Dmitriy Mulyar
출생 : 1972-08-26, Karachev, Bryansk region, USSR
In the regional centre Kuznetsky the mayor has been killed in his office. The murderer is Dimur Kavsadze, in charge of commercial construction work for the city administration. A squall of public concern beleaguers the city. Alexander Danilin is an undercover curator, an intermediary between the business and the authorities; he tries to eliminate trouble and return life to normal. The cause of the tragedy was a construction project, which wrapped itself around Kuznetsky like a tumour, and which was a source of profit for the authorities and the local builders. The construction “devours” free land, the souls of people and even what seems beyond the law of profit: the family. Neither the death of people, nor common sense can stop the construction…
Eight-year-old Lyosha hides from the older children in a derelict building, where he finds a toy lorry locked behind a grid. Lyosha decides to get it.
Love needs permanent grooming. For the sake of love, a nice young guy has decided to increase his sexuality.
Based on Ryunosuke Akutagawa's In a Grove, story takes place during the times of Tsar Alexander II. A lady-in-waiting tells the Emperor in his bedroom a metaphysical story about a 13th century prince who is killed in the woods under mysterious circumstances. Fairy tale characters who have witnessed the terrible death, all share their version of the events, gradually shedding light on what really happened.
쇄빙선 미하일 그로모프 호는 항해 도중 빙산과 충돌한다. 쏟아지는 빙산 파편은 가까스로 피했으나 오히려 해빙에 사이에 갇히고 만다. 선체가 망가지고 엔진이 고장나서 움직일 수도 없는 상황. 70명의 쇄빙선 선원들이 남극 한 가운데에 고립되고 만다. 과연 그들은 살아남을 수 있을까?
정의감 넘치는 공군 파일럿 알렉스 맥코이는 불합리한 상사의 명령에 불복종한 이유로 군에서 퇴출 당하고 민간 여객기 파일럿에 지원한다. 까다롭기로 소문난 기장 레오 피츠제럴드의 교육생이 된 알렉스.그의 대담한 행동은 레오의 심기를 건드린다. 그러던 어느 날 중동 아시아 지역을 비행하던 레오와 알렉스는 화산섬 칸우에서 지진이 발생해 민간인들의 발이 묶였다는 소식을 듣고 그곳으로 향한다. 화염에 휩싸인 재난 현장에 투입된 그들은 부상자들을 싣고 비행기에 오르지만 불타버린 활주로 때문에 이륙마저 힘들어지는데...
He was waiting for Anna in a cafe everyday from five till seven for six months. But another woman came in and their relationship started...
Pavel Zuev has to start his life over from darkness after he looses his sight. The young man has to learn again how to eat, walk, wash himself, do simple housework, and even how to look out of the window without seeing anything. All connections to his previous life are broken. In this new life blind Zuev encounters an exceptional woman capable of seeing more than other people. Her name sounds symbolic – Nadezhda (translates as 'hope' into English) and she works at the local hospital. Nadezhda will help Zuev find his strength and a new sense of existing. These equally strong but otherwise different people spend together what, perhaps, will be the best days of their lives; but everything has an ending.
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
A chronicle of the life of an illiterate Russian peasant woman between 1909 and 1921, focusing on her private life and major historic events in the country.
Georgy is driving a load of freight into Russia when, after an unpleasant encounter with the police at a border crossing, he finds himself giving a lift to a strange old man with disturbing stories about his younger days in the Army. After next picking up a young woman who works as a prostitute and is wary of the territory, Georgy finds himself lost, and despite asking some homeless men for help, he’s less sure than he was before of how to make his way back where he belongs. As brutal images of violence and alienation cross the screen, Georgy’s odyssey becomes darker and more desperate until it reaches an unexpected conclusion.
Jewelry Salesman 1
This is a poetic film set in the times of Lenin's NEP. A ballet dancer steals a brooch and gives it as a present to another dancer. This is a crime of passion. A mysterious black ball is after the heroine. She runs away from it and manages to give the brooch in an exquisite pirouette movement, as shiny as diamond facets. What gives a stone its dazzling luster are its polished facets. But the real gem is love, and it's much harder to get than any diamond in the world.
A story of a simple, naive Russian man Konek and the people around him: his love and her sister and a mysterious man. The film is set in 1957, time of changes, time of waiting for something big to happen.
A mystery around a search for a lost skull of Nikolay Gogol.
Based on a short story "Ward No. 6" by Anton Chekhov.
"Всякая революция делается для того, чтобы воры и проститутки стали философами и поэтами", - Лев Троцкий. Женя Михайлов - сын итальянской революционерки и звезды Голливуда Тины Модотти, уехавшей в СССР и переспавшей с множеством высокопоставленных лиц. Когда-то Женя сделал фундаментальное открытие в области генетики. Но его не поняли, и он стал барменом. Известный писатель, появившийся однажды в баре, устроил Жене встречу с Михаилом Горбачевым. Тот Женю принял, понял и… организовал ему полет в космос. А новоиспеченный космонавт принял имя Ювеналий и объявил о своем невозвращении на Землю…
A bizarre tale of a fictional experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger workforce.