Chen Hsi Lu

출생 : 1932-11-01,

참여 작품

Five Fighters from Shaolin
Director of Photography
When a monk decides to leave his temple in order to defeat the Chinese Imperial Guards who brutally murdered is fellow monk, he collects five men and trains them to help him fight the guards and an old friend of his - a white-haired wizard.
The Story of a Mad Woman
Director of Photography
Taiwanese drama film.
The Mid-Night
Director of Photography
Taiwanese horror film.
The White Fox
Story of two white foxes who repeatedly changed into human form to do good unto others.
Shaolin Ex-Monk
Kung fu master Ling Chu-Fei (John Liu) must perfect and employ his devastating "Seven Immovable Limbs" technique if he is to defeat a renegade monk who has begun using Shaolin skills for evil. The threat becomes frighteningly personal when the ex-monk focuses his fury upon Master Ling's young orphan disciple, Small Mud Fish. Feet fly, blood spills and bones shatter all the way up to a gripping climactic duel in this 1978 action explosion.
The Magic Ring
Taiwanese martial arts movie by Karen Yang Chia-Yun
The Ghost
Director of Photography
Taiwanese horror film.
The Saviour Monk
Director of Photography
지장보살(地藏菩薩, 산스크리트어: क्षितिगर्भ, Ksitigarbha, 크시티가르바)은 석가모니불의 열반 후 미륵보살이 성불할 때까지의 무불시대(말법시대)에 육도중생(六道衆生)을 교화하겠다는 큰 대원을 세운 보살마하살(대비보살)이다. 지장으로 줄여 부르기도 한다. 일체중생에게 불성이 있다고 보는 여래장사상에서 비롯된 보살로, 지장신앙은 대체적으로 민중 지향적인 성격이다. 생명을 낳고 기르는 대지를 모태로 한다는 뜻으로, 그리스 신화에서 대지의 여신 가이아, 데메테르와 비교된다. 그리고 불교 세계관에서 지장보살은 일체 모든 중생들이 전부 모두 다 성불 한 뒤에 최후에 마지막으로 성불할 보살이다.
The Enchanting Ghost
A young couple desperately try to keep their love alive, while living in a haunted house.
The Young Avengeress
Director of Photography
An evil lord kidnaps 12 sisters to start his harem, leaving the 13th sister to find a way to free them.
The Stranger
Director of Photography
Taiwanese drama film.
At Dawn
Director of Photography
A newly appointed court official is shocked at the corruption he witnesses.
Love Is Thicker Than Wine
Director of Photography
A romance that was destined to be, becomes altered by a man's insecurity and a woman's pride. Will their love stand the test of time?