Admired and praised by the likes of Irving Berlin and Cole Porter, Johnny Mercer has been described as "one of our great folk poets" and "the most perfect American lyricist". Throughout his extraordinary career, he collaborated with hundreds of composers to write legendary movie songs such as "Hooray for Hollywood", "Jeepers Creepers" and "Moon River". Mercer then went on to co-found Capitol Records in 1942 and became a successful Broadway producer of St. Louis Woman and L'il Abner.
Ociee Nash, a spirited nine-year-old from rural Mississippi, is sent to live with her Aunt Mamie to become a "young lady". Her true bravery, character, and spirit are put to the test.
1902년, 미국 남부의 한 섬에 남아있던 아프리카계 흑인 가족이 미국 본토에서 새로운 삶을 시작하면서 아프리카 고유의 문화가 소실될 위기에 처한다.
“Draw or Die” is the divine imperative received by the painter, Hannah, who is being nurtured by her Grandmother, but controlled by her pragmatic mother. When her Granny spirit shouts this command to Hannah, she closes a celebration of personal visions in a dance piece that is close to visionary in itself.
설정이 재미있는 이 캠프 슬래셔는 부유한 10대들과 가난한 10대들을 구분 지은 뒤 이들이 함께 생활하도록 3개의 팀을 나눈 상황에서 이야기가 전개된다. 안젤라는 그 중 첫 번째 팀에 끼고 첫 번째 팀에 있는 모든 10대들을 다 죽인 뒤, 두 번째 팀으로 넘어오는 식으로 살인을 전개한다.