치요의 단편소설 , , 등 3편을 원작으로 한다.
원폭의 아이
Lighting Technician
작은 섬의 학교에서 교편을 잡고 있는 다카코는 여름 방학을 이용하여 히로시마를 방문한다. 원폭 당시 유치원 교사로 일했던 다카코가 과거 자신이 가르쳤던 아이들의 소식을 듣기 위해 다시 히로시마를 찾은 것이다. 그렇게 아이들을 찾던 다카코는 길거리에서 우연히 예전 자신의 집에서 일했었던 이와키치 아저씨를 만난다.